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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. meganoth


    Post a logfile. Explanation of how to do this is in this thread: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  2. Nice, didn't notice. Ok, I would guess this is an unintended consequence of the change. Though I don't know if they will ever fix it, in a normal playthrough I would assume one would seldomly hit the limit because of clothes overload.
  3. My list was incomplete, but not exclusive to the best sources. Our wrench guy usually wrenches most beds in early game for the springs and pipes anyways, so this is just one of the many sources where cloth comes in all the time. When I went through the hotel (I was one of the two collecting cloth in my story above) I just used the axe. My result from the hotel was only upwards of 500 cloth by the way. What do you mean with queue spots? The concurrent jobs in your backpack crafting queue? How is that a limit with cloth?
  4. Tongue in cheek comment? Or do you seriously think that? Despite the claims of TFP overhauling their game each new alpha the only whole system that was immediately replaced again in the next alpha was the perk system of A17 (to my knowledge). And no, even though replacing the crafting recipe system in A21 made some changes necessary in perks, the perk SYSTEM was not changed at all.
  5. Oh right, that is the other thing I don't like with magazines. Originally they said the boost would be minimal, but now in effect it is the all-overriding mechanic to get specific magazines and in comparison nearly none of everthing else. Instead of a safety measure which it should have been.
  6. 5500 sounds so impressive. But when that guy who looted just one savage country brought back 2500 cloth alone (at least that is the number I think he mentioned in chat, might have misheard) then that number isn't that impressive anymore. And in normal gameplay you wouldn't do anything different, just keep cloth instead of dropping it. You may be surprised how much you would bring back every day and all it costs is another inventory slot. The important info here would be what type of weapons did you have and how much ammo. Guns kill a demo, pocket mods and chem stations do not 😁. Seriously, I still think MP is still much much easier, even with a few demos on horde night. Perks were an alternative way to get some recipes, generally recipes were always RNG too. And it bothered me that especially in MP the whole progression could be accelerated greatly by perks. In fact that is a detail I don't like with magazines, the reduced randomness of getting unrelated recipes like the food recipes. With weapon recipes that is fine as those recipes are practically just improvements on almost the same weapon, but it is a bit boring that I always get the gas can recipe at exactly the same time in my progression
  7. I play coop multiplayer and before the change we had about 10 full stacks of cloth in our parts box and nothing to do with it. We stopped collecting cloth at some unknown earlier day anyway. After the change we actually got rid of those stack with glue production, but then two of us went out, one raided an already looted hotel, the other an already looted savage country (for clothes, beds and curtains) and we had 10 full stacks again. Took us maybe 10 minutes to loot the stuff we left there because it was useless before. I bet if the looters of any MP group just keep the cloth they find (by wrenching beds or in cupboards or by scraping clothes) then they can easily support the same amount of "homies" without going out of their way. Before the change cloth was one of the items you throw away immediately after day 10. Just think of all the clothes you didn't even care to scrap in your previous game, how much cloth would that make in sum? That is only a guess though and there needs to be some play testing with fresh new games. Because of the stack limit I have the feeling it might just make sense to half any drop, harvest and recipe amounts. I.e. this would make no difference for how long you loot to produce anything, but your cloth would occupy half the space of what it does now without changing the stack limit.
  8. I don't know. As that is likely a gaming laptop and the GPU is separate from CPU it could or should have its own memory, not shared.
  9. The block system was updated, sure, for example brick and cobblestone merged and their weights changed at another time. The latter is a very simple xml change that can't really introduce any bugs, at max it could unearth already existing ones in the code. But I don't remember anyone saying in recorded history 😉 that the SI algorithm itself would be changed or looked at.
  10. It wouldn't be easy to reproduce with a few test blocks since SI is tested daily by hundreds of players and the code for it seems not to have been changed for years. Your only hope is to use the building where you seem to have had the problem and try to recreate by reenacting what you did last time.
  11. Well, that's a surprise. If it was already in A20 I am even more surprised. I remember checking on these values some time ago and it to be more than 2 years ago is the embodiment of "time flies away" Another bug possibility: Maybe the algorithm doesn't always find the best support for a specific block and then drops the ball and with it the blocks.
