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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. So you didn't notice that a percentage (10% might even be right) of all zombies already attack random parts of the base instead of following some weakest link point? So what you offer as the solution is already implemented and surprise, it doesn't magically make the game unpredictable. 😉 You should replay A16 if you think the strategy the zombies used then was any less predictable than it is now. In A16 the zombies (when not running in circles) just ran straight at you. Which is in general as predictable as what most zombies do now and there are very easy strategies to defend against it, the only positive thing was that players had a bit more agency on the horde night as their position determined the exact point where zombies were attacking. But the drawback was that horde base building was boring and traps almost useless (except when you simply placed a field of spike traps all around the base). I had no fun at all building horde bases in A16. It was a brainless task as there was no reason for elaborate designs, the best design was just a block with all sides equal.
  2. I don't get what you are trying to say here. I don't need to brag to friends that I made it to day 100 without dying because a) I am looong past the bragging age b) I generally die at least once in the first 20 days because I am far from a perfect player. A game where I would reach 100 days without dying would be a game set so easy it would bore me to death. Consequently I don't have any problem installing a mod when it helps me having more fun in the game. We can protest that the game should do that in vanilla, but I am 80% certain that version 1.0, which is getting released in a few months, won't be such a version. I will have to fix the trader myself or live with games that have me perfectly equipped in less than 40 days. I already made the suggestion to the developers that the difficulty setting would need to reduce loot and trader rewards at higher difficulties as well. They seem to disagree. But we are digressing from your initial pitch which was about making the zombies dumber. And I don't see what hell divers 2 brings to THAT argument 😉.
  3. Depends on the definition. Many consider the horse armor skin of Oblivion the first example of a microtransaction (including Wikipedia which says that MOST examples of microtransactions are conducted in in-game shops). If TFP were selling a single horse armor skin as DLC I would have a hard time explaining what the practical difference would be. But eventually, as a DLC grows in size there has to be an end to calling it "micro" and it just becomes a small addon that you could buy or not. Real microtransactions are made for the purpose to lure especially small kids into paying x times of what they payed for the game through **many** small transactions, a single or even a handful of DLCs simply can't do that.
  4. I don't think anybody will contest this. You buy anything that could be dangerous and it is the responsibility of the user to not endanger himself or anyone else through his actions. "Broken" may be too strong in this case, and mostly means something different than "Unsafe". And I would call 7days unsafe by design aka having a design flaw in the UI. If you roll out something that could "endanger" parts of your customers simply by them not taking any actions except turning it on, then part of the blame is on you. You should not sell guns with the ammunition already in the chamber and the safety off. You should not sell home routers with a preset WLAN password everyone knows. You should not sell routers that open a management interface into the internet that the user has to turn off if he doesn't want it. You should not sell machines with movable parts with the power switch on so they would immediately start if you plugged them in.
  5. Exactly. I don't think this would ever be vanilla default because co-op players want to select what they read. But an option or a mod could enable this.
  6. Human nature. People often do not decide at all (aka decide to do nothing) when they have to make a decision. And therefore that should be the safe case. They do nothing when they are overwhelmed by choices, do not understand, get distracted, don't care, are 9 years old or 99 years old, are in a hurry. In other words most of the time. Do you really expect a typical kid with a steam account to already make the right informed decisions about its games when you practically know that most kids have just enough sense to klick on any button that says "start"? And even half of all grown ups operate the same way? (Disclaimer: There are actually very old people who would understand, but they are in the minority)
  7. Lots of software developers including Microsoft needed to learn that lesson the hard way and I have the feeling the games industry is largely still in the pre-learning phase: The default setting has to be secure or you will hurt your customers badly and have to pay the price later with a bad reputation. It is exactly the least knowledable users who need the most secure setup and are also the users least able to set up the correct options
  8. The character data is stored on the server! It would need a lot of effort to make that possible. * Either move that data permanently to clients (like Enshrouded does it) which would be a big redesign and make it easier for cheaters to manipulate on online servers. * Or add code to dynamically move player data to clients and back to other servers once logged in (lots of additional programming work and almost the same problem as 1). * Or make it possible between linked servers on the same machine (which would make it a very limited feature only a handful of servers could use). The last option may be possible even today if you don't need both servers to run at the same time. Just let two savegames share the player data.
  9. I assume the biggest problem in making this game make better use of more threads is that 10 years ago this game started with a much smaller scope and nobody programming the main loops had any idea that nowadays the workload would need to be distributed well to multiple threads AND that the minimum specs would increase as well (in 2014 minimum specs talked about 1 or 2 cores max). Today they have probably "matured", inflexible code, and only a complete rewrite/refactoring of the main loop and some of the subsystems would be needed for a an optimal distribution of workload. But for that they don't have the time anymore.
  10. Though all of those optimizations were done before work on the console started and were specifically because performance on many PCs(!!) were problematic. Complaints about performance in this forum or on steam have been coming from PC players not console players.
