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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. The decent feedback is all around you in this forum section. Read the official info by following the red banners above, read (more detailed) information from pinned threads here in "News & Announcements". Just read, its all there.
  2. So you want to hide the fact that you shamelessly stole the property of Jack Canada while he is momentarily out there eating some brains? 😁
  3. Exxodous, you may get your wish as I don't even understand what he wants to tell me with this list that seems largely irrelevant to what I wrote. Matt, comedy in my country is used as a generic term for things like parody. And there are actually movies that are called horror comedies here. And that is the last I will write about it
  4. But they didn't say that the tone would be horror when they said this would be a horror game. They said among the genres was horror and with zombies, who for example eat you when you die, there is horror in this game by any definition of the word. A horror comedy movie has also horror in its description whatever its tone.
  5. Good catch, the steam page was changed. Theoretically the kickstarter page could have changed as well. Did you read that "definition" you posted? There are words like "commonly" "typically", "frequently", "tend to", "is not unusual" in almost every sentence. Once you have a few of those properties you probably can call your game "horror survival". It certainly would be wrong to call 7D2D a pure survival horror game, I would prefer to call it a "survival , horror" game. Or what TFP did there, call it a "mash-up of " multiple genres as some parts of those genres might not survive the "mashing up". So i went to steam and searched for games with the tag "survival horror". And among many dark and sinister games there was also "Don't starve together", which is schock full of humor. And "Secret neighbor" which also has many of the properties of "survival horror" but again is more on the funny side. But both surely fit unter "survival horror".
  6. Have you tried to turn on the network workaround setting in the game options, under the general section of the options?
  7. Isn't "not competing with the original audience" the same as "changing the audience" ? EDIT: Ah, I see I probably should have written **target** audience
  8. What your are bringing up here is one of several "fair use" excemptions in copyright law, the one about parody. But simply changing the target audience does not suffice. Wikipedia: "Examples of fair use in United States copyright law include commentary, search engines, criticism, parody, news reporting, research, and scholarship." Also how much of the original work is used is a big factor in deciding whether it is fair use. So using a small piece of a work is easier to be considered fair use as the whole work. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use )
  9. Have you ever used mods for the game before? If yes, delete the game completeley from the SSD or hard disk with file explorer before reinstalling. Then use the launcher to clear all configuration. If this doesn't help please post FULL logs of server and client of such a crash,
  10. It seems they disagree. This is similar to you encouraging a **successful** corn farmer to change to yucca farming while having never grown yucca yourself. 😉 You read what you wanted to read. I find nothing in the description that suggests any of that. Check out https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/7daystodie/7-days-to-die-zombie-survival-game There is not a single mention of the word "dark" in there, there is nothing at all talking about seriousness/darkness or humor at all. Meanwhile their company name is "Fun Pimps". I'd say 1:0 for me. The steam page has the sentence "Set in a brutally unforgiving post-apocalyptic world..." that just means "difficult" to my ears, the "brutally" is embelishing the word "unforgiving" here. This is the only sentence that even remotely could be read in the way you are suggesting, if my interpretation of it were wrong. If you disagree, please post where you found that description you are talking about. Most assets were bought from the Unity store and were placeholders. If something is unfinished then it might look like a cat but grows into a horse. So yes, it probably is a horse now. It is even possible that TFP wanted a more serious game at first. But even if that were true, they were completely free to change their mind as they never promised a dark serious game. What I said was that you can talk to the devs directly by making an initial post (not a reply to someone) in this dev diary and they might read it. But discussing something with me, even in this same thread, will likely be ignored by them. And my "mod" status is irrelevant for this. (Likely they already know your opinion anyway by now, so repeating it every time is probaby superfluous by now, you only get one "vote") That they actually read some of this is proven by the fact that some time after you started posting in this forum suddenly a few skeletons and a news stand appeared in the game and I think one of the POI designers posted a picture of the newsstand in a reply to you.
