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Everything posted by Roland

  1. What you like someone else will hate and vice versa. At least you were around to play things before they changed so have fond memories of those playthroughs. That's what I do, remember the old versions fondly but take the new version on its own merits and most of the time it still is a lot of fun.
  2. I don’t think the request came from nothing regardless of what we had or didn’t have. The game started with a lot of stock assets that the developers used as placeholders until they could be switched out for what they wanted to create according to their vision.
  3. Everything is either clay or sand. Soil no longer exists. Terrain blocks do not match up with building blocks. That gap still exists and likely always will. They've talked about it but the amount of work needed to redo POI's is pretty prohibitive. This may just be one of those improvements we will see in the sequel when they can tackle it from the beginning. Or....they may come up with a solution that isn't too time and resource heavy and deem it worthwhile. Who can say? This is one of those things that is currently in flux and it doesn't matter how it is done now because it will likely change before gold and then won't be part of the next console version. You will just need to follow the development in order to see-- just like us. There is a new shape menu and a simpler upgrade path that is being introduced in A20 which will change the current way of building. I'm sure there will be a dev stream on it at some point that you can watch to see what the changes will be. Whatever they are for PC will be what they will be for future console port. Time. You go up each time you level up. Period. You do not ever lose your max hp or stamina. Injuries will reduce your temporary max and cannot be increased by food or medicine. Only by employing the correct treatment will you greatly reduce the timer on the injury. Once your injury heals, the temporary max reduction goes away and you can heal up again with food and meds. But your overall max progresses as you level and never goes down. The recipe for farm plots includes what was used for fertilizer in the past so in that sense there is still fertilizer but it is all included in the farm plot recipe. You don't apply it to the ground afterward. Plants don't need to be replanted. Once you plant it whenever you harvest it returns to its stage one form and starts growing again. So you only get one fruit unperked since you don't need two to replant. But you will need to save up fruit in order to craft seeds if you want to grow your crop. Perks allow you to harvest more fruit and craft seeds out of less fruit. Seed crafting recipes can be found in the world as well as the seeds themselves. Nobody knows yet. Follow the A20 development to find out along with us. It is assumed that the block HPs will be adjusted to balance the loss of downgrading but we will have to wait and see what they come up with. Four years ago I would have said, "In about a year". So.....in about a year. Like I said above, at this point all PC development towards gold is ALSO development towards the new console version. So if you've been disinterested in what is going for PC up until now, just consider all development at this point development for the next console version and keep an eye on the developer diary thread.
  4. Some people are angry at the long development cycle but I just view these past seven years as long term therapy.
  5. I see what you’re doing there.....buddy.
  6. He was definitely dropped a few times when he was a baby.
  7. You must have a second controller connected for the split screen function to show up.
  8. This isn’t a solution, unfortunately, but try starting a fresh game and see if that works. I wonder if a day 112 save might have accumulated too much of a memory requirement for the platform. You might be at the limit as the game doesn’t have any scripted “The End” moment and people typically start over at some point to do the journey again.
  9. I sent the link to this thread to the QA lead. They are aware of this feedback.
  10. Agreed! Unless....you actually tried to type "wouldn't" but were just too lazy to attempt the contraction in your attention grab...
  11. Working on it. Thanks! https://www.twitch.tv/fubar_prime/video/962096830 I updated the first page with this link. Please note that the build that is being played is A19.5 and not A20 but the twitch integration is relevant to A20 as well. From the video, the news is that Twitch integration will go into A19.5 in April!!
  12. The devs could have sculpted that part of the gulch to be narrower by four blocks if they ran into a similar issue while "trying" to span the bridge. It was never designed as a full bridge and then scaled back as a partial bridge because it couldn't be done and they had no idea what to do. It was created as it is right now from the concept drawings before it was even put into the game and I doubt one thought went into whether players would be able to repair it fully without a support column. In the designer's mind the game is not a renovate and restore game-- even though it is fun to renovate and restore. It is definitely one of those things that players want proven by years and years of asking for clean windows and pristine paint but it is also proof that the devs aren't interested in developing that possibility in the game.
