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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. I am not very familiar with windows so I can only give you general hints. It would be good to know why your client crashes. So I would suggest to open a command shell and start the game from there with steam steam://rungameid/251570 Hopefully there will be a message in the shell why it didn't work. If not, windows logfiles can be accessed with "eventvwr". There usually is some information on crashed programs there but I do not know where to look exactly. Another suggestion: Most of the people helping here are volunteers who do this on their own time and almost all of them speak english (as first or second language). Many of them won't do the additional work of translating your posts, if you want more eyes to see your problem you have to do the translating.
  2. Seems someone else had a similar problem. It isn't certain he had the same issue, but you could try the fix mentioned in that thread by SylenThunder : https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/34382-plz-help-game-crashes-on-launch-with-eac-on/
  3. Use windows explorer to search the whole disk for all files containing "output_log", as that string is followed by a date and time of creation of the file. This is to make sure there really is no output log.
  4. I merged the two posts. Please post a logfile of the failed session, preferable one from both of you, this is explained here: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  5. Your first log seems to show that you downloaded an update to the server before starting the game. Were you running an older version before (which one?) and changed to latest stable with these that don't work? Or did you simply delete the server files and redownloaded again?
  6. @faatal reads this thread occaisonally, he will see this eventually and he will know if it fits with their plans or not.
  7. Convincing argument. Especially interesting that this rules out network problems, as those are otherwise likely culprits with all the new crossplay complexity
  8. There is no fundamental difference between save and data folder. If you are able to specify one without the game crashing you are able to specify the other as well.
  9. Thanks Morloc, the first time ever that I can completely decipher a posting from sheets 😉
  10. Just looked into older XMLs, this change was made in A20. And no, I'm sure players won't be classified as animals.
  11. I assume you are refering to the old console version made by telltale. A new "7 days to die" for console that is up-to-date with the PC-version was shown last week on twitch-con. You need a newer console though and it will be a new game. And you will have to buy the game again, because its a new licensee doing the game, not telltale anymore. Though owners of the old telltale version will probably get a special deal.
  12. 🤔, we know how the serverconfig file looks unmodified. We wanted to see your modiication to tell you what you are doing wrong! But oh well, here is a working example: <!-- Folder and file locations --> <property name="AdminFileName" value="serveradmin.xml"/> <!-- Server admin file name. Path relative to the SaveGameFolder --> <property name="UserDataFolder" value="c:\users\x\Documents\gurg" /> <!-- Use this to override where the server stores all generated data, including RWG generated worlds. Do not forget to uncomment the entry! --> <!-- <property name="SaveGameFolder" value="absolute path" /> --> <!-- Use this to only override the save game path. Do not forget to uncomment the entry! --> Note I removed the comment tokens like I was asked to. I suspect you use windows, so I used a path that might work on windows (which I don't use so the path might not really be correct in all details). Make sure the actual path you insert exists.
  13. I think I heard the PS5 is sharing its main memory between CPU and GPU just like a laptop, and an answer on quora.com seems to say the same. So, supposing that guy on quora and I were right, then theoretically the GPU can address 16G of RAM. But practically the operating system and the game need space too, (and that same guy says the OS takes 4 G), so now you have max 12G RAM left. Now subtract what the game itself needs and THAT is effectively the RAM the GPU has left.
  14. Post the part of your serverconfig that you changed. Or post your logfile. But without data I can tell you just what the weather looks like here 😉
  15. Good point, I forgot that. If that is the case deleting the drones.dat file in the savegame should help AFAIK.
  16. Some people also believe poker is a game of luck 😉. Start a new game and put 2 perk points into INT so that you can immediately put 2 other perk points into lockpicking (yes, lockpicking, this is not a mistake). Then just loot lots of mailboxes or look for magazines. I guarantee you that you will have a forge in no time and your engineering crafting skill will be ahead of all the other crafting skills that you didn't put perk points into. And you are not stuck. You can buy or find steel clubs long before any demo turns up even if you can't craft them.
  17. What can I say? I don't ever get those "hitting nothing" events with my current PC and my current server, but I got them for example when I had a rented server with much less performance and with much less RAM than my current one (in fact performance problems were one reason why I switched servers, once from a managed game server to a bare virtual machine, then from that virtual machine to a more powerful virtual machine). What would you suspect then if you were in my shoes? Also notice that I didn't claim that I know the cause, I just said I suspect performance or network might be a more probable cause. At least I think that "...sound more like..." is equivalent to suspecting, right? Also notice that we probably know the surface reason why this is happening: If your game can't load the information of the next chunk/area in time for you to enter that chunk the game will just stop you and wait for the data (this we do know. If not you would simply fall through the world if in a ground vehicle as the game has no knowledge at that moment where the ground is!). Now think about reasons why this data isn't here in time. Sure, it could be a bug. But the easiest explanation that comes to mind is that somewhere in the path from server disk to server RAM to network card to network to your PCs network card to RAM was a slowdown. The gyrocopter by the way is the fastest vehicle in the vanilla game. If you have problems with the world not loading fast enough then you will see them most often in the gyro.
  18. AFAIK shader updates. I get those all the time for my proton games on linux. Notice the miniscule size.
  19. A lot of your bugs sound more like you have performance or network problems. This shows beyond a doubt that what we have been saying is true: He is madmole
  20. I would assume the following happened: When the backup was made your harddisk ran out of space, so the backup was incomplete. Then you automatically started the server and when the server tried to add information (probably because of regular housekeeping tasks the game does when it starts up again, or a spawned zombie that destroyed a block, or ...) it couldn't and corrupted the savegame. Just a guess though Please post the whole logfile to pastebin.com and post a link to it here. Usually a server will start even though a region file is corrupted @Jugginator See above, there may be another error that prevents startup of this server, but generally, is it possible for the server to not start anymore even though only region files are corrupted? In that case the "regionreset" would be of no help
  21. Deleting regions by hand should not be done anymore in A21 and newer. For that a new command was added in the console called "regionreset". Tryp "help regionreset" to get more info. So if you can get the server running again you could try to use regionreset and check the logfile afterwards. But it is entirely possible that this isn't the only place your savegame got corrupted. I assume you have free space again on your harddisk, right? If above doesn't work I would suggest installing a savegame-backup from a time when your harddisk still had free space left.
  22. Follow the advice in this thread if you are playing alpha 20 or older versions. From alpha 21 on things have changed. This is information from Jugginator, an internal tester at TFP:
  23. A few years ago Madmole talked about this idea as an alternative to bloodmoon they were considering. But as they have never followed up on this we can assume it never seemed necessary to implement it. Still possible if for example lots of players are asking for it or new players have too much problem with bloodmoon or TFP needs more money sinks.
  24. Here in the support section you will find pinned threads with all the information. For example where to find the savegame. To give you XP your friend can call up the console with the F1-key and use the command "givexp" (more info with "help givexp"). To use the creative menue he would enter "cm" and then he will see another icon appear on the menue above when the inventory or map is open
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