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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. The reason might be because they believe that. Including me. It is even in its description "A placed land claim block will protect an area from other players in PVP and prevent zombie respawns" And they believe that bedrolls and LCBs stop respawns, not spawns.
  2. AFAIK not correct. AFAIK also not correct. I also checked the release notes for A21 and could not find anything that is even in the ballpark of what you are claiming
  3. Strange, I have played with Living of the Land 1 and had fully self-sufficient farms going. And at LOTL3 you can't even fail if you have an unbelievably improbable string of misharvests because even the worst case gives you back more plants from a seed than you need to produce a seed.
  4. We had this discussion before, but I have new data as well: Right now my group has about 16 dew collectors, 2 camp fires, 2 chem stations, 5 work benches, 1 cement mixer and 6 forges, and at least the 6 forges were in constant use when I stayed home for a whole day recently. Our base is surrounded by a ring of spikes two deep. I think I did hear a screamer twice that day. I didn't even go out to look for them because they died before I would have had a chance to see them. They didn't even cost me a seconds time. Naturally keeping the spikes in repair does cost one of our group some time, not sure how much. My group was actually a bit disappointed how non-existent the screamer threat was. It seems most other people have a similar experience (judging by the almost zero complaints), so your only hope is a mod.
  5. Better. Ghouls with cyborg laser eyes and rocket boots which often horribly malfunction and turn on at inappropriate moments.
  6. To notice a difference in the short term the effect is overshadowing every other magazines advancement in the long term though. Does a user really need to see it daily with his own eyes? The problems of the approach are 1) that TFP can't make magazine advancement generally any faster because the perk-accelerated magazines dominate the advancement speed. 2 points in a perk means it is at 100 when all unperked are still at 20. And 2) it means magazines practically don't drop if a player doesn't perk into it. It isn't really optional anymore And 3) a player accidentally hurts his advancement in other magazines if he perks into magazine perks where he doesn't want any magazines. I.e. it is not advisable to diversify and for example take a few points in bow because then you slow down your advancement in your main weapon and workstations. In effect the player has to make a laundry list of magazines he needs and then he needs to put points into these perks. And the list has to be short, otherwise loot and trader will overtake crafting progression.
  7. @ Roland: We should invite meilodasreh to be moderator, he seems to have everything it takes to be one. 😎
  8. I would say the FPS are what I would expect with your laptop CPU, I had similar performance with my previous desktop CPU ryzen 5 2600x when I didn't optimize my settings. This game is very performance heavy because of using voxels. If you want better FPS you could turn off shadows and reflections completely (not low or very low, really turn them off). And turn off dynamic mesh. Probably that will make the game behave much smoother in all situations even though the average FPS gains will not be huge.
  9. @Cernwn: I read your post just now and have not communicated with you or interfered with you or your posts at all (at least in recent history). What have I supposed to been doing exactly? EDIT: Ah, I get it. One of your posts has been held back. That happens to a lot of forum posters right now because of a new buggy plugin we are testing, even posts of moderators themselves get held back sometimes. You are the first one who thinks that I would misuse my moderator privileges for childish retaliation to a thumbs down 😆
  10. https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  11. Unless EAC can detect it this would be an issue for vanilla servers too:
  12. Minigames are usually so trivial (if it is some kind of puzzle) or even worse a reaction game (i.e. a quick time event) that I despise wholeheartedly. So how about a compromise: You don't need to click for the next attempt, the game just wastes lockpicks automatically until it succeeds. Furthermore lockpick time should be shortened greatly as a late game miner with pickaxe can open most boxes cheaper and at the same speed as someone lockpicking
  13. meganoth


    Utilice un servicio de traducción como www.deepl.com o Translate.google.com. Luego traduce lo que está escrito en la página vinculada que publiqué anteriormente. Use a translation service like www.deepl.com or translate.google.com. Then translate what is written in the linked page I posted previously
  14. Since A21 patches are just a collection of changes that were copied back to A21 there is almost no time lost for A22. They could put out a meaningful new patch for A21 and release the next alpha on the next day if they wanted
  15. Weapons are not necessarily the problem. But a single player NEEDS to put points into the workstations and vehicle perks, otherwise his only source for workstations and vehicles will be the trader. And someone diversifying will hamper his own advancement. How logical does it sound that if you are agi player and pistols your main weapon and you put a perk point into bows and farming besides pistol you are actually greatly slowing down your progress with pistols? Sure, veteran players who get told on the forum or players who let themselves get spoiled by well-informed youtubers will get to know those strange rules. Anyone else will just wonder and not understand why he sits there on day 21 without a workstation and it is not at all easy to find out these rules by himself.
  16. @faatalSo someone who puts two perk points into the sledge will get his 100th sledge magazine at the same time all other magazines are at about 20 (with exceptions). Did you (i.e. TFP) change the design criteria of the perk boost from being just a safety measure into a game mechanism? If you wanted to speed up crafting without the player having to deal with hundreds of recipes, wouldn't it have been better to halve the amount of needed recipes? Or reduce the amount of different magazines, i.e. just one for all weapons of an attribute (like you already do it with INT). Is the team ok with the consequence that by perking into other boost perks you are actually greatly slowing down the crafting progress in some perk you specced into? Sorry for asking you about design, but atm you are the only one available.
