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Everything posted by Worrun

  1. Ensure that your sensitivity isn't set to zero, I've seen that one a few times
  2. I had a little bit of feedback that I meant to post a couple of days/weeks back, however you seem to have fixed them in the comments on previous pages. I have to give credit excellence on your feedback and improvements, great job.
  3. Worrun

    I Am Legend

    Looks like a really exciting and challenging mod, right up my street! ..however, the removal of HL mod and NVG puts me off a bit. The weapon flashlight is garbage and I hate it. Is the hand held flashlight still in?
  4. Not that I have difficulty, I'm a seasoned modder - but the README should have basic installation instructions. Testing the mod now, if it's any good I'll run it on our server, feedback to come.
  5. Amazing work, and the details are excellent. Well done
  6. If you're using any zombies mods, some are prone to doing that because of their /coding
  7. I've seen this mod, am yet to test it but it looks really interesting. The environment is really lacking out there in the wilderness
  8. I can do this myself, thanks for the advice. However, please consider the feedback for everyone else in your future updates/mod packs. Keep up the amazing work
  9. Excellent mod well done, it's a new staple on our server - HOWEVER - can you please make a version where the guns are a little quieter? They are extremely loud
  10. Great little mod, going to give it a go
  11. Worrun

    Guppy's Fire Mod

    I'd recommend fires eventually burning out, especially on containers - as the fire extinguisher isn't fully working yet losing all your wooden storage containers or pre-made base from a single vulture vomit that spreads infitely
  12. I'm new to modding and have been trying different things for the past few hours to no avail. Here's what I've attempted so far: <configs> <set xpath="materials/material[@name='MtrapSpikesWood']/property[@name='Hardness']/@value">5000</set> <set xpath="materials/material[@name='MtrapSpikesWood']/property[@name='MaxDamage']/@value">5000</set> </configs> <material id="MtrapSpikesWood"> <property name="damage_category" value="wood"/> <property name="surface_category" value="wood"/> <property name="forge_category" value="wood"/> <property name="Hardness" type="float" value="1"/> <property name="stepsound" value="wood"/> <property name="stability_glue" value="20"/> <property name="Mass" type="int" value="5"/> <property name="MaxDamage" value="5000"/> <property name="movement_factor" value="0.18"/> <property name="Experience" value="2"/> </material> <block name="trapSpikesWoodDmg0"> <property name="Extends" value="trapSpikesWoodMaster"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="trapSpikesWoodMaster"/> <property name="MaxDamage" value="5000"/> <property class="UpgradeBlock"> <property name="ToBlock" value="trapSpikesIronDmg0"/> <property name="Item" value="resourceForgedIron"/> <property name="ItemCount" value="4"/> <property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="4"/> </property> </block>
  13. We had also considered that and gave it a go briefly, but couldn't get it to work. We were using the sticky method however, I'll give yours a try and see how that goes and will let you know
  14. The goal: Glowing arrows to be able to see them/find them easier at nighttime, etc The best solution thus far: Apply the radiated effect to the arrows, allowing them to glow green What we have so far: I have been able to apply the radiated effect to arrows as a sticky, but ONLY when the mesh is changed to the flaming arrow mesh, it won't apply under any other arrow (stone, iron, steel) and giving stone arrows the flaming arrow mesh isn't quite what we're after. I am aware that there is an A19 modlet for this, but it doesn't work out of the box on A20 So far I have briefly worked with Khaine (darkness falls), Subquake (Undead Legacy), Guppy (the man himself!) and a few others, none of us have figured a way to get this working yet. Can you? Ideas, suggestions and XML welcome. This is a challenge, if possible at all.
  15. Outstanding mod, I heavily endorse this. Keep up the amazing work, I will be here all the way.
  16. I've not tried this mod *yet* but have tried other overhauls mods for a good few hundred hours, but some up to date pictures on OP or first page of the mod would help a lot
  17. It's quite a rare one, on a server where we had a steady 15 active daily players (around 10 CCU's on evenings) it happened to 3 people per month, on average
  18. So far I know of 9 other people that have had this issue across a multitude of servers - we are working on finding a solution before coming back to this thread. I encourage anyone else with this issue to post here, every little helps. So far, creating a new steam account is the only fix we've found.
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