  11. I am trying to save you some time. As Lazman said the devs want the opinions and impressions of players (i.e. when you say "backpack space is so limited that my friends don't want to play that way anymore, especially late in the game"). But posting the actual ways how to change it ("increase backpack space, add more space in endgame, ...") are (IMHO) a waste of breath, especially this late in development. In other words, if you want to, go ahead and write a long paragraph about how to exactly increase the backpack space, you will get a nice thank you but most likely what you suggest will have been posted here a few times, thought of, and maybe even implemented at first and changed again. PS: I am a normal forum poster, like you. My side job as moderator has nothing to do with what I post. I am not posting in any official capacity.
  12. Assume that 99 of the 100 ideas you get have already been posted on this forum in its 10 years of existence. There is limited storage because it makes it a choice what to keep, what to scrap and what to drop. Most survival games have this limitiation implemented. Growing storage through backpacks was as well suggested hundreds of times and the developers decided instead to make part of the storage still available but it hinders you through costing stamina. And TFP has made great effort to make their game very modding-friendly (they have been starting out as modders themselves), why should they be spooked out by people playing the game with mods?
  13. In game design balancing tries to make sure that between comparable items the sum of all disadvantages and advantages is equal. Since the look of the nerd armor seems such a hugh disadvantage I expect the bonus stats of the nerd armor to offset this. You hear me, TFP? Its only for balance, I get nothing out of it 😇
  14. For unfun serious games please ask your favourite steam dealer down the road. This game may not be suitable to you. Please ask your psychotherapist before starting the game 😁 Nobody needs to wear the nerd set. If your vanity is bigger than the bonuses provided then just use some other armor and accept that you have been brainwashed by the fashion industry
  15. How is that different from a demolisher? A new player will shoot at him and it will suddenly explode, often killing the player the first time. It is up to the player to find out how the demo works, or how the vultures work and what helps. Worst thing that can happen: You die. Which is a very harmless thing in 7D2D, sometimes even beneficial.
  16. First of all, the game is CPU bound, so your CPU is the deciding factor how much FPS you get. While there are vast differences in GPU power on the market, top CPUs are not that far away from the middle class. And playing in 4k (I am assuming you do that currently?) will strain even the best currently available CPUs. But see this post: Turning down settings should have some effect, if not there is something else wrong. Maybe you are using some graphics optimizing bloatware that does more harm than good. One thing you can do is simply lowering the resolution, this should increase FPS. Another is waiting for A22 as there should be improvements to city FPS in there. Another is turning off anything else running on your PC, especially graphics tuning utilities. Lastly you could post a logfile and more information about your PC. How to do that correctly is explained in the pinned thread in this forum section that tells you to read it. Then someone here might find a reason for your low FPS instead of just wildly guessing
  17. As far as I know TFP didn't want gun variants that are practically the same but just a different name or skin because they would not have brought any different gameplay. It wasn't about it being simpler.
  18. 2. sounds like a disadvantage to me 😉
  19. They said a major reason for the new armors was that they couldn't get the old armors and clothes to look good in motion. For Madmole that seemed to have been a no go since for him graphics seem to be very important. And programmers can fail at making something work, especially if they have to base their work on some big library made by other programmers (Unity in this case). Which for example can make some theoretically viable solutions impossible, but you might only find out after trying it out. 7 days is special as it has been in EA development longer than any other game. It means they have experimented with game systems much longer than the typical EA games. Nothing says they have to do stuff like other games, otherwise I could name hundreds of games that came out and never changed at all, after all that was the usual thing before the era of buggy releases and EA or beta release games. What you are asking for would currently be exactly what you critizise them doing, a redesign of an existing system 😉. The devs must have been feeling just like you now years ago when they had been playing A16 and just were not happy with the system as it was. I really like your idea with the armor with varied stat bonuses on them, this is (in general) the system they wanted with legendary weapons and there is no reason it couldn't work with armors too. Legendary stuff is the feature I am waiting for the most since it was hinted at. But even if we get that it probably won't remove the attribute/stat "gates". For you there would be an easy solution as a solo player: Ask BFT2020 to make you a mod so that all the glasses (lucky googles, etc.) give +2, +3 or even +5 attribute bonus instead of +1. Practically you would get 2 classes at the price of one.
  20. Sure they could add more tiers. But this is not a service game like World of Warcraft where they add a new tier (aka areas and new quests and weapons) every few years for the **paying** customers. You are just an observer in their development process, it is not their task to keep people entertained for 8 years with new content. Be happy that you got so many hours out of this game, that is not the norm
  21. My guesses: More items for the mods slots means more tough decisions which mods to install, even at quality 6. And tough decisions are a good thing in my book. Also vanishing items would result in complaints they were removing features. Or was this a roundabout question of why the clothes slots were removed?
  22. I agree, I hate mini-games with a vengeance. The only thing I have to critizise about the lockpick system is that investing many points into it does not feel useful. Even fully specced it takes a long time and feels not much faster than unspecced. And in contrast the shotgun or pickaxe of a fully specced strength player seems as fast as a fully specced lockpick, but the points invested in the pickaxe seem to be better invested as the pickaxe has more uses.
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