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  1. Does movement affect attack damage? I might be imagining this because it's difficult to quantify without recording and statistically analyzing it, but I notice I have a much better headsplot frequency if I'm moving into the attack, at any pace. I've also noticed I suffer less damage and fewer critical effects when I'm able to move away from incoming attacks that hit me. Is there a mechanical correlation, or just coincidence?
  2. I'd like to develop a client-side UI enhancement that could benefit many players. However I'd like to hear perspectives on whether and how this benefit could advantage a player over other players without it; something I would avoid if possible. The first stage of the mod would be to add visual representation of the game's speech and audio cues in the form of various speech bubbles, with the length and direction of the tail indicating relative direction and distance of the source. I know there's some software that helps deaf gamers enjoy games, but I think something integrated with the game would be better, and would be helpful for players who need to turn sound off out of consideration for others and/or the need to stay alert for sounds in their real environment. The 2nd stage would be to unshackle the dialog interface, so it would be possible to interact with NPC's without losing the freedom to navigate and interact with the rest of the environment. The ADV-style, face front dialog windows are good for ADV and turn-based games, but out of place for 3D sandbox. This would prepare for the 3rd stage, introducing the need and providing the ability to engage in critical interactions with NPCs while under crisis conditions. While I don't expect this to be perfectly seamless, I want it to be agile enough that a player gaining proficiency in using it can defend themselves against situational threats with added inter-character drama.
  3. Got a possibly related bug: three drones appear to follow me, two with the same mods, all with different inventories. This appears to happen sometime after I put down and pick up a roboturret. I've tried scrapping, selling and storing them, but they'll appear again some time later. Quitting and relaunching doesn't solve the issue, in fact that may be one step of the issue; after launching and loading the game, then using and collecting a roboturret, they appear. They don't go inactive when I drop a turret or two, and their presence doesn't inhibit the turrets' function. Also, they bring free inventory, and since I use them primarily to store ammo and meds, I have no shortage of those now.
  4. Since maxing the perk tree, I often bump my head on a ceiling and miss a jump that was designed for players without +2m height. Repeatedly. Shouldn't this perk benefit you in platformer puzzles?
  5. You already made the assumptions that the T5 quest has to be contained exclusively in a T5 POI, in whole and not in part. And I agree that they should take longer to complete, but is it necessary to hold the player hostage to time for the entire time? If you wanted to do that, a time-based mission could more easily be fit into real life obligations on a player's time. Yeah, forfeiting the higher tier rewards for a more reasonable completion timeframe, and instead doing those lower tier quests repetitively, is not a satisfying alternative. Which brings me back to another point of this post -- repetitive use of the same maps on each job tier. This wasn't so bad when the quests were short, but the fun factor goes assward when you're retreading those hours. With multipart jobs that aren't shackled to the entirety of a single location, you can mix segments of POIs that have been visited before with POI that players haven't even located before. Why couldn't T0 POI be used for T5 quest completion?
  6. I mean T5 difficulty quest segments that can be completed in shorter time. You both assume that a T5 POI must be bigger (and so do the devs apparently,) but other constraints could up the challenge. Is exploring the entire POI always required? And if so, isn't there some turning point in the action where an objective could be considered complete enough that the whole quest could be paused to resume later?
  7. I like the idea, but the backpack is really just a game abstraction representing the items you may be hauling in any wearable containers. This is why you never actually see a backpack on a player character, it only appears as a gameplay convenience as a container you can recover all your things from at once.
  8. I was going to lead with negative feedback about the length and repetitiveness of Tier 5 jobs, but an alternative occurred to me. Add multipart jobs into parts that aren't contingent on the time and connectivity commitment to clearing a single massive POI. As appealing as endgame quests are to hardcore gamers, not every one of them has the time, or not often enough the time, to complete them without some kind of save point. And even if you do have the time, replaying the same grueling marathon from a limited number of map gets tedious. After the first exploration excitement is gone, it becomes more and more of a chore that you need a break from, to do something else for awhile and get back when you can actually have fun with it. I request alternatives to upper tier jobs for players that want the challenge, but without the constraints of time they may not have. You could have missions with objectives that could be completed in specific orders, or in any order the player chooses. In the case of shared quests, objectives could begin together then tackled independently, or require separate actors to complete objectives before finishing together. Time-based segments would fit well here.
  9. Good luck. They were both Tier5, but that might have been coincidence.
  10. That's interesting, but where are the POI.xml files? I've looked through data/config, app/roaming's data directories and saved regions (only binary files there.) Do you need an exporter/converter?
  11. I opened up my drone to dye it some color that wouldn't look like a vulture in the corner of my vision, and I was looking at the stats to my mining pick. Closed and reopened it, and saw the same. It did have the inventory I left it, so I emptied it and picked it up, and in my inventory it turned into a repaired duplicate of my mining pick, down to the installed mods. I didn't notice until after I created a new drone that it had been missing its teddy head and had a smaller inventory. Miles down the road I realized that I was being followed by 2 drones, one with the dyed color and one original color. They both had the correct mods, but different inventories.
  12. I had forgotten about the in-game journal. At some point I checked off all the items and never thought to go back for review and clarification. Anything that isn't explained there, I assume the player is supposed to figure out on their own, but you could always recommend more entries to the developer. Or just do wiki/discord, if you don't prefer video presentation (like me.)
  13. I'm probably only mid-game and not heavily reliant on stealth, but I get the impression that there are wake-up triggers that disregard stats and RNG. On the other hand I find that walking normal pace with stealth boots and advanced mufflers, axing rubbish, is occasionally sufficient to get cheap one-shots on sleepers. One reason I don't get into stealth in POIs is that the layout is so linear that it feels like a pipe-shooter, so I just run&gun it. You don't get the suspenseful exploration of a wide open environment that stealth games typically feature, so you just feel like you're crawling along a track that you could be running.
  14. This is funny, I learned to recognize the devs' intended path without noticing the lights, except where blatantly placed, like the beam of a conveniently abandoned flashlight. Now I see them all over.
  15. I can enjoy rum while playing without any issues. It's when I post or chat that I run into troubles...in fact it's probably better that I stay focused on the game and keep a low profile.
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