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Everything posted by Ramethzer0

  1. Some people like to sit on lit campfires and then complain that the wood is flammable. and... I never get tired of ragey gamers that say things to the tune of: "I've been playing this game since forever, and I still hate it after a decade of constantly playing it."
  2. I hope you lower the sub count on the requirements to join for youtube. 5k seems so far out of my grasp at the moment.
  3. Howdy Survivors! Today in my ⁠7daystodie series the Downtown Dead, it's time to build back better and take the fight to the undead! It's a struggle every blood moon each episode, and the challenge and world details are in the description! We are live at 5pm CST (GMT-5) Can I thrive and not just survive? LETS GO!
  4. Hello Zombie slayers! In the last episode of Downtown Dead, the zombies had taken out several of the pillars of our base and in the last moments I had to go hand to hand to fight off the remaining undead. We must rebuild, and build back better this time! Resources are thin, and loot is not as forthcoming as I'd like. Will I survive the Blood Moon? We find out at starting at 5pm CST (GMT-5) today on the channel!
  5. Howdy, Survivors! THE NITTY: With my relatively recent return to streaming, I've set up a gaming channel on Youtube with the focus on open world, survival, exploration games that have caught my attention. But, out of all the content that I've done so far, 7 Days to Die got a fair bit of attention with some recent speed runs. I had never done them before, but I knew that viewers tend to enjoy challenges like these. I've decided to continue with a new series known as Downtown Dead. THE GRITTY: The Downtown Dead series features a zombie filled cityscape in a RWG world and includes a 3 strike perma-death counter. Days are 60 minutes long and the stream itself is 3 hours long, so its a guaranteed Blood Moon each time! However, even in death there is no real release - as I will respawn with all injuries and this can cause a terrible spiral if I am not careful. The stakes are high and I hope I have what it takes to survive. To win I need to build a gyrocopter and fly off into the sunset, leaving the struggle of survival behind me. I hoping some of you might join me. As of now, I am 2 episodes in, with another coming tonight at 5pm CST/6pm EST (GMT-5 for european folks). You can find my upcoming live video here for the time being:
  6. If you're going to do challenges that can funnel you down a path of unsustainability, you might consider altering your toggles to change your day/night scale accordingly. In addition, id encourage you to play around with your loot percentage and trimming player block damage to whatever fits your goals.
  7. If No Man's Sky has taught me anything, is that procedural generation of worlds that can have vastly different/similar makeups is that you either finding a cosmos full of planets with the same 4 biomes that all look eerily alike, or a cosmos that looks like a jackson pollock painting. I can't imagine it being much different in 7 days.
  8. I missed out on the Behemoths, but only because I saw people spawning them in or using them in mods. Personally, I didn't care too much because I liked the game as it was.
  9. I can't imagine being full time hype for anything that captured my attention I think it'd be exhausting.
  10. What's stopping you from making Youtube shorts about these moments? I think you'd be hilarious to watch.
  11. I don't think people understand how much passive exploration happens in game. Deep exploration tends to happen more once you max out a trader and want to move onto another one and you feel safer moving about the countryside.
  12. I speculate it as a parody of every 90's romantic comedy/drama and specifically those that featured Meg Ryan or Julia Roberts. Anything beyond that is anyone's guess.
  13. You've no idea. I've got a recent real world example I'd love to just whip right out.
  14. I can tell you right now that this could end up being a long and nuanced topic, one that would need its own thread. I do expect the worst, most of the time. Because it usually is (against, back to the cynicism I'm also struggling with). I have nitpicks on standby, but I don't think it's going to move the thread forward in a way I think will be of benefit to anyone.
  15. I think my opposition to it isn't as academic as all that. I've largely reacted (at least from an internalized standpoint) the sheer amount of saltposting about it, and this is where I feel my cynicism takes over. I'm just tired of hearing the same complaint over and over being used in an inflationary way by the same crowd that refuses to accept responsibility for their own contribution to the problem. I can accept this is not a position you are pushing, but tbh the amount of hackle-raising over the subject at large has me really skeptical, but that's on me. I also REALLY wish we could stick to just one thread, instead of randos just opening a new thread with the same talking points every time, ad nauseum.
  16. There is plenty of water out there to be looted. Considering that and my own experience at luck at knowing where to look, I find it difficult to entertain those complaints anymore. The only way I've been able to replicate this issue is to either become a victim of poor RNG, trim my loot settings to the point of nothing, or simply refuse to loot the common places where I know water to be found. I dont really wanna come off as being this cynical, but I have no other reasons to believe it is anything but a player problem.
  17. That's not what I meant and I edited my post for clarification. What I mean is, that it would take a lot of time and effort to implement from start to finish. Creating anything new or adapting anything old has the chance to break something in the process.
  18. There is no artificial scarcity. Water is not rare, and easy to loot if you know what to look for. It's been discussed at length in multiple threads that seem to die off after that information gets shared. Also, you're not meant to use the water filter mod for crafting. I don't think you understand what that would require to implement.
  19. Didn't we acknowledge the fact that there are first night ferals, or has this been changed in patches since then?
  20. Man, I thought this might have been just me.
  21. Your case is just likely that rare where the evidence can point to such a specific conclusion. The Zombie AI does not target specifically any type of infrastructure, other than just generally player made objects. They will play through a space or an object simply because its there and in the way. From what I have observed the zombie pathing logic is a bit less rigidly defined than it has been in the past, and that change has been made in the time you've been away. I think the reason for this was to make them seem a bit more chaotic and less a thinking foe. But, for the reasons above I think it's just a mere coincidence, as I've not heard of this being an issue for a really long time.
  22. I have a full on volume of information as to my love/hate relationship with modding/modders/mods. But I can tell you from my own personal standpoint, I do not find modding to be fun nor liberating for me at all. I find it a tedious band aid fix that may or may not even address the issues I tend to have. As for a brief summary on the positives, the mods or overhauls i like I REALLY like. I keep them around as long as they are supported. I can count these mods across all my owned games on just one hand. It's that small of a window for me. EDIT: And now I see why I hadn't messed with this thread in a while, so I'm going to unsub from the discussion.
  23. Electricity is not my forte, but motion sensors are like all other triggers. You gotta connect them in the pattern to the devices they intend to activate,
  24. Part of it I feel was presentation, and part of it was my reaction to it as it seemed implied regardless. I admit, it's sometimes hard to read inflection and subtext in the written form. At some point in time a writer has to let go of the ownership of how a body of work is received, otherwise you're gunna be splitting hairs with a reader and ultimately no one actually moves. But, that was my reaction to it. You were not specific about 'oh you gotta try this' but it was further down the forum by another poster. I wasn't attributing it to you, nor did I use language that did. I don't consider your experiences as a bad thing, and I'm happy you shared them. I bet this is context that was missing in my post previously to your reaction mine. So, here we are, trying to understand what each other really mean, as I feel were likely both guilty of the same thing without trying to write a full tome of text to explain such things in greater detail. I don't think most of us have time for that. I hope some folks do try your suggestion. For those that are affected by the traders, it may or may not work for them. I think there is far more nuance to that situation than most folks let on about, so my expectation is that its not a 100% answer to the problem. My personal opinion is that I think traders are a bit wonky as rewards are varied and not scaled well, and maybe in time these things will be trimmed/normalized and this wouldn't be the first time that TFP has made a similar decision. I am, admittedly, far more patient for that outcome than pushing the issue towards the modding community as a solve that may not persist or even be compatible after the next experimental passes.
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