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Everything posted by Star69

  1. If you are using the default port, you need to forward tcp 26900 and udp 26900-26903 on your router. If that does not fix your issue, post a copy of your player log using pastebin.com. Instructions are in the pinned topic above.
  2. Did you check whether all of the ports are forwarded in the router that the server is on? Use an online port checker to verify tcp 26900 and udp 26900-26903 are open.
  3. You have a bunch of chunk errors, lots of zombies falling off the world so I wouldn’t be surprised if there are parts of the game that are not playing right. Unfortunately, I’m not sure it can be fixed without creating a new seed. If you really want to continue this game……it will take some prep. Get into the game, write down your level, your base location, what day it is, all of your inventory including what’s in your boxes, look up and write down what book’s you’ve read. Leave the game. When you first launch 7days, it gives you the option to bring up the game launcher or play…..select game launcher. Select Tools tab, select clean and check all of the boxes and hit clean….everything including your saves are now gone. Exit out. Now verify the integrity of the game files and do it twice. This will download any faulty files. Generate a new seed using the same name as before. When you join you are at level 1. Open the console and type dm then hit enter. In the console type giveselfxp hit space then a number. For the first one I’d type giveselfxp 500000. That should get you roughly to level 40ish. Keep using the command but use 100000 until you get close to your level. Once you reach it type cm in the console which gives you access to the creative menu. Close the console and hit the U key which opens that menu and you can now get everything in your inventory back including books. Bring up the map, find where your base location was. Press & hold left control then click your mouse(can’t recall if it’s left or right click) on the location, it should teleport you to that location. Hit escape button and on the right is the ability to change the day…it’s a bit of a pain but you can get to your day. Once you’re done, open console and type dm and now you’re done. Spend your points, read the books and build your base. You could use the creative menu to get the supplies to build your base if needed. Now if you want, you could just start a new game. Still follow what I said in the first paragraph to clean your game then ignore the rest of my wall of text lol.
  4. It’s one of the spawn groups for wandering hordes. The schedule of the order of spawns is in the gamestages.xml. I’ve tweaked mine so that wandering hordes have 30 zombies so when the bear horde spawns, we get about 15 bears and 15 dogs. Loads of fun but sure takes time to clear.
  5. Can you post a copy of your log file that contains your last horde night? The log should have your answer.
  6. Putting 1 point in chef early game is almost crucial since it unlocks bacon & eggs. Air drops being marked are off by default. There is a setting for the game where you can turn them on. And yes you can get 2 quests from 2 different traders.
  7. Your logs show that the game cannot get rules from the tcp of the server. If I'm not mistaken, this means that not all of the necessary ports are not forwarded in your router software. Your server port is 26900 so you need 26900, 26901, 26902 and 26903 forwarded.
  8. Unfortunately, if you didn't put down a claim block or a bedroll, then the trader can choose that poi for a mission. Placing a bedroll or claim block is supposed to take that poi out of the pool of poi's that can be given in a quest. If your game is a single player game, you can use the creative menu to get your stuff back. If it's an online server, there is a possibility that an admin there could give you your stuff back otherwise, I'm afraid, all of your stuff is gone.
  9. Sometimes there are hints to the problems very early in the log so partial logs aren’t helpful, same as screenshots of the error on the monitor. The devil is in the details. Something is blocking the connection to EOS. It almost has to be security software/firewall rules, nothing else that I can think of blocks connections to outside services. A possible one could be some network optimizing software that purports to give your gaming pc optimal network coverage at the expense of other peripherals. An example would be Asus Game First. If you have such software, uninstalling it could solve your issue.
  10. In that log, player connected but left after 2.4 minutes. Did you lock up then? The only error message that I saw had to do with EOS, no imposter block error. Many EOS errors are caused by antivirus/antimalware software. Be sure to create an exclusion for the game folder and saves folder. It usually doesn’t help by disabling the software such as Windows Defender, you need to create exclusions. Instructions for most of the common antivirus programs are in the pinned topic at the top.
  11. Your latest log is clean, server set to public, game started. If it still isn’t showing up in the server browser, I would be suspicious of a proper port not being open.
  12. Where is the server located…meaning is it at your house or friends house or rented? Also, if you could post a copy of the server log and a copy of your output log. Copy the contents of the log, go to pastebin.com, paste the log there and post the link generated here.
  13. This is exactly how I use the drone. Slap 2 inventory mods on it and it carries as much as the motorcycle. The healing and light mods are kind of gimmicky but the inventory space is a game changer since they follow you back to the trader or base and you don’t need to find space for their stuff in your vehicle of choice.
