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Everything posted by Star69

  1. Your image is not readable, it is set to private. Posting your log file using pastebin.com will give us more information. Instructions are in the pinned topic called “Please Read Before Creating a New Thread”.
  2. You need to post a copy of your log file using pastebin. Not all null reference errors are caused by the same thing. The answer to your issue can be found in your log. Post it and someone to suggest a fix.
  3. You are correct however I thought that included increased honey for stumps as I considered stumps as trees though, honestly, I do not know for sure.
  4. When I really need honey, I get one per 20 stumps. When I don’t need honey, I get one honey per stump./shrugs Also there is a perk book that increases the chance of getting honey, I forget the name. You might look through the books that you’ve read and see if you found that book.
  5. From the log that error doesn’t point to which mod it’s from and you have so many mods it would be difficult to know which one it came from. There are also a bunch of EOS connection problems. Be sure you have forwarded all the necessary ports on your router and check that thay are open with an online port scanner. Also be sure that you have set an exclusion for the game folder and saves folder in your antivirus software.
  6. I never get errors. We have a square compound roughly 25 x 25 blocks and run one electric fence around the perimeter and never had any issues during horde night. We also run interior and exterior lights too. Oh and I have a single light bulb on the electric fence circuit mounted above the door. We know that when the light is on, so is the electric fence
  7. We play every night and have had it happen only once, not during a blood moon, within about 5 minutes after logging in. We both exited the game and restarted and it was gone with nothing done besides quitting and restarting. It's frustrating not knowing what kicks it off. We never use game chat only Steam voip and always push-to-talk. I figured out it was happening when I heard my buddy eating chips and not talking lol.
  8. I remember the heat maps where zombies were attracted to your heat. At the same time there were no weapons so you always avoided zombies. I remember the first town but we were afraid to explore it because we had no weapons and, uh, zombies. And I remember the first digging zombies that the ground beneath your base became swiss cheese.
  9. As long as it’s only the forum floors you are flooding. I just replaced my sump pump after my floors were flooded and don’t wish to deal with more flooding.
  10. I believe that I read in the developer forum that the cpu not using all cores is a Unity (the game engine) not a 7 Days problem. The game will never use more cores unless Unity updates their game engine.
  11. You should post this in General Support section. They will need your server log and use pastebin.com to post it. Instructions are in the pinned topic “Before you post……”.
  12. Yes, that range of ports forwarded will work. If it still isn’t working, use an online port checker to check that those ports are open. If running A20.5, be sure the 2 new lines are added to the serverconfig.xml. Also, in either your command line or serverconfig.xml you need to point to your userdata folder.
  13. Did you bring up the game launcher, select tools tab to clean data.Then check all boxes and hit clean? Once you do that, then uninstall the game. Go to Program86x->Steam->steamapps->Common and delete the the 7DaystoDie folder. Then go to %appdata(which is hidden)->Roaming and delete 7 Days folder. To be sure you get every piece of 7 Days, you can open regedit and search for 7 Days and TheFunPimps and delete any reference. Be sure to back up the registry before editing in case something goes wrong. Now install the game for A20.5. This should allow the game to work for you.
  14. @Laz Man it will greatly affect how I play for the reasons that you posted, in fact it will completely invalidate our play style. But, do you know what? I don’t care because for me and my friends it will become a new game with big adjustments to our playing and I love that! New game for us so it’s a bonus. I can’t wait for it to drop and having to figure out the adjustments to our play styles.
  15. My buddy was talking about this last night (unless you are him lol) and my suggestion was to bring up the game launcher, select Tools tab then check all of the boxes and hit clean. Now you will lose any single player games so you should back those up. Will this work? I really don't know but it's the only thing I can think of. I have not seen where server history is stored in the files.
  16. How many game developers poll their community for input on how to make/improve their games? EA? Bethesda? Come on, be realistic. TFP are developing THEIR game not yours. If you want your game, become a developer. IIRC that’s exactly how Madmole got his start….played Skyrim, wrote mods for Skyrim to make it better in his eyes then became a developer.
  17. There is also an EOS error later on. Are you running an antivirus or are you using Windows Defender? If so, you need to create an exclusion for your server files. To try and get the missing plugins, go to 7DaysToDieServer_Data and delete the Plugins folder then verify the integrity of game files and run that twice.
  18. I’m not knowledgable on the commands used to initiate the download but I remember reading that there’s been some changes at some point. Can you type out the commands that you are using then someone with knowledge can verify that it’s good? Otherwise, I can’t think of why you aren’t getting all of the files.
  19. At the beginning of the log, first 6 lines, it refers to missing files & plugins. You might try reinstalling the server files. Be sure to back up your serverconfig so you don’t have to retype everything.
  20. Oops……I should have looked it up rather than going from memory. I can’t imagine the settings needed to get the game running smoothly with 4 gigs of vram.
  21. Yes, she needs more ram. She only has 4gigs of ram and her videocard only has 4gigs videoram. There is a line in the log stating there was not enough ram to perform a function. She really needs a minimum 8gigs of ram and a videocard having a minimum 8 gigs of video ram. Not having enough ram can and will cause data corruption, and in this case player profile corruption. You can delete her profile as I mentioned above but the likelihood of it happening again is pretty high. It looks like she is using a laptop so upgrading the videocard is out but depending on the laptop, she may be able to add more ram.
  22. We really need a copy of her entire log file instead of a snippet of the error. There is ‘usually’ more info early in the log which leads to that error. That being said, it sounds like her profile is corrupted on your server since she can play on new seeds. To delete her player profile you need to go the current saves folder. Instructions for finding your saves depends on your operating system and can be found by reading this pinned topic: Click into that folder until you find the player folder. In there are 3 files for each eos number. Now here you need to look at your server log at the point she joins the server or attempts to join and she is assigned an eos number which corresponds to her eos files in the player folder. Delete those 3 files. Now she should be able to join but she’ll be level one. Make her an admin temporarily so she can use the giveselfxp command to get her levels back and use the creative menu to get her items back. Or you could post the entire log from her game and we can see if something else is going on.
  23. You could go to the bug report section. Click on the red banner and then click on link and it will take you there. On the righthand side you will see the various categories for bug reports.
  24. Can you post the server log and possibly one of the players logs experiencing the lag? Go to pastebin.com, paste a copy of the entire log there and post the link created here instead of pasting the entire log here. Maybe there will be a hint in the logs.
  25. Sometimes disabling Windows Security isn’t enough. Try creating an exclusion for both the 7 Days folder as well as the saves folder(users/appdata/roaming/7days)
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