  11. In longer games I tend to build roads, tunnels or bridges to connect places that are near but separated. An in-game function to build continuosly along a line while holding the mouse button would be beneficial for this
  12. No, you can't expect realism with THIS game. And you can list hundreds of other games where some parts have internal consistency or are realistic and others are not and it does mean sh** with THIS game. Yes, but what you don't see is that this is not an accident, not a bug, not something that will be corrected because you tell them. You will find a pipe weapon in a military bunker and you will find it there in the release version as well. I can almost guarantee you that, as much as a random user on this forum can. Who cares? You don't seem to understand that a developer can be different from other developers, can develop his games differently. Ask Steam if they object and they will tell you they don't. Ask the terraria developers if they object and they will tell you they wont 😁. Nobody at TFP cares what the ark developers did or did not. It doesn't make a precedent that needs to be followed, there is no rule about it. I mean, did you protest to project zomboid that they changed from 2d to 3d? You could have told them that "Terraria didn't, Conan didn't, Ark didn't, Contagion didn't change from 2d to 3d. So how can you do that?". They would have given you the same answer that TFP would. Interesting. Which was the part where I did something similar to asking you "you know he won't read it?" in the part you quoted?
  13. That axes are not very viable as weapons has a simple balancing reason: Since they also are very good resource tools (naturally for wood, but also meat) they would be OP if they were equally good as dedicated melee weapons. This was already practically tested before: Axes were nearly as good as other melee weapons in an earlier alpha and practically everyone (including madmole himself) was only using axes. Because you saved one of the toolbelt slots, and because you could open doors and kill zombies without changing weapons.
  14. And in 7D2D you would NOT find an MP40 near a german soldier corpse. Surprise !! If you get lucky a dev of 7D2D will explain to you why you see so many similar zombies and there is a blood moon, and I will guarantee you that that explanation will be as realistic as the explanation of magic exisitng in Unchartered. 😉 . What was the explanation for the existence of magic in Unchartered again? There was none? Thought so. That argument gets you included into my internal list "found out about EA too late" 😉. But 7D2d started with very few models of zombies and never changed that. So you should be pleased, at least they didn't change that. 😁. See, you only refer to old alphas as setting rules when it suits you. But the thing is, old alphas do not set any rules. I am sure nobody inside TFP will care about anything that was in alpha4 and neither will they listen about you complaining about style changes that happened after some prototype version What you can hope for is that they read your opinion. The only mod with a direct contact to devs is Crator Creator now. Even worse, what you discuss with me or anyone else is even more likely to be ignored. Because they assume (AFAIK) that any replies are part of some conversation and argument between players. And they don't have time to read all that stuff. I am also pretty sure that Faatal is DM'd so often that he simply ignores DMs.
  15. There is your fundamental problem with 7D2D right there. When you start with false assumptions you reach false conclusions. Just look at the demolisher and tell me again it is "supposed" to be realistic. And no wishing or praying from you will change the fact that in 7D2D broken bones heal in a day and the moon turns red every 7 days. Where some other games try to be as realistic as possible, 7D2D is somewhere in the wide field between realism and a comic, probably more on the side of comic than realism. Now I get it, the rest of your post is again your pamphlet to the developers with your wishlist and a request to them to please change their ways and reconsider. Could you please make a new post and adress it to Fataal for example the next time. I always feel left out of a dialog I am supposed to be a part of 😎
  16. I know what you meant. And I was specifically hinting that fights can be fun whether you fight with hundreds of individuals or hundreds of clones. You even could imagine that the zombies in 7D2D are really zombie clones generated at a secret lab. If a "realistic" explanation is important for you.
  17. You CAN gather far more murky water by looting POIs if you are an experienced player in SP. Read Shaenara's post above or lots of other posts from new players saying they don't have enough water. (Shaenara, are you real or ChatGPT?). Some don't know all the sources, some simply have a harder time killing zombies and not getting enough kitchens looted in a single day. And I can tell you that we were always thirsty the first few days as a 4 player group. After having aquired first 1 and then 3 dew collectors we had enough water for drinking, but not enough for drinking and crafting. We ended up building about 10 dew collectors. So yes, water scarcity was very effective for a rather long time in our game to throw sticks between our legs. And dew collectors only helped slowly rectifying this. Naturally it is the whole water change (including not getting water from lakes) that does this. I may have been a bit careless in describing the whole water change unter the title "dew collectors" I was comparing your solution not to A20 but to the current solution. A20 was not a solution but a problem (at least to the devs). Even a swimming pool has so many water blocks that it would suffice for a loong time. Don't even think about depleting a lake with the bucket method Why would I say it is a cheesy exploit when it would be exactly the thing I would do if silver water buckets were in vanilla? Everyone would do it. And that would make the water problem in everyone's game non-existent as soon as you have a forge, with a totally legitimite counter, not an exploit ! "...after having been in the game in years". Sure, happens in EA, and I have to confess that I like it that so many things change between alphas. Lots of players like to be confronted with new problems each alpha, I would say they have an affinity to EA. Lots of other players can't really handle change well or find it aggravating, they probably should wait for a game to exit EA before playing it.