  13. I think periodic self-checks are good for how we behave on the forums. I know I’ve had to make corrections over the years. My only objection to this whole conversation was that it started on the A20 dev diary. That shouldn’t have happened. As for new members, I think the onus is on them for how they choose to post the first couple of times if they want to be accepted into the community. It doesn’t have to be a gushing expression of love toward the game and can even be a critical post. The key is to not be insulting, raging, profane, and accusatory as your first impression. That’s not how you make friends in any sphere. It is almost always the case that a newcomer needs to figure out the community dynamics and adjust to that culture if they wish to become a member rather than expect the community to change to suit them. That’s just common sense— not toxicity.
  14. Lean on me, my friend. Just not in the game. It was never implemented.
  15. Well I don’t see a broad trend around here. I think people are pretty chill most of the time especially when helping people learn how to play so it must really come down to your own perception. I have to say that the post that demanded A19 to be done before A20 was pretty innocuous and to my surprise the developers answered that there WOULD be additional fixes coming to A19. If you are sensitive to that level of toxicity then this community might not be your cup of gluten... This is a site for fans of a gritty irreverent gory zombie game after all. Most of us probably like to trash talk and razz while we play and so there is going to be some of that attitude carried over into the community. This place is unlikely ever to be one of those chill places you like. It’s just too snappy.
  16. I guess it’s as possible as Narnia but I’d be willing to bet that even these other chill places could go toxic in an instant depending on what was posted. But maybe not... maybe there are some places where the ultimate degree of Kumbaya has been achieved and creating a ripple in those ponds is impossible....
  17. Recently, when asked about news regarding porting the finished PC game to PS5 and the new Xbox, this answer was given by one of the owners. I just wanted to update the last press release with this assurance that TFP does intend to bring the full game to the newest generation of consoles provided they can find a partner to do it. There is likely to be no official announcement of this until they do find that partner.
  18. Everyone has different levels of sensitivity to negativity and sarcasm. Any time you post something with a bite to it you run the risk of offending someone else who is sensitive to that sort of thing. That doesn't mean we can't be sarcastic or negative but if we are going to post on the more provocative end of the spectrum, we should also be willing to apologize for any unintended hurt feelings we caused (if that ends up happening) as well as be willing to back off on our tone and focus on the point of our post. Really, it just makes sense that if our tone and way of delivering our message is getting in the way of our point then we ought to make a change if we care at all about our point getting through. Everyone has a bad day at times and may post more roughly than they might otherwise and dry sarcastic humor doesn't always translate well. I think any message board on the internet is always just one post away from going toxic because that is just the nature of anonymity paired with egos. If someone crosses the line, in your opinion, report the post and do nothing else. People who post toxic messages religiously check for responses to see who they might have provoked. Giving them crickets until their post is hidden by a moderator is the best troll you can send back to them. Finally, the poop reaction emoji carries no negative forum penalties. There is no negative reputation associated with it.
  19. A worse problem is derailing the developer's diary from discussion with the developer about A20 to a bunch of people arguing about the meaning and levels of toxicity in the overall forums. This is why there is a rule to simply report offending posts and otherwise ignore them. In the future, if you find a post toxic, report it and don't respond to it. If you want to discuss ways to make the forums a better place start a thread in general discussions for that purpose instead of trying to do it in the official developer diary thread. This goes for everyone. Please don't just post whatever non-A20 development topics that come to your mind in that thread. They are off topic.
  20. It’s okay. It has stone axes on it. Wait for your gamestage to improve enough for the one with Ak47s.
  21. First of all, I never told you to go play Minecraft instead. I wasn't even talking to you in that post and what I said was that if people don't want to build unsupported bridges there is always Minecraft. That is not the same thing as telling you to just leave and go play Minecraft instead of playing this game. You supplied all of that aggression yourself and then misdirected it at yourself when I was clearly talking to RIngkeeper. Secondly, I like to deal in reality. It would be nice if Deadman Gulch was just a few blocks narrower or if the SI just extended a few blocks longer but they don't. I wasn't trying to be patronizing. I was being pragmatic. Build supports for the bridge and provide a way for the zeds to ascend that you can control. That is actually the most helpful suggestion made in this entire thread. Everything else has been pipe dreams about how awesome if SI might work differently but....it doesn't. Wondering about how the bridge might have extended without supports in a setting that never existed for the game is also unhelpful for the here and now. I'm sorry you don't like my actual help but if you are looking for actual solutions for bridging the gap of Deadman's Gulch....listen. So please stay and build the bridge. Play Minecraft too if you like. The two games aren't mutually exclusive. And don't look for ways to take offense especially when comments aren't even directed at you.
