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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. They will walk through a door unless something obstructing is before or after the door and the door is reachable and leads to you (i.e. if you are standing on the unreachable roof of the horde base, why should they go through the door?). For example an inclining block directly behind the door or traps that are not level with the doorstep would make the door difficult to pass for the zombies. Maybe take a picture of your setup and post it here.
  2. So you have no real access to the server, no access to logfiles ? The sensible thing would be to change that. For debugging purposes you could host an identical copy as a server just for testing on your local machine. Read logfiles, test and make changes there until you find the bug. Then just copy the fix over to the distant real server.
  3. There is an eleventh MF's legs visible at the bottom left. Should we call him a rounding error?
  4. Nice. But that looks like alpha12, why are you playing such an old version? 😉
  5. Which passwort entry to do mean? When I log into a server the password is already hidden with ****.
  6. If you don't mind losing your book knowledge as well, just delete your player data on the server. If you want to keep your equipment put it into a box.
  7. Though I wouldn't call that a tutorial, but a cheat sheet (don't fret on the word "cheat", cheat sheet is a well-established word in programming to denote a reference chart or list)
  8. Oh damn, it is the stone sledgehammer, I mistook it for a stone clawhammer that is in some mods. I even asked a friend if stone hammers were in vanilla before posting! 😅
  9. Tarkov is 100% shooter game, lets look at other genres mixes first and see if they do better. I personally haven't played ark for example, but as that seems to be a genre mix with shooter elements as well (correct me if I'm wrong), does Ark have better scopes and animations?
  10. In A20 INT will get a primitive "scrap baton". As it isn't supposed to be a combat-centric attribute there might never exist a scrap robotic weapon though. You probably are expected to simply use scrap guns and higher tier guns until and even after you find robotic weapons. The good thing about robotic weapons is they leave your hands free for any gun, and even unperked guns do a lot of damage
  11. It is a mod, he got a stone hammer.
  12. 30 seconds can't be the solution as a typical way of loosing the spear is if you have to run away for the moment and need some time to whittle down a group of zombies. In some cases a player may even need a full night before he can try to regain his spear if he was surprised by strong forces at night and had to run back to a save spot. Spears sticking in players just have to be handled differently than NPCs or blocks.
  13. Huh? How could we recognize it is you if Roland changed your name to Blake ? 😁 EDIT: By the way, "Blake" is still one of our most valuable members, joined in 2014, has no record of ever logging in and 0 posts.
  14. If you have a telnet port open to the world hackers will try to get in. Simple as that. The initial handshake is done with normal ASCII text. If someone sends non-ascii characters before password negotiation or for the password it should be possible to generate exceptions and have the server abort the communication instead of just saying "wrong password". This is only a guess though, I don't have much experience with the log entries generated by the telnet server in 7D2D Generally, if you can avoid opening telnet to the world, do it. If you need telnet it would be better to have it only listen on the loopback device (i.e. you can connect to the port only if you are on the same machine). To use telnet you would have to first login to the machine by any **secure** method, then start a telnet client or a script using telnet locally
  15. When I start the game I usually decide which specialization I want to take. Because the game gives me enough options and drops enough weapons I don't need to depend on which good weapon drops in the first container. I can specialize even before starting the game and won't really be hurt by this decision. If I decide to use the machine gun, I do not only decide to use machine gun, but also decide to have a high ammo usage and being a relatively bad miner, stealther and wrencher. The game is balanced on attributes and if I look at the attributes as a whole fortitude is not the unanimous winner anymore, I get the best gun but weak utility perks. If I postpone deciding what to specialize into then a lot of factors will come into play as I distribute my perk points into various must-have perks and wait for the circumstances to give me an idea where I want to put my perk points. For example such a point could be me sitting in the base and night starts and I don't feel safe enough to go out at night. As a stealther I can use the night for quests and be relatively safe Again, the game is (somewhat) balanced on attribute level. When I choose agility and have invested a few points there then an AK47 I find might still make sense as an "emergency" weapon, but I get much more mileage out of using the agility weapons than the unbuffed AK (since the unbuffed AKs ammo usage will be too much even for the current trader imbalance) In multiplayer specialization to different attributes is a must. Even with the current trader imbalance not more than 2 players can use the same gun and be happy with that arrangement (I speak theoretically, never tried this in an actual game). When I say balanced on attribute level this is not quite true. They are balanced only to be in the same ballpark, a rough equivalence. Especially STR is supposed to be THE attribute for beginners and is easier to play than other attributes, INT and Agility are only easy to play for experienced players. Fortitude presently is easier to play as well as there is too much ammo in the game (we could say I anticipate future changes and play as if ammo were scarce). Yeah right, multiple people tell you you are unpoilte, but we can't just handle the truth. I think part of it might be the language barrier here, russian players often come off as impoilite in english language discussions. May I suggest "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" and try not to give adjectives to people you argument with. Like the "You are sick?" you used, this is, even with the "?" at the end, a very agressive reply and what is usually called an ad hominem attack. Concentrate on the arguments not on the discussion opponent. Don't tell your opponent what he is. For example, if someone makes a statement that you don't understand or think is totally wrong on all levels, don't ask him whether he is mad or sick or tell him he is mad (hint: He very likely is not), only ask what that means or tell him where his error is. At least at the moment AFAIK the developers want the game to get easy in the end to give the player a feeling of having "mastered" the game. It might change somewhat when bandits and a final goal for the game gets added, but for now winning the game means you arrive at a state where you think you have the situation under control
  16. PREGEN 1 to 3 in A19 seem to have about 1280, 1360 and 1170 pois respectively, those should be the typical values for vanilla 8k maps. So for vanilla we should be roughly at a 1:2 ratio in A20, if density doesn't change
  17. So? To use stealth as a tool you have to invest in its perks and use bows, at least in the beginning there is no adequate replacement for the silence of a bow. Maybe "condescending", "dismissive" rings a bell ? If you say "Default difficulty is incredibly easy even for newbie" you are not talking about one specific newbie (obviously, since we never talked about a specific one), you are talking about any newbie. You should know English well enough to know that this is a general statement. You and your friends have probably the same background in games played, often the same tastes, nearly the same age maybe. When you started playing you surely talked about good and bad perks, what is best to play, formed opinions together. You and your friends are not independant samples.