  17. Well, I made a bug report now even though I have my doubts it will stay there. It is surely possible they simply changed their design intentions for it. If not then I think there is a chance the programmer just forgot a "." in the XML, i.e. he wanted to write ".2" but wrote "2". Though they should have noticed it as well if that is the case. My hope is that at a minimum we might find out what their intentions are now with the perk boost. As it is now it is not a safety measure anymore but it practically governs what magazines you get. You could as well just make the chance to find other magazines than the ones you perked into drop to zero and it wouldn't make much of a difference.
  18. Summary: According to XML and practical tests just 2 points in a perk let you reach 100 magazines of that type while all other unperked magazines are still at 20. 5 points in a perk means every third magazine you find is of that type. Assuming the initial design criteria we were being told of the perk bonus being just a safety measure is still correct I would guess the current 200% bonus a perk point gives to a magazine should really have been 20% Game Version: A21.1 b16 OS/Version: any CPU Model: any System Memory: NA GPU Model and VRAM: NA Screen Resolution: NA Video Settings: NA Game mode: any Did you wipe old saves? (Yes/No) No Did you start a new game? (Yes/No) Yes Did you validate your files? (Yes/No) Yes Are you using any mods? (Yes/No) No EAC on or off? off Status: NEW Bug Description: Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) put two points into any weapon perk 2) collect magazines from general book cases and news dispenser until you have reached some advanced level in that weapons magazine or 1) Check the XML and do the math Actual result: You collected only 1/5th of any other magazines than that one Expected result: The magazine should be ahead by a small percentage (this is how the magazine boost through perks was described in the forum and in changelogs), not 5 times as much as other magazines. Or even more if you perk higher. Link to Pastebin Output Log: NA
  19. Ok, I did the test: Made a new map with no zombies, perked myself fully in Machine Gunner and Rule1 Cardio and nothing else and lootet every general book container I could find, i.e. NewsDispensers, Mailboxes, Bookshelfs, Bookpiles, LootCrateBookStore and Bookcase. Did not bother to count how many containers I looted, and threw away any of the schematics and recipes, just kept paper and the magazines. After 1 day I had 28 Tactical Warface and 56 other magazines in sum. With 200% bonus per perk point aka 1000% bonus fully perked binf_shinanas formula predicted that 33% of all magazines would be Tactical Warface. Actual result: 28/(56+28)= 0.333333 aka 33%. Perfect fit. After another day I had 56 Tactical Warfare and 113 of everything else. 56/(56+113)= 0.33136 aka 33%. Again perfect fit. So the XML is right, it is a 200% bonus per perk point (in other words each perk points puts 2 more balls to the original one ball in the pool) The ball analogy is an excellent way to show what that means. One point in such a perk means that you find 3 magazines of this type for each of all the other magazines. Two points means you will find 5 magazines of this type for each of all the other magazines. Consequently with 2 perk points you will reach 100 with that magazine while all other unperked magazines are still at 20 (excluding any effects of specialized loot containers or buying mags) And that can't be right. I will make a bug report.
  20. Look at the formula binf_shinana has posted. A bonus of 20% would lead to this magazine being found with a chance of (1+.2)/(23+.2) = 0.0517 and every other magazine with a chance of 0.043. A minimal difference you would not be able to notice at all. And I assume that is what you meant to say, and that is exactly how we interpret it as well. Yes, we assume that there are 0.2 more balls in the pool when adding that 20% chance.
  21. Exactly. And these numbers conform with my experience how the magazines drop in actual gameplay. I think an easy test would be to start a new game with zombies turned off, get exactly one (preferably weapon) perk to 5 (prob= 33%) and loot all bookcontainers and newspaperboxes in a city you can find. 100 should be enough to get a clear picture as approximately 1/3 of your magazines should be of this weapon if no other factors wheigh in.
  22. The "percentage bonus being applied to base chance" is exactly what our theories are based on. How high that percentage is is the question. BFT thinks it is 20% just like you. But the number in the xml is "2" which neither fits mathematical nor percentage notation for 20% and also doesn't fit with how percentage numbers are used anywhere else in XML. If TFP isn't deliberately trying to confuse their own coders then it must be either bumped to 1.02 or 3, increasing to 1.1 or 11 at max. The only wiggle room I see is if it were applied differently than we think
  23. I put more confidence in what I see in the XML than the dev diary, just like comments in code are much less accurate than the code. The dev diary doesn't take mistakes and bugs into account and neither any balancing changes made after someone wrote that sentence. And what we experience in game really doesn't fit a 2% bonus at all. If the chance of finding one magazine in 17 were 1.1, and the rest 1, you would not have that magazine in about one third of all book containers. For me it looks like a bug because someone forgot about the mathematical notation and simply used percentage. Or they found out that a small buff just had no impact (looking at say 4 days of play) and pushed it up until they noticed one.
  24. @faatal Tried out the new "loot container" command you had added. There seems to be some strange bias. Try "loot container bookcase 50000 1 1" and you'll see that the vehiclesSkillMagazine always drops 60% more often than other skill magazines. And bookTechJunkie1Damage is always last with a similar difference to the most often found book bookArtOfMiningDiamondTools. Is the command always reseting the random number seed? Or is is it the RNGs fault?
  25. Then explain something that confuses me: Everywhere else in xml percentages (for perc_add for example) are written in mathematical notations, i.e. as ".2" (meaning 20%). Example: <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" level="1" value=".1"> meaning 10% I would assume. But with the magazines I see <passive_effect name="LootProb" operation="perc_add" level="1,5" value="2,10" tags="spearSkill"/> So shouldn't this mean 200% increase per perk level? Even if it used percent notation then it would only be 2% per step, which obviously doesn't fit reality. I just don't see 20% in those numbers at all
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