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Everything posted by Star69

  1. Bizarre, that should have solved your issue. Do me a favor and try something......delete your prefab folder then verify your files twice again. It will redownload the prefab folder. The error in your first log showed missing prefab blocks when generating roads. Do you happen to be on a wireless connection? Do you have any odd internet issues? I'm just trying to understand why the files aren't downloading correctly.
  2. That line is very normal and is in everybodys log. There are a ton of “[NM] DataRecieved: Bad!” errors in your log. Sometimes this can be a networking issue, sometimes an antivirus issue and, in at least one case, I don’t think a cause was discovered. Try excluding your game folder and save folder from your antivirus. Make sure that you have the correct ports forwarded on your router. Try, if at all possible, to use a wired connection instead of wireless as there are many things that can cause just enough disturbance to lose data over wireless. There is also the possibility that your save was corrupted although I don’t see it in the log but your description of what you guys are seeing really sounds like it. Could you have posted the wrong log?
  3. Many times issues with EOS can be resolved by excluding your game folder from your antivirus software however posting your log file here will get you a definitive answer.
  4. I'm really not sure if it will help but I'd try excluding your saves folder from your antivirus. Like Meganoth said, the game is having trouble reading your saves folder. I'd also suggest cleaning your game files. Bring up the game launcher, select tools tab and check every box then hit clean. After that verify your game files twice as once doesn't always catch any errors. If your pc crashes and restarts then your issue is not the game but something outside the game and I'd do what Meganoth suggested.
  5. To attach your log file, go to pastebin.com, copy and past the log there and it will generate a link which you will put in your post.
  6. Additionally, if it is happening on multiple computers in the same house, I would worry about a connection issue. I have the exact same issue. I have a cable modem that records upstream and downstream power levels of my internet connection and my issue was too low upstream power levels compared to published levels. I am having to work with my internet provider to fix this so it is not a problem with 7 Days game.
  7. Unfortunately there is not a way to do this. There have been bugs with drones doing what happened to you as well as getting stuck below the map and no one has found a successful method for dealing with it. Someone did request a tool for that but as of yet we don’t have one. I’m sure something will come down the road.
  8. A copy of your output log should be what is needed to submit a bug report. If you don’t know how to find the log, it’s usually located in your 7DaysToDie folder and you will have several looking like output_log followed by a series of numbers indicating the day and time it was generated. They are made each time you start the game whether or not you get a crash so submitting the correct log containing the crash is important.
  9. That’s an odd one for sure. Just to clarify…..this wasn’t a repeat quest? Like you did a fetch to the same building then got a clear on the same day?
  10. I agree it sounds like cpu bottleneck. Have you monitored cpu use when this happens? This game rarely bottlenecks the gpu unless it’s very low grade card, it’s always the cpu. An aside, I bought the LG 4k Ultragear 144hz and boy was it a pain to get the picture to look nice. Besides gaming I’ll watch movies and I bet it took a total of 4 or 5 hours to find the right drivers and Windows settings on top of LG’s settings. Finally 4k looks like 4k. Very nice monitor once it’s set up right.
  11. Looks like a ram issue. Do you have it checked that Windows will control the page file? If not, do that and see if that helps. If it is already being handled by Windows then you should run either Memtest or Windows Memory Diagnostics to determine if you have some bad ram. 16 gigs is enough ram to run the game so it isn't that but I'm worried that you have a stick going bad.
  12. A couple of things in the log. Gamesense couldn’t make the connection. I don’t think it means that you have it disabled so I’m suspicious that your antivirus software is blocking the connection. Someone will correct me if I’m wrong but I would create an exclusion in your antivirus software for the 7DaysToDie folder as well as your game saves folder. Second, the last line of the log says a crash report was generated. Could you post that here? Oh and please use pastebin to post logs/reports so there isn’t so much scrolling to do. Instructions are in the pinned topic: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  13. Post your log file using a link from pastebin...the answer is probably in there
  14. The only way to resolve your issue is to view your logs. The link that Meganoth posted gives instructions on where your log files are by each operating system including Apples. Read that link, it goes step-by-step on finding and posting your logs and is in terms that even computer noobs would understand…very easy instructions. Without your logs, both game and crash logs, no one can help. The answers are there.
  15. There might be several issues but the most important problem that you have is that you need to install Microsofts Visual C+ (2022) version. If you take a look at your installed programs, there are probably a handful of different versions of Visual C. Each game uses a different version so you don't want to uninstall other versions as a game that you have requires it. Unfortunately, the latest version is not cumulative so you will always need multiple versions. I don't have the link but you can google it to get the link from the Microsoft website. A19 did not use version (2022) which is why A19 works for you. The second thing that I would do is to exclude the 7DaystoDie folder from your antivirus/antimalware software. Do those 2 things and let us know how it's working. If it still won't start, post a new log and we can see what else is going on.
  16. I don't see any errors in your log, it just abruptly stops with the player attempting to connect. Can you check with the player if they have exempted the game folder from their antivirus/antimalware software? It is not enough to turn off the software as there is still some functions active when you turn it off. There is a way with each antivirus program to create an exclusion. For me, personally, I exclude the entire Steam folder but if you want to be safer, just exclude the 7DaystoDie folder.
  17. What version are you playing? I was under the impression that this issue was fixed in A20.2
  18. A side note……change your server password
  19. Try verifying your game files and see if that helps.
  20. Star69


    I finally remembered, Jaxteller made the zombie reach modlet. If you search for his list of mods in the Mods forum it’ll be in there
  21. One setting that has helped some people with the same issue is turning off dynamic mesh. Downtown areas and especially big buildings seem to be really tough on many players fps.
  22. Star69


    In the meantime, if you are interested, you might check in the mod section. I remember reading that someone made a mod just for this. It adjusts player and zombie reach. I can’t remember the name of it though.
  23. The more reports that I hear like this the more I think there may be an actual bug that needs looked at by the QA team. Logging out standing next to your vehicle, logging back in and dying….I have read about 4 or 5 times now. Could one of you experiencing this please submit an actual bug report? Instructions are found by clicking the red banner above.
  24. Can you post a copy of your log and a copy of your friends log using pastebin? Instructions on how to do that are in the pinned above. Here’s the link: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
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