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Everything posted by Star69

  1. This is a new bug that started popping up in A20.1. It appears that the game is have trouble determining where your player is supposed to spawn and can’t resolve the issue. Unless someone else has come up with an easy fix, I haven’t heard of any, you need to delete your player profile then try to load back in. If you fail to get in after deleting the profile then the entire save is corrupted. If you do get in, you’ll be level one. You can then give yourself xp to get your levels back and use the creative menu to get your items back. Your base and all of your stuff in boxes will still be there, you will need to find it as your spawn will be random the first time. Hope this helps.
  2. At a minimum we need a copy of your logs. Post them using this pinned thread at the top of this forum: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  3. Alright, I’ll add one as it happened last night. I’ve been playing with a friend, we play dead is dead with feral sense on. We were on Day 30, out looking for interesting poi’s to explore. I play an intelligence character with 90% of my points spent in intelligence. For horde nights, I use shotguns and turrets while during explorations I use 9mm and stun baton to save on ammo, my friend uses an ak. I had just built a gyro that I use to get overview of the cities. We amazingly got a 20 block by 20 block city….it was beautiful! Lots of large buildings and high rises in the expansive downtown area. I spotted a poi that I hadn’t seen before…..a destroyed version of the Crack a Book tower. On the roof it has a helipad just like the regular tower, but I think a little smaller. Since the gyro is considerably faster than a motorcycle, I beat my partner to the building. Over Steam voip I said”I’m going to land on the helipad, wake up the roof zombies”. My buddy says “Oh, this will end badly”. Premonition indeed! My plan was to wake them up on the roof, kite them and take them out with my baton and 9mm. If I got overwhelmed, I had that boot mod lessening fall damage within reason. The outside of the building has ledges at each floor that I could jump to floor by floor to the ground. I landed perfectly, I was so proud of my flying too! Once I exited the gyro, the roof woke up. Probably a dozen or more zombies, a couple of birds and a half dozen dogs that I wasn’t expecting! I couldn’t use the gyro because there’s a fence around it….it’s a helipad not a gyropad…oops. Okay, I will just bail, after I leave they’ll go back to sleep, right?? Right?? I jumped to the first ledge, success, jumped down to the second ledge and missed, failing all the way to the ground….crunch, broke my leg. So I’m limping around to the front of the building to wait for my buddy’s arrival. Then the most amazing and fatal thing happened. Have you all watched Brad Pitt’s World War Z? It looked just like the scene in Israel. The roof zombies including the dogs were throwing themselves off the roof, zombies on other floors with open windows were throwing themselves out the windows!!! Add in the feral sense bringing many street zombies including puking cops from the surrounding downtown streets, suddenly there were zombies everywhere! Me, with a broken leg and a measly level 2 9mm pistol and stun baton limped along backwards attempting to thin the crowd. I lasted about 15-20 seconds before getting overwhelmed and my soul eaten. Sigh…..not so smart for an intelligence character. A new map for tonight I guess. 10/10 was worth it, would do it again but probably with an ak!! The visuals of all the zombies blindly throwing themselves off the roof was a stunning “oh s**t” moment. I love this game!
  4. You should upload a copy of your output log using pastebin in case there are some underlying errors that caused you to spawn there but, to see if you can continue to play this map, do the following: Hit F1 to bring up the console, type dm then hit enter. Close the console by hitting F1 again. Hit M to bring up your map. Move the map so you can see your bedroll. While holding the control button down, right click on your bedroll. This will teleport you to your bedroll. Try to continue your game. If it doesn’t play right, post your log as I mentioned above.
  5. I think you should. What you are describing is exactly what dynamic resolution does…..when the fps begins to drop due to the stress of many zombies , the game adjusts your resolution down to attempt to maintain your fps so your graphics look like lower quality. Try it with that setting off.
  6. Kernel Power Error 41…..googling that got me an article where there are 5 steps to fix that error. They include making sure windows is up to date including making sure your chipset and video drivers are up to date, turning off fast start in windows power settings, open your case and reseat your ram and videocard, run chkdsk /r and sfc /scannow, finally use a program like OCCT that will stress test your cpu, ram and power supply but you want to stress the power supply. Errors should pop up in 5 minutes but run it for an hour to be sure.
  7. You should have multiple copies of your output log files from when you have played successfully. Go to the drive Steam is installed on (C or D or whatever): program files (86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data and in that folder there should be several files with this kind of format: output_log_2022-01-22_19-53-17 where the numbers mean year-month-day-hour-minute-seconds of when it was created.
  8. My only suggestion is a going a step further with the cleaning. I’m suspicious that you have some registry settings leftover after cleaning your files. This is what I would try, it’s a pain but hopefully you only need to do it one time. 1) Open game launcher, tools tab, check everything including player profile then hit clean. 2) Uninstall 7 Days 3) Using windows explorer, delete your 7 Days folder located at drive letter(c or d or whatever)/steam/steamapps/common and also the 7 Days folder located at c/users/your name/appdata/roaming. Delete The Fun Pimps folder located at c/users/your name/appdata/locallow. 4) Open regedit and make a backup of your registry. This backup can be used if you accidentally deleted something you shouldn’t have. 5) Search for 7 Days To Die and delete any instance. Hit next function (I think it’s F3) until you get through the whole registry. Go back to the beginning of the registry (or just quit and reopen regedit) and search now for The Fun Pimps and delete all instances. **Be sure before deleting an entry, that the spelling is EXACTLY “7 Days to Die” and “The Fun Pimps”. When finished, close regedit. 6) Reinstall 7 Days and hopefully this will fix your issue.
