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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. @faatal So the two big Kickstarter things I haven't seen word about are VR support and Playing as a Zombie. I'm curious if those two are still on the roadmap, and if so, how much attention would be given to the VR side. Just a new camera and controller mappings or would we see hand movements and being able to pick up rocks. Also, I'm curious if there are plans to go more into PvP. I've only played heavily modded PVP games because the design just isn't set up for quick matches. Will there be any additional modes? Something I've been working on is this: https://youtu.be/azGWj_Jbd40 Also, madmole promised me horde mode would make a return. I know you came on board after horde mode was gone but I'm wondering if you have played it or seen it or if it really is coming back. Thanks faatal. You may spell your name wrong but you're pretty cool.
  2. Well the issue is what happens when you get to that quest in the chain if you DO have ocd and keep going; it's not pretty.
  3. Huh? Just put the correct sized pois in the poi folder or subfolder or mod folder and it'll automatically pick them up.
  4. I'm curious what the bandit to zombie to player relationship will be like.
  5. Well if bullets actually were a challenge to get, AND if they were actually effective as they should be, then they'd always (rightfully) be the pinnacle of loot and something you always strived for. ... unfortunately I can perk up in knuckles and punch my way through the challenges.
  6. Bandit shoots you with mp5. Loot on bandit is a candlestick. Yeh that's "fun". ...and yeh, the alternative IS actual fun. Sense of accomplishment for earning the gun, still needing to get ammo, noise level of the battle attracting a large horde...
  7. Do we even know if those vehicles will be made driveable or are they just new block decorations? Roland says "decorative", so I assume the latter. If so... Then uh... Big whoop? There are better free models on the unity store.
  8. So I tried three different methods, to find the best, but basically it's show everything then hide, or show nothing then add.


    ...but it works well and would certainly work better on one or two spawning at a time.



    1. Crater Creator

      Crater Creator

      Amazing! So glad to see a proof of concept of this working in game. And you're right - demonstrating that it's also performant should take away the biggest counterargument. For a fair comparison, you'd want to spawn in 75 vanilla entities.  Anyway, I'd be interested in any documentation on how you accomplished this, if available.

  9. ... definitely my first thought when I saw that ... It'd be trivial to have them spawn in hiding/showing those mesh pieces (I know because I've done it), so yes I think they purposely have it set up that way for that specific purpose.
  10. So... You're saying that out of thousands of users, you are the *only* one having issues. Accept the possibility that YOU did something wrong. You weren't even willing to help yourself by providing a full log. ...you have/had old a19 prefabs loaded in an a20 game. That's on you buddy.
  11. Def the wrong section, but meh. ...the ironic part is just how close you are to actually creating the map yourself. Separate those color channels, build a height map bases on the brown/green, use the blue for water, red for roads... Anyway, find a dude named CptKrunch
  12. Guppycur

    NPCMod and Addons

    Isn't that how it already is? Install the core mod, then install the characters you want?
  13. Hm. Odd; I'm showing people joining today, is it possible you have an ad blocker that's messing with captcha?
  14. Guppycur

    NPCMod and Addons

    Redo the install following the install instructions. You'll see it does NOT say to install everything on the score git.
  15. Manux's mod. It used a lot of custom code that no longer works since a16.
  16. Dang Brits and their inability to understand the English language. /Runs away
  17. This public stuff isn't the best way to handle this dispute, it does NO good and has NO benefit... Absolutely unproductive. Stay classy, I know it's in you to do so. Or ignore me, and find out yourself that this has no potential benefit.
  18. Guppycur

    NPCMod and Addons

    Funny, I absolutely hate the baker.
  19. I'd start by posting in the appropriate section, where modders wiling to help are more likely to see. Or by joining the official discord (top of page) where there exists a modding section.
  20. Been playing with it on A20 for a while now. Weird.
  21. Huh, darkened windows. 😉 (nice job homie)
  22. Make gas drop as rarely as frikkin rachets, problem solved. 😃
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