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Everything posted by Star69

  1. Can you post your log file? Go to pastebin.com, copy/paste your log file there and post the link here. That makes logs easier to read on the forums.
  2. Looks like you previously had a mod installed that deleted vanilla prefabs and added custom prefabs. I see that you currently are not running mods but the previous mods messed things up. To be sure there are not changes to other files besides prefabs, I'd suggest cleaning/uninstalling/reinstalling the game to be sure all traces of the mods are gone and all vanilla files are in place. Unfortunately, just removing mods does not always reverse changes that were made to vanilla files. Bring up the game launcher and select Tools tab. Check all boxes and hit clean. Uninstall the game. Reinstall the game. Verify Integrity of Game Files at least twice. Now your game should start up just fine.
  3. Can anyone say whether random events are still on the table or has it gone the way of the ziplines?
  4. Neither will be coming back to the game, per tfp, and never will for this game. Best you can hope for is that they will make an appearance in another game.
  5. And how about party lines? That was annoying especially if the person you shared the line with was always using the phone for hours long conversations.
  6. Holy smokes......I never thought anyone would actually 'get' my user name! Most people think it's some sort of sexual innuendo lol. However, it does uncover your age a bit lol.
  7. This thread is hilarious. I just read and laugh. In fact, I bet Kuosimodo is doing the same. I have a couple of ideas on who it is, but honestly I don’t stress over it. Watching what he is reacting to and why makes sense to me even though some people disagree with with emotes he uses on the posts he replies on. If it is a developer, they are most likely interacting with the community about the game without being dragged into long arguments necessitating long posts requiring a lot of time. I just remember back when Madmole was very active posting where some people dragged him through the mud and him having to reply to senseless stuff over and over. I’m not saying it is or isn’t Madmole but it is someone who wants to express their opinion quickly and to not be drawn into prolonged discussions. How he does things doesn’t bother me in the least. I figured this thread would appear however I actually expected it a lot sooner as he has been commenting a long time now.
  8. Welcome to the forums. Madmole has replied to this question in the past and he doesn’t see the necessity of adding another ore. Brass has been made plentiful enough from various sources that brass supply shouldn’t be a problem.
  9. Don't you go castrating my fruit!
  10. I agree…very frustrating. However, we do know a couple of things are not the problem. It’s probably not the router since you’ve swapped the first for the second. It’s probably not the game….no errors in the log. You’ve turned off your firewall so it’s not that. You’ve done fresh install of Windows and 7 Days so not those. You’ve created exclusions in your antivirus for the game and saves folder so it isn’t antivirus. Your isp said it tested your internet….I still have some doubts there but we will see. Your issue ‘screams’ network/internet but since the router has been changed, that part is likely out. Two more questions, do you have any background software that monitors network traffic or changes settings specifically for gaming like Asus Gamer First or similar? Second, are you on cable or dsl?
  11. No errors in the log file. I saw that you tried to connect to two different servers. The first one you tried, your litenetlib connection failed but was successful on the second server. You joined the second server and you lost connection after a few minutes. Is it possible that you remembered what your ping was when you couldn't play anymore? Also, on the first server that you attempted to join, did you get a message about not being able to join?
  12. A quick google search showed a whole bunch of folks have problems with Google Mesh and port forwarding. 1) Some say disable ipv6, forward your ports then enable ipv6 when done. 2) Another says to give your server a reservation on the dhcp table then forward ports. This recommendation actually came from Google Support so I'd try this. For some reason with Google the forwarded ports are based on device rather than IP address like many others do. 3) Update your firmware, restart the router after each port has been forwarded 4) set router to bridge mode 5) Make sure that you aren't double-natted, that your modem has a built in router on top of your Google Mesh router
  13. Well we can try and keep throwing advice your way in hopes you find a solution. So let’s try a clean uninstall. Bring up the game launcher, click tools tab and check every box then click Clean. Exit out, uninstall the game. In windows explorer, go to the game folder for example mine is D:Programs(x86)->Steam->Steamapps->common->7 Days To Die. Delete the 7 Days to Die folder. Next go to: Users->{your name}->appdata->Roaming->7 Days to Die and delete that folder. Then Users->{yourname}->appdata->LocalLow->The Fun Pimps and delete The Fun Pimps folder. If you don’t see appdata, you need to be sure to hide system files box is unchecked. Finally, open regedit and search for 7 days to die and delete all entries but be sure it says the entire phrase 7 days to die, don’t delete any partials. Go back to the beginning of the registry and search for The Fun Pimps and delete all entries and again the entries must include all of the words. Now your system is cleaned of everything pertaining to the game. Now reinstall the game and see if you are still not able to play.
  14. It may be what’s causing your issue. I have heard multiple times of this happening with various routers. My suggestion is to check forums for your brand of router or even the forums of dslreports.com. Maybe tell us make/model of the router in case someone here has experience with it.
  15. Since you said that you weren’t very tech saavy, why not run the Windows Memory Diagnostics? It’s built into Windows and is an okay way to check whether you have a bad sector on your ram. It does take a bunch of time to complete so plan for that.
  16. I thought this bug was fixed in 20.3?? I guess not since that’s the identical problem. I’d suggest an official bug report, Fatal was working on this IIRC.
  17. Oops…..thought server was another computer on his network…my bad. Still think it’s some sort of network issue since none of his pcs can connect.
  18. Have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling video drivers?
  19. There are no errors at all in the latest log. You mentioned that you are having the same problem trying to play on a different computer on the same network. So with no errors in the game log and two different computers having the same problem, that points to your network as being the source of your problem. Since your internet provider says that your connection is fine, that leaves your router as the most likely source. It still could be your antivirus even though it is disabled. Some antivirus software still have some functionality even disabled. So, first I would create an exclusion in the antivirus for both the the 7Days folder and also your save game folder in app data/roaming/7daystodie. If you don’t know how to exclude folders, instructions are in this pinned topic for the most popular antivirus software: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3998-support-faq-information-and-common-solutions/ Second, I would access your router and be sure to forward all the ports listed in that same thread. Once you are done, use an online port scanner to check that those ports are indeed open. Some routers are notorious for being difficult to forward ports. Also, some internet providers will not allow users to forward ports. You must contact them by telephone and have them forward the ports for you. If all of that fails, I have a final suggestion to uninstall the game, clean the files and edit the registry. Let me know if the above suggestions do not work then I’ll walk you through the extreme uninstall process.
  20. As you begin to load in, before you spawn, hit F1 and type. There’s a bit of timing to get it right but it’s still able to be done.
  21. It is a known issue. As you are loading in the game, hit F1 to bring up the console and type “tp 0 0 0” without the quotes. This should get you back to the normal part of the map.
  22. I’ve been running a single player, quests only game. Turned off horde nights and just doing quests, all the different types. Currently, I’m up to tier 4 at one trader and haven’t been able to replicate any issues. All fetch, clear, fetch & clear and buried supplies work as expected. Next I’m going to start the night missions. Once I finish through tier 5, I’ll move to another trader and start over.
  23. That’s great news! I had figured that there was no way to deal with lost/stuck drones so now we know of one trick to try. Thanks!
  24. I spend a part of D1 chopping tree stumps to get a jar of honey….just in case. My D1 poi of choice is the roof of one of the white motels. Ladders up the front then jump off ac ductwork to get on the roof and set up base there. During the day, loot the motel to get wrenches, aci, glass jars, clothes etc. Also has a nice vending machine & 2 safes. Very safe from zombies when on the roof.
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