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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. AFAIK: You need to contact the server admin. He has to find a moment when nobody online has a drone deployed (maybe by asking everyone to take up their drones for a moment) and then issue the command "jd clear". Not sure if it is necessary, but better make sure you are online at that moment. This command will delete all deployed drones.
  2. Is the server also on wifi? I would try to put at least that one on a physical wire. More infos how to find and post logfiles is here: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  3. I see a few "ERR [XBL] Received undefined XUID" errors early in the login attempt but I don't know enough about the current network code whether this is serious and I think I saw those errors happen in other logfiles too. Nothing else in the log suggests what is wrong, maybe a server log would show more. Falling through the world suggests that you lose communication and just don't get any more updates from the server. The only thing I can think of at the moment is checking whether you excluded all storage locations of the game from your antivirus software, especially the stuff in AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie . But also the game software directory and afterwards check the software for correctness (I assume the xbox client has something similar to steam). Then try a fresh new server to make sure you don't fail because of corrupt player data Also make sure you have enough free hard disk space and your disk cache is handled by windows itself (that is the default, but some people change it and sometimes that makes problems). And the logfile is from a server with a 12k world, try to find a new vanilla server with a standard size.
  4. I am sorry, but I do not exactly understand what your husband or you have done and what happens. The more precise you explain the better. And if your husband set up the server then he would be better at explaining what he did to set up the server. BUT MOST IMPORTANT: Please post logfiles of the server and client from the same session (logfiles have the date of creation in their name) to pastebin and post a link to those files here in the forum. This is explained in https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  5. Without trader I would need a point in vehicles. Not because I would fail without it, but because mid-game would be tedious without the comfort and range the vehicles provide.
  6. I may have been misunderstanding your words, but what else does that mean: This sounds like a new player will not be able to adopt to this driving as easy as a veteran or have exceptional problems with it, i.e. **functional** problems. Usual "functional" does not mean a problem with understanding why something is but operating something, don't you agree? But since you have explained it more, this is probably not what you meant and I can readily agree that this was just me reading too much into an ambiguous wording of yours. I never said anything about the stupidity of the wobble, no idea how you got to that. All I ever talked about was your claim about what problems new players were having and theories of why that wobble may be in the game right now
  7. No, that was a rethorical question where I make fun of your asking about my "obsession". Me having an opinion is not an obsession. I added a wink and didn't except an answer.
  8. I disagree. I see a wide margin between loot and trader. I don't know if you are one of the people who plays without trader, but if not, try it and tell me whether loot is always above crafting. Because currently it seems you find very few complete weapons, and without the trader you are probably finding a few complete guns above what you can craft, but the gun you want will often be one you need to craft, provided you put points into that weapon perk. As a side note: Currently TFP made sure you only can craft what you have perked into. Even if you did perk into it, weapon magazines are at a disadvantage against other magazine types, so there is some more balancing work necessary here. What is your obsession with crafting having first place? 😉 I have a feeling all my months of cursing on that damn trader and again in my previous post was for nothing, because in your words I always want to rely on "loot AND rewards". If it wasn't for your last paragraph I would have the impression of writing to a blind man 😆
  9. Currently crafting is already the slowest way in 7D2D (except for the fast track provided by magazine perks) since the trader is OP since ages. But the trader can't be fixed by making everything else OP as well but only by fixing the trader. Either crafting has to be slowest way or there are ingredients that slow you down. I don't care which. By "slowest" I mean that looting should always have the ability to give you something ahead of what you can get deterministically, but it should never be so powerful that you get everything only by looting. It's a a balance thing. Note that looting in 7D2D currently is not OP at all. You loot and loot and all you ever find as a lvl5 character are pipe guns and stone spears. It is the trader and his quest rewards (including the heap of dukes you get) that are OP.
  10. I have a big problem there. I have a huge pile of shame but have played only very few games in the last >10 years because I got stuck with a few games with huge replayability, mainly Factorio, 7Days2Die, FTL, Slay the Spire and Monster Train (and I have to confess WoW). Not much else. The other problem is that I forget fast. For example I played Outer Worlds some time ago, but I don't remember anymore how crafting was handled there or whether it even had crafting. We are not talking about general skills but crafting, right? And 7D2D is a genre mix, so at least we should add survival ganes to the pool. Then any survival or RPG game where you find instead of research schematics would apply. Are there any? Someone else would have to answer this. But as to your central premise, yes, probably non-randomized learning of crafting recipes is the better way, but then crafting HAS TO BE the slowest method of aquiring things without the possibility of a fast track through it, something 7D2D never had.
  11. Okay, it was the example you just had available, I give you that. Only that your example may not suck from a game designers point of view because it promotes slighty different problems each time you play and therefore replayability. Your example just doesn't have that life-threatening game f** up beyond repair have-to-restart kind of ring to it that would denote a non-desirable situation to a game designer. What it shows is that crafting progression is still somewhat random (which isn't something nobody has noticed yet) but it didn't show the negative side. And you need a negative side for the rest of your argument that implies the the system needs to change, right? Isn't this an argument loop? It is a bad idea because it is a bad idea. Ok. That seems to be a general problem of any POI that is more desirable than other places. Even without the magazine system, i.e. with the previous schematics you could have done that and come away with practically all schematics that you could potentially find at some level. In other words, we are not worse of than before. And the potential of fergettin to just spec into INT, build the motorbike and chem station, then respec to something else, is again the inherent potential of the fergetting elixier that would exist even more if perks were used to give you crafting skills. The only way to stop fergettin to be so damn good is to make it very expensive and dukes not so easy to get, or add level unlocks to recipes, i.e. the level gates almost everyone hated when they were in the game.
