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Everything posted by Star69

  1. I hope it works for you. My next suggestion for you would be to contact your isp. There are isp’s that refuse to allow people to forward ports on their own, requiring a call to the isp in order to get the the ports forwarded……I’m talking about you Spectrum Business!! So if you’re still having issues, contact your isp.
  2. What router are you using? Did you buy it or did your isp provide it?
  3. That is no way near enough information to find and fix your issue. If you had read the pinned topic link called “Please Read Before Creating New Threads” that @unholyjoe posted, it explains that you need to post a copy of your log file. It also explains where to find the log and how to post it using pastebin.com. Without that log, I’m afraid no one can help you.
  4. Guess I should’ve checked before typing lol. It is well-explained in that file. Once you edit the file to set your admins, be sure to download a copy so if something happens to the server, a simple uploading of that copy maintains your control on that server. Every major update, I completely wipe all of the files on the server (mine is rented as well) and being able to quickly upload all of my edited files after an update minimizes the time that the server is down.
  5. That is not normal. My first thought would be either corrupted game files or leftover files from a previous alpha. A good starting point would be for you to post your latest log file as it may contain some clues. Instructions on where to find the logs and how to use pastebin.com to post the log are in the pinned topic above called ‘Please Read Before Creating a New Thread’.
  6. For those still arguing for ‘learn by doing’ and not understanding why it’s gone, I’d suggest clicking on Madmole’s name and go through his posts. He goes into great detail his and the teams decision to abandon that technique and why it was necessary. Heck, I even seem to remember that discussion about it was banned at some point on this forum. Perk changes that are coming are to be expected. In A20, they began collecting internal game data which included which perks everyone was taking as well as the number of levels in those perks. Naturally it was to see which perks were being used and which weren’t so they can kill off or modify perks not used or rarely used as well as improve commonly used perks. It’s not about changing the perk system as a whole…..they are actually taking into account what players are doing and tweaking it for the better using actual player feedback as a whole, not based on the loudest voices on the forums. Those people opting out of allowing them to collect that data have no room to complain as this a way to give actual feedback on how you play the game.
  7. Also serveradmin.xml is located in the Saves folder on the server. This is indeed where he put his name. Make sure that your name is in it as admin. I’m pretty sure permission level 1000 is full admin powers. You could leave him in that file but change his permission level to 0 which is what all players are or you can give him partial admin with limited powers. All is explained in that xml.
  8. He is definitely having internet connection issues based on how it’s acting and the log states a failed connection to the server. You added an exclusion to Windows Defender so that isn’t the issue. Is he running any kind of network optimizing software similar to Asus Game First? That can give problems. I am not familiar with the mods he is running but are they the same mods that are running on the server? Lastly, have him run a tracert from his computer to the server and see if anything shows up there.
  9. Yes that’s the one. He never mentioned the name of the game, but the water does look sweet.
  10. I rent mine so it has a Start button lol. However, is there a .bat file amongst the server files? If it’s there, open it to edit the command lines in it, then once that’s done you double-click the .bat file to run it. If I’m wrong, someone else will chime in and give you the right answer.
  11. Yeah, I actually make copies of the edited xmls so after updating, I upload the edited versions so I don’t have to re-type everything. However, I only do that updates within a version. So for A21 I’ll re-edit in case tfp adds/removes something from the xmls.
  12. I just saw on Reddit on r/gaming yesterday, an indie developer posted a short video of his water in action for a voxel game he’s developing. The waves in the water look incredible. He didn’t mention the game engine but did mention that he got water flowing by rounding the water voxels, whatever that means.
  13. Actually, editing xmls should be best way to mod your game. In fact, many mods are just xml edits. Any mod that hasn’t been updated to A20.6 has a high probability of failing because of game engine updates to the game. Also, removing mods from the mods folder many times doesn’t actually revert changes that the mods made, you would need to verify file integrity to get rid of the changes. Verifying game integrity also reverts any xml edits that that you’ve made. That’s why when the game updates, you need to re-edit the xmls.
