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Everything posted by Star69

  1. There are no errors at all in the latest logs. There must be something interfering with his connection to the server. If the antivirus and firewall have been ruled out, I would look at whether he has some network optimizing software or router settings that might be interfering. Software like Asus Gamefirst or similar software that purports to prioritize network traffic for gaming. Also, some routers have settings that do the same thing…prioritize bandwidth for a particular pc. Other than these possibilities, I’m out of ideas.
  2. There seems to be an EOS connection issue. Have Freddy create exclusions for both his game and saves folder in his antivirus software. Note that turning off antivirus is not good enough, exclusions are necessary. One thing that is odd to me is that the EOS problem is noted in the server log but not in the player log and it’s usually noted in both. Still, it’s worth a try to create the exclusions.
  3. If it still doesn’t work after Jugginators suggestion, create an exclusion for both the game and saves folder in your antivirus software. Note that turning off your antivirus is not good enough, you need to create the exclusions.
  4. Run a test again and note the time that the lag begins. Post your log from the server and state when the lag started. To post logs, copy the log and go to pastebin.com and paste it there. Post the url generated at pastebin. Exact instructions for using pastebin are in the pinned topics above. Also post the specs of your pc. The server specs are in the server log so no need to post those.
  5. There seems to be multiple errors….missing prefabs, permission issues with EOS and errors with the xui. Someone may have other suggestions but is is what I would try. Make a backup of your save somewhere outside of where it is like the desktop. Delete your Mods folder. Verify integrity of game files and do it twice. Reinstall Darkness Falls then put your save back. When you start up the save, double check the correct settings for the game are correct and you should be good. For the EOS error, be sure to create an exclusion for the 7 Days folder and your Saves folder in your antivirus software.
  6. I don’t know if your save can be totally fixed but there is a workaround. Take note of your level & items. Delete the save completely then generate the same seed map, if a pregen just delete the save. Join the map on Day 1 and use admin abilities to get you back where you were. Bring up the console (F1) and type dm. Type cm. Hit Esc and you will see the ability to change day/time so set yourself up to when you were before. Hit U which brings up the creative menu and get all your items back. Use the giveselfxp command in the console to get all of the xp back. You should now be just about where you were. Maybe someone will have an actual fix.
  7. Really? I charge $50 per piece of advice…..you’re too cheap! 😜
  8. For Windows Defender, it isn’t enough to just disable it as there still can be processes running in the background(sneaky Microsoft) so just create exclusions for your game & saves folders.
  9. Hit Windows button +R to bring up the Run. Type %AppData/7DaystoDie/logs in the Run window and your logs are found there.
  10. Rented server, 16 zeds/player=no lag whatsoever. I agree with @pApA^LeGBa that you need to have a dedicated server to avoid lots of lag. Optimizations happen with each alpha and usually are pretty significant but they are also making the game prettier and better. Load up alpha 6 and tell me there haven’t been any optimizations. It’s been 10 years because this team started with a small number of employees….nowhere near a company like Bethesda who have hundreds of employees. As a zombie, horror, survivor, tower defense game with a 100% destroyable world….there is no game out there that comes close to this game. Enjoy the ride or go play something else until the game goes gold. /shrugs
  11. It really looks like low resolution graphics, kind of like around 480x640 but that is just a guess. Could one of the mods you are running affect this? Have you tried a vanilla game where you first remove all mods, verify the game files twice then start a Navesgane and look at objects?
  12. What's the resolution setting for the game and what's the resolution of your monitor?
  13. Actually, I'd like to see an egg under that chicken.....now that would be awesome!
  14. Seeing a copy of his game log would be essential to figuring out what's going on. You can copy the output log, paste it to pastebin.com and then post the resulting link here. A guess, without the log, would be having him create exclusions in his antivirus for 7DaystoDie folder and the saves folder located at C:/users/"the username for his pc"/AppData/Roaming/7DaystoDie. The output log files are in the above folder under Logs.
  15. The game seems to be not able to find the saved game. There also seems to be some connection issues to EOS but I can’t make out the total message. We would really need to see your entire game log but something to try is creating an exclusion in your antivirus for the 7DaystoDie folder and the saves folder. The path to your saves folder is shown in your photo. If creating the antivirus exclusions don’t work, copy your entire output log file, paste it at pastebin.com then post the link generated here.
  16. There is one warning in your log that I don’t normally see in game logs: WRN NET: Requesting rules from TCP ( timed out I don’t know if this is a warning that you can ignore or a hint to your problem. That ip address is your ip address as the game sets up for single/multiplayer host game. However the log does say that the server you joined initiated the disconnect rather than something in your set up causing the disconnect. A server log should provide you with more clues as Meganoth suggested.
  17. Are you allowing Windows to manage your swap file? Sometimes memory issues occur when you manually configure your swap file. Also it’s currently recommended to restart the game after generating a new map.
  18. You need to create exclusions in your antivirus software, it isn’t good enough to disable it. If you aren’t using a standalone program, create exclusions for your game and saves folders in Windows Defender. Also be sure you are forwarding the proper ports for the game in your router.
  19. Not available, being moderated for questionable content……that is odd.
  20. Can you post a copy of your server output log file using pastebin.com? Perhaps there are more clues there.
  21. My rig, at the moment, is one of the top rigs on the market. I have an overclocked 5950x, 32 gigs ram and an overclocked 3090 and using vanilla game, I cannot put all settings to ultra at 4k resolution… you can’t do it with vanilla so there’s no way you can crank up the zombie count that high with ultra settings and not have fps troubles. Turn off everything related to shadows and reflections, either turn off dynamic mesh or set it to claimblock only. That should get you a solid fps in the 100-120 range in a normal vanilla game. No promises on cranking up the zombie count because they are extremely taxing to your cpu regardless of the fact that it’s the best processor on the market.
  22. It’s very common to get a corrupted save due to a power outage. There is so much data being saved all the time to to the game being voxel-based that any interruption will mess up your save. If you want to avoid this and have a little money, buy a battery backup. I prefer APC, but there are other companies. I have not had good luck with Cyberpower.
  23. I would try turning it off then see how your fps is in the downtown region and in the tall buildings. If you really want to use dynamic mesh, set it claim block only.
  24. You might take a look at the Wiki. I’m not sure if it’s 100% up to date but it does have lots of info on items: https://7daystodie.fandom.com/wiki/7_Days_to_Die_Wiki
  25. I agree with above….turn off dynamic mesh, turn off anything shadow-related. The dynamic mesh may be the key for you since it’s happening in the bigger buildings which are usually in or next to downtown.
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