  9. I think, many times the zombies go for the last player to hit them. Since she's using a gun it's more likely she's hitting more zombies and hitting them before they get near you so they target her. That being said, I've had to hit some zombies several times with melee to get them to quit targeting a player with a gun.
  10. I didn’t see anything in the first log. In the second log, the connection to EOS is not being allowed. Try to exclude your 7 Days folder from your antivirus software as it is most likely blocking that connection.
  11. Okay, looks like EOS(Epic Online Services is not connecting. EOS is new in A20 and is a service that allows cross platform playing. It is there to support in the future xbox, playstation and pc folks all playing together. The error you are getting is usually caused by your antivirus/antimalware software blocking the connection. Whatever antivirus you are using (including Windows Defendor), open the software and there should be a section in there where you can exclude your 7 Days game folder from being scanned. If you are having trouble doing this, another pinned thread, about halfway through, SylvenThunder gives instructions for doing this with some of the common antivirus software. Once the exclusion is in place, hopefully your game will play. Of note, it is not good enough to just turn off your antivirus. Many antivirus still do some work while turned off so you must use the exclusion. Here's the link for the antivirus exclusion steps: SUPPORT FAQ: Information and Common Solutions - General Support - 7 Days to Die
  12. In the General Support forum there is a pinned topic explaining how to do this stuff. The only way to figure out what is wrong with your situation is to get a look at your output log file. That log records every step the the game performs from start to finish and also records errors that make the game not run as expected. From the errors, someone can usually tell you why your game is not working correctly. Here is a link to that pinned thread: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  13. Frustrating, something is definitely messed up. Maybe try to start at the beginning again….use the games launcher to clean out all files then uninstall/reinstall the game. Not sure what else to suggest. Definitely an odd case here.
  14. Voice chat continues to work on our server but for my group of friends we usually use Steam chat/voip. I’m sure you have looked, but have you checked the games Audio settings to make sure the update didn’t turn off in-game chat or lowered your mic output settings? Also check your controls to be sure the default key “v” wasn’t changed? These are the only things that I can think of to look at.
  15. Early in your log there’s an error that occurs frequently: [NM] Data received bad! Now this message can be from several things and one of them is a reported bug that’s being worked on. You can try a few things before deciding it’s the reported bug though. Be sure the 7 Days folder is excluded from your antivirus/antimalware. It is not enough to just turn it off as in the casw of Windows Defender, it doesn’t completely turn off so create an exclusion. Secondly, make sure all the ports needed to host a server are properly open/forwarded. Check with an online port scanner to double check that they are indeed forwarded. We’ve seen instances where the ISP block the forwarding of ports and also seen routers that say a port is open but the scanner finds them still closed. If you still see that error after doing these two things, then you may need to wait for the bug to be fixed. If someone else has any other ideas, I’m sure they’ll chime in.
  16. Can you post your log using pastebin? Instructions for finding your log and posting it using pastebin are in the pinned topic above about how to report an issue. Here’s the link: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/ The reason that you can’t start the game is most likely in the log file.
  17. Is it a rented server or are you running it on a separate pc at your house? I’ve just never seen a game server port in that range before. If you’re hosting a pc server, the game port should be 26900 and you need to open/forward a bunch of ports on your router. The game port is set in your serverconfig.xml file, sometimes it’s set in the command line to start the server. The ports that you need to forward are in this informational topic in the pinned topic in this forum. Here’s the link: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3998-support-faq-information-and-common-solutions/ If it’s a rented server, then you need to contact the rentals support to find out why it isn’t working correctly.
  18. Definitely a network problem, not sure if it’s corrupt player data or not. Why are you using such a drastic change in server ports? Default is 26900 and yours is 41321. Could you have not forwarded all the correct ports?
  19. When I said I experience a delay I should clarify….the delay is around 10 seconds, nowhere near what you are experiencing. I haven’t read a report about anyone having a minute long delay like you, of course it doesn’t mean it isn’t occurring.
  20. Aha….there might be your issue. A20 requires Microsoft Visual C (2022). Go grab a copy and install it. Whatever you do, DO NOT UNINSTALL other versions of Visual C. Versions are not cumulative so each game you have installed may require a different version so if you delete other versions, other games may not work.
  21. The drone under bedrock bug is known and being worked on. Unfortunately there is no workaround so we’ll need to wait until the bug is fixed.
  22. As an aside, I have Spectrum Business at my office and use their modem/router. They won’t give you access to router settings. Setting up my security system and cameras on the network, I have to call support to have them forward the ports that I need…such a pain. At home I have Spectrum as well but I have my own modem/router so don’t have the same issue.
  23. The Steam updates that are small and relatively often are from updating shaders if I’m remembering correctly so it isn’t actually 7 Days updating. I’m glad it’s working better and I also agree that building environment takes longer than previous alphas but I have no idea why. My rig is almost a year old and I plan to do the “health check” of my system like you did. I’m not ready to load Windows 11 but I might reinstall Windows 10 at some point. I like how smooth the os runs when first installed.
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