  18. If you want to play stealth there is really no alternative to perking into stealth and using a bow. Only after finding a silencer you get more options. What does that have to do with what you usually do? For example using derogatory terms and similes for any activity someone else does is impolite and bad discussion culture. Did I demand it for every opinion? No, I demanded it for exactly one opinion stating a fact about ALL newbies.
  19. Is that endgame goal "ender dragon" really so much better? You play for a week, kill the ender dragon and then you quit because the game says you are finished. In both cases you had fun for a week. Now having a goal the game sets up for you but which you are able to ignore or continue after reaching it is definitely a bit better because it gives you one more option. No question about it. But I think the secret sauce in 7d2d, minecraft, factorio and other games that last for hundreds of hours is not that single goal. AFAIK solving the multiple-POI-problem is part of the RWG overhaul done for A20. It will certainly improve the game, though anyone having played thousands of hours will know all POIs. There is no way I will ever see waterworks with new eyes 😉 This dilemma can only be solved somewhat by the modding community. Only the community has the man power to get a reasonable influx of new POIs into the game that will make a difference. All hail compopack! 😉 merchant level aka reputation and NPCs are both features that seem to be on TFP's To-Do list, just how much NPCs will factor into the game, no idea.
  20. AFAIK for a few alphas now generated worlds are saved where also savegames are dropped, i.e. on windows in C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds . The FAQ here in the forum may be outdated there. Only pregenerated worlds are in the installation directory.
  21. Does it go away if you turn off reflections?
  22. But it is obvious that other tasks are more important than collecting feathers when you don't go for agility and bows. It was you who said feathers are hard to find and that was a reason for you not to use a bow. But if you went for bows it would have been an important task. I'm not sure if you noticed but that "more important tasks" sounds really snobbish (at least to me). Lets, put it another way, another comment that is impolite without necessity. I don't think that speed of progression to "endgame" is anywhere in the job descriptions of a survivor in a zombie game. The survival part would make not dying while playing as the ultimate goal and that can happen at any speed. Since enemies get stronger in sync with your level progress you may as well need a sturdy concrete base on day 7 while someone playing it more slowly will be as save with just a simple cobblestone base. No, thats not exactly right, on day 7 in vanilla nobody needs a concrete horde base, not even the player on insane (this is a guess, but there are just too few zombies in the first horde night to endanger even a well-made cobblestone base by an experienced player). The sandbox part doesn't care about speed to endgame as well. In short, time to reach some "win" state is not a useful metric for everyone. Someone can choose this as a goal but it isn't the only one. I agree that in A19 the trader gives out too much ammo and too good weapons so as to make the pray-and-spray method too easy, but all of that knowledge is already moot with A20 being around the corner. Showing an ak by day 2 in A19 is beating a dead horse. How do you know that default is incredibly easy for newbies? DId you really observe say a hundred newbies without giving them any hints and they soared through the game?
  23. Sure, but when you compare crossbow to any gun you have to include firing speed as well. As long as you can get 7.62 ammo in heaps and waste 5 bullets per zombie without caring much a gun is still ahead in damage. My expectation always was that the balance between the different weapons in 7D2D only works if ammo is somewhat scarce. Not too scarce, we don't really want to spend all nights in mines, but enough so that saving ammo is a part of your daily survivors life
  24. Not a bad idea though the reward may be too good. Maybe each trader should have a quest "Looking for book X. Would give book Y for it". Would make even already read books potentially valuable, waiting for the right quest
  25. Note that telric only told you about the general use of "!" in many programming languages, something you seem to have known already. And yes, this surely is the most logical explanation. But verified it isn't. Have you seen this used anywhere in vanilla or in a mod ? If yes, why not try it in game if it works as expected?
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