  12. And explanation of your setup? Explanation of "console side"? First half of logfile where no player ips are listed?
  13. I don't understand. Wood frames and wood don't have the same specs (AFAIK, didn't check), and neither have cobble and concrete the same specs (very very sure of that). If you upgrade from cobble to concrete the weight of that block definitely changes If you meant that the collapse happened between two blocks of the same weight, that isn't a surprise either, one was probably slightly nearer to his nearest support and therefore had just enough support and the other didn't. Also collapses often don't happen at the block which is out of support but on blocks that are part of the "support chain".
  14. If your anti-virus is the windows defender, you can't really deactive it and should not. You have to add exceptions for the save game location instead. Posting logfiles of client and server could help, explanation is in a pinned thread here in "General Support"
  15. What do you mean with console side? Maybe you could explain your setup and post complete logfiles. How to do that is explained in a pinned thread here in "General Support"
  16. You have a 7 year old **notebook* CPU and a similarily old notebook GPU with only 2G RAM. I don't know if this is the real cause of your problems, but it seems likely. This game (and you might have heard this before) is taxing any hardware because it uses a fully destrucitble world and voxels. It may be possible to get this game to run if you dialed down hardware settings and/or generated the smallest possible map. I don't know, but I seem to remember at least one regular forum poster here saying he plays with such a setup, but also that lots of people seem to have problems with such hardware (I often see GTX 960M in the logs here in general support) The logfile you posted is incomplete. If you really copied the complete log then the game must have crashed. There should be some windows log message showing you a reason why it crashed. You could use eventvwr to find that message.
  17. Telrics Flamethrower and ENDZ mods have lines they could not apply. It is likely that they try to change lines in the XML that a mod before them already changed. A typical cause of incompatibilities between mods. The more mods you use the higher the probability of failures and bugs. I also did not see the error messages in the log that you showed in the picture. Wrong logfile? You have to take up any mod problems with the mod authors.
  18. Now you have earned yourself the nickname Trollator 😉
  19. You have some mods installed. Has the server exactly the same mods installed? If not, that may be your problem. If not, there could be a bug in any of those mods or more likely an incompatibility. Since I (and probably anyone else here who might want to try to help) does not play with exactly the same mods, I (and everyone else) have no way to pin down the exact issue. The logfile at least seems to show no obvious error messages. And I haven't heard of your problem ever showing up in vanilla. Did you install or remove any mods while already playing this specific savegame? If yes, congratulation, that is a recipe for disaster. Generally, check that all mods are updated for the version of game you are playing (I see that super glasses is definitely not the right version). Let your friend start a new game with half the mods turned off and check if the problem reappears (though it seems it isn't easy to check since your problem seems to have turned up very late in your game).
  20. Are you blocking internet traffic to epic servers? Could you post the complete log, please? You can use pastebin like explained in a pinned thread here in general support
  21. I agree that the program folder should not need turning off anti-virus check (not sure if it still needs that after world generation was moved out of it long ago). Making an exception for the save game folder may be hard to avoid though since writing to the save game can randomly create virus signatures. Epic by the way is needed for two reasons: One is EAC, the other is that the id system was changed from steam-based to epic-based because only the epic-system works on consoles as well.
  22. I think I remember there was a change. There are changelogs for every version here in the forum in announcements. Just search for twitch in them and you know exactly what has changed
  23. By coincidence we visited the jail as well on saturday, with infestation and in the wasteland. It was glorious. But I hope there will only be very few POIs of this design. It should be special and when someone wants a blood bath he knows where to get it. But if every high-tier POI had this, just a succession of waves of zombies, this would get stale very fast.
  24. ... and the max number per player is 8. Unless they can make sure that a wandering horde is only showing up for one player at a time that limit would count for them as well. TFP posted an idea about an event system 1-2 years ago that they wanted to implement if time permits, it would be interesting to know where it is in their current priority list. That would have permitted them to surprise one player with a much larger list of zombies while the other players would have seen almost none at that moment. Though the difficulty would have been what to do if one starts a quest a few seconds later, for example in the prison.
  25. Your logfile is unreadable since all lines are concatenated to a single line. Generally, if suddenly null-refs appear, I would advise to stop the game, make a backup of the savegame and then start up again. If no further null-refs appear the damage was probably confined to memory and not saved to disk. If it reappears, then a check of the logfile is necessary to find out which part of the savegame was damaged and whether it can be repaired.
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