  12. You got a point there. "feature" just has that positive ring to it and the implication that there is some implementation behind it. My guess is that Faatal just changed physics parameters until the bike would get instable at a specific point and the physics engine did the rest. This assumes that Unity has a physics library they just used. But no matter my reluctance, factually it would be a feature.
  13. It is not a feature. It may just be a very cheap way to represent losing control. And new players will just observe the vehicle going wild when they don't drive carefully and then adapt. Being a new player doesn't mean that person has an IQ below 50 and the obstinacy of a lemming. Just because all new players are too dumb (in your opinion) to find this website doesn't mean they can't drive a motorbike in 7D2D.
  14. You actually have quite a lot of control if you want. Just push the perk for the magazine you want as high as possible and be careful to perk into as few other magazine perks as you can afford. No matter your luck you will see a massive difference and that crafting skill will climb far ahead of all others
  15. So it seems to work for them. Then why does FramFramson claim it would be an issue especially for them? Unfair? Sorry, that is silly. In many strategy games the AI is so weak that it needs additional units to make the game challenging and fun. A new player probably gives a rats ass about fairness when he would be bored to death by a fair game. A veteran player can complain about the weak AI and the hokey way of correcting it because he notices it and it actually decreases his fun exactly because he sees the trick being done, but that is a complaint strictly about his own enjoyment of the game, not about new players not having fun. For once I'll give an example to you: Someone newly watching a magician do a magic trick will have fun because he doesn't see the trick. A veteran of magician shows (lets say another magician) who already knows most tricks will more likely be bored because he knows what is done and the awe is gone.
  16. No. I want to tell you that your example does not hold any potential for a crisis. You as a veteran who knows at least 5 ways to get food is complaining that he can't make some specific food already that saves him 3 seconds of eating time. I would even be happy if they changed back to a random schematic scheme but with the twist that you can't circumvent that with perks. Makes each playthrough a lot more random, increases replayability. In other words, I don't really like the magazine system in its current form, but the little randomness left that can make someone not being able to cook b&e on day 5 is its only saving grace.
  17. I don't see vehicles crashing. I see the motorbike toppling over but the only result is that the bike is pointed into a random location but you sitting perfectly on it without getting any damage. There is nothing there that would look like you simply losing control and getting thrown off (i.e. what you would see in motorbike races when the driver loses control). But you made a good point here, "losing control" would be the better term to describe the intended cause instead of "crashing". You have to explain that. You ARE losing control of the vehicle when the wobbling starts, the only thing that is missing is a chance to get thrown off. I don't see new players complaining. I see a few veterans complaining. 😉
  18. Sadly I got the answer from TFP that at least the massive boni from perks will stay, one reason being the player should feel the difference when perking into it. Faster unlocks will not resolve my complaint at least. You are complaining about uncertain supplies in an apocalypse in a survival game. There is the creative menue if you want dependability. I would simply eat grilled meat in the mean time, the bacon&eggs recipe is already on an unstoppable railroad to your hands.
  19. But that's the thing, the game has no motorcycle crashing and you flying off animation (or does it? At least it surely isn't implemented yet). So you are glued to the motorcycle no matter what you do and the wobbling is maybe the equivalent of you getting thrown off. The important question then would be whether you get "thrown off" too easy. Or if it would be more fun to really be thrown off instead of wobbling?
  20. I am not an expert in EAC, but you might have network problems and the EAC kick simply happens after some timeout or because it sees the same IP address trying to connect too many times. It might not have noticed the previous attempt was interrupted and still might be having an open connection there. There is a "network fix" setting in the options you could try out. Or post a link to a logfile on pastebin for us to analyze
  21. Dann sollte das savegame eben unter /root/.local/share/7daystodie zu finden sein
  22. Sure, but someone has to perk into explosives to get enough magazines, no matter who finally reads it. And that is what I don't like about the current magazine system
  23. Oh sorry, hab komplett übersehen, daß du ja von zwei Servern redest und du auf dem alten server kompletten Zugriff hast. Also, ich rede jetzt nur vom alten Server. Du bist da gerade als root eingeloggt, die Frage ist: Hast du den server auch immer als root gestartet oder in einem bestimmten useraccount, i.e. user "days" wie das howto es beschrieb? Egal, auf jeden Fall solltest du genau in diesen account einloggen. Dann gib mal folgendes ein: cd pwd ls -al Nach pwd sollte er dein Homeverzeichnis anzeigen (also "/root" im Falle von root, oder "/home/days" im Falle vom user "days"). Mit "ls -al" listest du dein homeverzeichnis auch mit versteckten Dateien an, also auch die mit "." starten. Da sollte es ein ".local" geben, da kannst du dich zu .local/share/7daystodie durchhangeln. Falls du deine savegames dort nicht findest, schau auf jeden Fall auch noch in allen anderen Homeverzeichnissen nach, also in allen "/home/irgendwas" und in "/root".
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