  14. I actually love how the vultures behave. I have the day hordes contain 30 zombies so when it’s the vulture groups turn, we have 30 vultures circling the base. They just circle the base ignoring us. So I put down a wooden spike, walk into it so that I take some damage then jump on my motorcycle and I circle the base while my friends get target practice. Or I’ll stand still after taking damage and use them for batting practice. Yes, they can be irritating at times but I generally love them just for their behavior.
  15. Post a copy of your latest output log file. Logs are located in %appdata%/7days2die/logs. Open the file, copy the entire thing, go to pastebin.com and paste the log there then post the link generated here. Most likely we can figure out your issue from that.
  16. You need to know the exact map size and spelling of World Name as well as WorldGenSeed if you changed from default. For example, if you use the same World Name and generate 3 maps…a 6k, 8k &10k sizes, they will be 3 completely different maps not different sizes of the same map. If I remember correctly, WorldGenSeed will effect placement of accessories like trees, rocks etc though I could be remembering wrong. But if you have all 3 items the same, you “should” be able to access that save unless I’m forgetting something.
  17. It was just a guess on my part due to seeing odd log errors on Windows systems when settings are disabled in the control panel when turned on in the game. Unfortunately, I am not familiar with Linux and sad that I never learned. My field is not computers so all of my computer info is Windows learned in my spare time. Linux sounds fascinating, maybe once I finally retire(soon I hope) then I’ll have time to get educated on Linux.
  18. The Vehicle Manager lists 3 vehicles on the map: 1324W 359.3N at elevation 61(Mine cart); 972.6W 1588.2N at elevation 81(Coupe1) and 1052.2W 1714.5N at elevation 81(Muscle1). If none of these is the one you are looking for, maybe post the log from the day it disappeared. Nothing on this log showing a vehicle disappearing as far as I can see.
  19. Yeah the fix is to reboot the server or your pc if it's the host. I can't tell you the exact reason but I assume it has to do with changing the map abruptly and something doesn't get saved correctly but that's just a guess.
  20. Is your occlusion forced off in the Nvidia Control Panel? If it is, then turning it on in the game will not turn it on. Control Panel trumps software.
  21. Okay, there are several things that I see but not all relate to your missing vehicle. There are some mention of issues related to vsync being turned off in the Nvidia Control Panel causing the inability to enable vsync in the game. This has occasionally resulted in loss of use of a keyboard or mouse. If that ever happens to you, the fix is enabling vsync in that control panel. There is an EOS error saying that you don't have permission to advertise presence. This is usually due to antivirus software so if you create an exception in your antivirus for the game folder and saves folder that should disappear. Again, not related to your vehicle and seemingly not causing you any problems, just noting it's there in case you do run into problems with the game. Lastly, the game is telling me that your jeep is located at -1052.2, 81, 1714.5. The first number refers to east/west where negative is west, second number is elevation, third number is north/south where positive is north. Go to where you think the vehicle should be, open your map and put your cursor at the point of your icon on the map. At the top is your east/west and north/south location and near the bottom left of the map it tells you your elevation. See if that matches the above location. If your elevation is, for example 20 then your vehicle at 81 is 31 blocks in the air and god mode should allow you to go to it and pick it up. If your elevation is say 100 then your vehicle is 19 blocks underground. See if this helps finding your vehicle. I am not familiar with the Undead mod so I do not know if it can effect vehicle appearance/disappearance but might be a question to ask in their forum.
  22. Can you post your latest output log file? The logs are now located in %appdata%/7days2die/logs. Open the file using Notepad, copy the entire thing, go to pastebin.com and paste the log there then post the link generated here.
  23. Yup, day 9 I’ve made 2 from acid and looted 3 more. No tires or acid at the trader so far. Acids were from bathroom cabinets and the tires from those car boxes in a couple of gas stations.
  24. Did it happen on A20.6? It was mentioned as a fix when 20.6 came out this morning so it hopefully will stop happening.
  25. I agree with @Maharin. Since I perk Intelligence, I’m responsible for vehicles. Due to RNG, acid is uncommon lots of times so we usually skip bicycles and build motorcycles. I will buy all acid from traders plus loot as many bathroom sinks as I can. Sometimes I get them from kitchen cabinets but it “feels” like acid in kitchens is less common than bathrooms but it could be RNG. I can usually build 3 motorcycles by day 10 if I don’t spend too much time working on the base. Oh, you no longer need a workbench for tires, I make them in my backpack.
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