  22. That's a nice backstory you're adding but no....the bridge never existed pre-zombie apocalypse. The developers did not build the bridge finished and then blow it up in the middle. It was constructed as it is now--- a partial bridge with a bit on each side. So there was never ever a full unsupported bridge built there using the same blocks/materials they did. They are if you give the zombies a valid path...
  23. So really it seems to come down to the change in the skill system that soured 7 Days a bit. I don't agree that having an xp point system for purchasing perks you want vs grinding for those perks through repetition is any more or less freeing. I see them as both being confining in their own ways and freeing in their own ways. XP point system lets you do whatever you want in the game-- any activity of your choice-- and you can still progress in the skills and perks you want to progress in. That is very freeing. It is more confining because some combos of skills you might want to do will be more expensive and take longer to do. It also is a more abstracted system and not as immersive-- although as I've stated many times you still CAN play it immersively by making sure to do activities that relate to how you want to spend your points (if that sort of immersion is important to you). LBD lets you easily work on any skills in combination simply by doing the activities required to up those skills and it is neither more or less expensive to do so. You grind what you want. However, you are stuck having to do a lot of that activity--perhaps more than you find to be engaging and fun in order to get it to a high skill. LBD is very immersive when played in a natural manner the way it is intended as a model of real life living. Both systems get screwed up and cheesed by people who care more about efficiency and min/maxing more than anything else. I like both systems. I don't feel confined at all by the perk system in 7 Days but I can understand that others might. I think both systems are valid and good designs and 7 Days could have kept LBD and been a great game and Valheim could go to a point system and remain a great game. Of course, those players who hate one system or the other would not be happy but you can't help what people prefer or dislike.
  24. Perhaps I have been doing it wrong. building defenses before summoning a boss is a good idea. I hear campfires work well... I kid...I understand your point about every game having cheese tactics. Some people would call this part of the sandbox element of 7 Days being preserved. You can build a base, fight out in the open, makes some small adjustments to a POI, design a kill corridor...whatever strikes your fancy-- all of those are viable options without the devs designing things so that the only way is that building is necessary. I'm fairly certain that Valheim will eventually have "handholding" as well once they realize the number of people playing with the wiki open... Valheim has the same exact you must do this to do that mechanic- you just prefer the fact that you must sit by a fire for awhile to get the rested perk rather than spending a point for it. You like your chopping skill to go up as you chop trees instead of spending a point for it to go up. That's fine. But don't kid yourself that you aren't being forced to do something in order to get something. Actually back in the good old days there were no skills or learning by doing. Then there was for a time and then there wasn't learning by doing any longer. LBD has its strengths but also its weaknesses. I like both systems. 7 Days is fun with the point system and Valheim is fun with its LBD. I think one of the weaknesses of Valheim's LBD is that at least for me, it kills any desire to start a fresh game with a brand new character. But, maybe the game would still be fun with all the skill progression already mostly done as you say. Do you want to be forced or don't you...? Maybe I'll try it in Valheim and see if it is fun or a yawn fest as well. For me, 7 Days to Die is great for starting over and trying new pathways and I think that part of it is that you can just play the game without having to grind in one specific way to get one specific skill increased. Your experience is holistic from playing and then can be spent to increase those skills you want. You can do anything if you are fine with just playing and spending points for those things you want to improve-- instead of trying to only spend points in the most efficient way possible. Just like POI's. You can explore them any way you like or you can limit yourself to the lighted path. Both can be fun but neither is forced.
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