  14. For a small server like yours (maybe 2 players) I would set the transfer speed to the max which I think is 1300. This setting affects how fast a new map is downloaded, basically how much bandwidth a joining player can use of your internet connection. My server is at 1300 and a 10k map takes about 1 minute 20 seconds to download but if you leave at default 512, it takes 2 1/2 times longer. As far as the folders you asked about, I never changed them from what was in the original xml so I’m not a good one to ask. So, in other words, you don’t need to change those unless you want a different location.
  15. Yes, if you set it to false, it won't run. All that program does is anticheat so it's usually not needed with friends....unless you don't trust your friends
  16. Here’s a thought if you haven’t tried it yet…..build your base on top of either coal or lead and dig straight down all night to gather all of your resources. Unless you are using an auger, you won’t get a bunch of screamers. Turn off your forges and remove torches and you should be fine. If you do have an auger or still get screamers, surround your base with 2 rows of wood spikes. Morning arrives, chop a couple of spikes and you’re free to loot for the day. Have your forges/campfire run all day while you’re gone.
  17. I’m not sure how much help you’ll find here since it’s the pc forums. There is a forum for consoles where you might get other console players advice. The pc version doesn’t get MD5 errors.
  18. Read the pinned topic above called "Read Before Creating a New Thread" which gives you instructions on how to post a copy of your friends log file. You could also post a copy of the server log. The answer to his problem is in those logs.
  19. Your player profile on that server is corrupted. An admin will need to delete the 3 files on the server that are associated with you. After they are deleted, you should be able to join however you will be at level one, starting as if you are a new player. If it's a friend who runs the server, have him give you admin privileges so that you can get your levels back by using the giveselfxp command and use the creative menu to get all your stuff back.
  20. Ideally, you would compare the serverconfig.xml from the old world and make changes to the new version so they are the same especially world size.
  21. Two things: Post your server log. Copy the contents of the log, go to pastebin.com and paste the log and post the link generated here. Exact instructions are in the pinned topic ‘Please Read Before Creating a New Thread’. Second….post the exact command that you used to attempt to update your server.
  22. Looks like your profile is corrupted, which is odd if this was your first time joining. The only thing odd that I see in your setup is that under disabled network protocals, yours is blank. If the server is not behind a nat, then I would put steamnetworking in the disabled protocols which forces it to use litenetlib which is less laggy. If you have forwarded the ports that I mentioned, use a free online port scanner to verify that they are indeed open. Sometimes certain routers can be ‘testy’ when it comes to opening ports and some ISP’s can actually prevent you from opening ports unless you call them. Lastly, if you’re running Windows Defender or another antivirus, you need to create exclusions for your game and saves folders. Once that is done, you need to delete your profile from server. Go to your Saves->your world->seed name->players and there are 3 files containing your eos number which you can find in the log you posted. I would then bring up the game launcher, select Tools and you want to check the box containg worlds and player profiles then hit clean. ***This will put you at level one on the server and will delete any saved single player saves so if you have one that you want to keep, make a backup. Last item….verify the integrity of your game files at least twice to clear any corrupted files.
  23. On top of what Beelzybub said about trying a vanilla map, if it runs smooth, add in one mod at a time and check for stuttering. Once you get the stuttering you’ll know which mod or mod combos are the problem then reach out to the mod author on how to resolve the stuttering.
  24. If you’ve ever highlighted a server in the server browser, some servers advertise their own website but it isn’t something you need in your situation. The userdata folder is where you want your saves and logs saved to so that you can customize where that info goes or leave it as default which is %appdata%/roaming/7daystodie. Open your serverconfig.xml and read it. Every item that you need to set has an explanation. Also, each item has a default so you don’t have to put any values in as they all have default settings. Before importing your world, I’d suggest creating a new world with no mods and see how it runs. Be sure you have your friend joins to make sure there are no connection issues. Once it plays well, add in your mods and check playability again. Then import your old world. Lastly since it’s only you and your friend disable EAC, the anticheat system, which will help server performance.
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