  18. The Wachowski brothers made 2 films about this, and the fights with the clone army were the highlight of those movies.😁
  19. I never saw a bucket in loot and ignored it in crafting in the last years, sorry for my ignorance there. It would make the game more difficult in the beginnning as you practically were dependant on first creating a forge before you could start producing water. And then immediately (as the bucket is re-usable endlessly) your water problems are completely solved. Just build beside a lake or swimming pool, craft 1-4 buckets and any amount of water is producible in relatively short time. 2 buckets should be easy to produce even on day 2 or 3 and would generate nearly 5*3*2=30 jars of water in a single night in your base! Players investing in miner69er could produce even more buckets and make more water (another slight disadvantage of your idea). Not saying your solution isn't a good one in many ways, it sure is less gamey for example. But it would be available later and has not the slow (depending on player) ramp up of water production that the dew collector solution has.
  20. You are correct about most of the legalities, but you will have a very hard time proving that 7D2D is not open world apocalypse, survival, crafting and horde defence in a court, especially because these terms are not clearly defined and have a different meaning for everyone. I can point to elements in the game that fulfill all these claims. For example: Try to define "Sandbox". For some players only creative mode would be a true sandbox, while others would call any game sandbox that can be played without a specific endgoal in mind. Now try to explain to a judge that your definition of sandbox is right and you want to give back a game because it doesn't fullfill your definition. Also if the terms of EA are accepted by the court then you don't have the final product in hand. And only the final product has to have all these elements (You could try to fight this too, but now you'll have steams best lawyers on the other side to fight as well). If your opinion were correct then you could give back any unfinished EA game simply because it isn't finished and parts are missing. 7D2D for example simply because bandits are missing and that was an advertised part of the game. Read steams EULA of EA games, there surely is some provision that you can not assume much about the game you are playing while it is developed, not even that it runs all the time. Now I have no doubt that you simply could get the game returned by just making yourself a nuisance that is more worth than the price of the game (or the risk of going to court that is always there) 😉
  21. This is most likely a problem of steam and a failed install operation, not the game. But while you are here, try the list of fixes in https://ugetfix.com/ask/how-to-fix-the-operation-was-canceled-by-the-user-0x4c7-error-on-steam/ but do NOT use the first solution on that list (running the game as administrator) which is doing more harm than good in the long run. Start with point 2 on the list which has a good chance of removing your problem (even do that twice before moving to the next item on the list). And don't install any automatic tools listed there, they may be legit but they don't help in your case.
  22. Can you craft buckets from clay? Can you fill the bucket from a lake or swimming pool? If your answer is yes to both you have the means to produce any amount of water you might need at the moment even on the first day. You need some more time and effort than in A20, but thats about it.
  23. You can, from toilets, from water you find in kitchen cupboards, from dew collectors. Jars are just not shown as a separate item, like gas cans. What you collect is one quantity of water and you don't need to concern yourself with how that water is transported. Think about it, it was always illogical that there are jars of water in the toilets, but everyone accepted this as the truth. The best explanation to this must have always been that you have containers with you, jars for example or anything else, and you fill these containers from the toilet. If you are asking why you can't get water from lakes, that is the solution TFP came up with to make water a scarce resource even though lakes are everywhere. Think of the water as simply unusable and don't think any further. For what TFP wanted to achieve it was the easiest solution. Whether there are better solutions would have to be evaluated.
  24. "Quickly circumvented" is by design. I.e. the developers said they want food and water only be a problem in early game
  25. Good catch with the "out of obligation to our investors". That does indicate that they had investors then already. Mentioning them in this way seems to indicate they needed investors specifically to bid successfully on the auction and promised them a cut from whatever the console release will make in return (hence the investors interest in a console release). But again, this didn't prompt TFP to any desperate measures, this happened years ago and TFP has not made haste like a developer in cash trouble surely would. For example Faatal is still working on PC features, the weather, vehicle features, water physics overhaul, ... instead of being fully occupied with getting the console out or finishing the PC game fast to prepare for earlier console release or the next income source like DLCs or microtransactions.
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