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Everything posted by Roland

  1. What is the comparative speed of cloud saving to HDD saving? The game saves every few seconds. If cloud saving is slower than HD saving it might cause more hitching. SSD are faster than HDD and there is a noticeable difference of less hitching. I'd be curious whether cloud saving is more or less speedy and disruptive.
  2. Madmole quickly noticed that if he posted screenshots here first he would also still have to post them on twitter but if he posted them on twitter first they would get posted here usually even before he had a chance to do so. It seems pretty natural that he would shift to the method that required less effort. He very much appreciates the fans who repost the images and does not favor twitter over the forums. It just emerged as a simpler method for him.
  3. Who can guess why they click on any particular thread in the forums? But they do read around and mostly lurk when they do other than posting in the dev diary. Why give three weeks ANY credit....?
  4. How? Developers have access to this thread too. They aren’t limited in reading the whole forum. Only that particular thread is limited in scope now. After they read all this here maybe they will direct me to just let the dev diary go back to being Super General Discussions Thread. If they do then I will.
  5. It's not a strawman argument. It is a perfect example of the types of conversations that fill the developer diary if lefted unchecked. What should stay and what should go is also completely subjective. I take it you agree with me that these latest posts would not be appropriate for the dev diary since you referred to them as a strawman, but someone else will feel the vibe is gone if anything is removed and others will say that the last page of this thread is not really indicative of the usual community spirit that pervaded the developer diary in times of yore and others will feel that it was 90% this stuff and only 10% on topic information. And some will say sure get rid of stuff like this but be sure to leave stuff like that and others will think that anything they post is sacrosanct and if a mere moderator dares to move it he obviously has had an IQ drop while they were away.... No. It is simplest to keep it as primarily a "sterile" Q&A thread with occasional discussion that directly involves the developers. That being said, it all can be posted to be sure. There is no restriction on making jokes or posting your opinion on random forum guy's question or statement and nobody is getting infractions. It just isn't going to stay there. The developers do browse this thread and faatal even answered someone a few posts up so opinionated discussions can still happen and be used as the information it is by the developers if they want. Completely agree. @Mordock summarized it perfectly with his Madmole multiquote meme. I suspect the old energy and excitement and vibe will resurrect once they officially announce their next project and start releasing information and people can once again give voice to their hopes and dreams about future TFP development and get hopeful and positive responses back from the developers. This game is just about done. You can talk about what you don't like but it isn't going to change anything and you can talk about what you want to see but it isn't going to go in this game. Back when Madmole answered every wish for the the future with "Yeah, I'd love to see that added" and "Probably not this alpha but we can get that into the next one" it WAS an exciting time.
  6. Yeah...what a shame all of THIS isn’t part of the A20 developer diary.....
  7. There is no change to melee moves as far as I know but I do fully expect you to play 7 Days to Die nude more often in A20 so definitely yes on the second question.
  8. I think they would also have to nerf the snow water recipe as well. Would it be possible to have it disappear from your inventory if you leave the snow biome? I can see melting snow for water while in the snow biome but carrying snow around indefinitely, storing it in a crate, and then melting it into water at your leisure is too unbalanced. I won't mention realism since inventory mechanics are pretty fantasy anyway but from a water survival standpoint as you mentioned it would be better if snow could not be removed from the snow biome. At the very least, increasing the amount of snow needed for one jar of murky water would be an abstract way of representing that the amount you gathered would melt before you could get it into a pot.
  9. Change is hard. You like to talk a lot and the new focus stifles you so I get it. Snowdog isn't going to get to talk about MMA and porn as much so I get his disappointment. You are mistaken if you think that fewer side discussions have anything to do with Madmole posting there less. You are also mistaken that you are only supposed to post direct responses to a dev. You can ask questions about A20 AND respond directly to a dev. Asking relevent questions is how best to encourage interaction from a dev. It's perfectly fine for the dev diary thread to have nothing posted in it since last Tuesday. It means that when Madmole does come back he will actually see the on topic posts instead of all the off topic stuff posted since then. When something worth reporting happens and Madmole comes back to talk about it there will be plenty of vibe and all of that will stay in the dev diary. But there has been nothing new reported in about a month so it makes sense that there isn't a lot of content for the dev diary and why should somone's legitimate question on Tuesday be covered up and muddied by a bunch of fluff like: One word: elevators Two words: attack helicopters Three words: Zombies in Cities Forewords: Preface to a book 6 or 7 pages of that and Madmole won't scroll back far enough to find actual on topic questions regarding A20.
  10. Correction....the last on topic post was last Tuesday. There have been plenty of posts since Tuesday but they have been re-routed.
  11. I highly recommend Guppy's discord if you have any desire at all learning how to mod 7 Days to Die. The denizens are super helpful-- and learning what they can teach will increase your enjoyment of the game beyond your current comprehension. However.... Guppy hangs out there a lot. Full disclosure.
  12. It is 66% off today on Humble Bundle. Go gather your brother into the fold!
  13. Not so much that they changed their minds as that they have short release cycles as an ideal they aspire to. We all know that in large studios there are executives that set deadlines and expect the game to be released on time no matter what: finished or not. The allure of being part of an independent studio is that you don't have that atmosphere of being under the gun to meet a release date or lose your job. Instead of being forced to release unfinished work, TFP can just delay the release date and keep working until it is finished to their satisfaction. Literally, "It's done when it's done". That being said, one of Richard's roles is to push the team to stay on target and do all they can to get things done in a timely manner and to avoid scope creep. But at the same time he also believes in the mantra "it's done when it's done" and to not release something that isn't ready. So he is always speaking in terms of the ideal to remind people to try and stay on target. It definitely helps to have someone reminding everyone of target dates and to not get lost in the weeds of this or that cool feature that was brainstormed by the team yesterday but is not in the plan. It means that even though a target date is missed because things are not done, things are closer to being done because we have that person constantly reminding everyone about the goal. Easily. Summer of 2020 was 7 years to develop. We are closing in on 8 years. It definitely is more like 8 years than it is more like 7 years at this point.
  14. This is why developers are loathe to share roadmaps. No matter how much people assure them they understand that it is simply a plan that can change and shift as time goes on, when something doesn't turn out to follow the plan, people get bothered. You'll notice the heading for that first post clearly says Alpha 20/21 roadmap-- meaning any of the listed features could slip to Alpha 21 if there isn't time to get them done for Alpha 20. So...yes, the feature is listed on the first page and yes, no work has been done on it yet. Just so everyone is also clear: Features on the first page could still end up getting cut altogether if TFP decides to change their plans. The features on the first page do not constitute a contract of promises between the developers and the customers. It is simply a document that gives information about plans that were made months ago and may end up changing as circumstances dictate. I think you are assuming that they are going to try and include everything on the first page into Alpha 20. I don't think they are going to do that. I think they will see where everyone is at in their projects in a few months and order a freeze on starting anything new and then polish and bug fix and release. Anything on that list that isn't done will get pushed back to Alpha 21. I think an early summer release of Alpha 20 is very possible if you view the given feature roadmap as spanning both A20 and A21. But....if they do decide to cram more and more into it then you may be right and it could be end of summer before we see A20.
  15. Yes, but if the devs are eventually able to increase the speed of the vehicles to keep up with world updates the zombie vultures will be sped up as well to match. In other words, the comparative speeds of vehicles vs vultures is intended regardless of how actually fast or slow they are. Depends on how many hopes and expectations you have injected into the word "support".....
  16. Yes they do have much higher speed than living normal vultures. They also have a much greater hatred for vehicles than living normal vultures. You should think of them as zombie vultures rather than vulture vultures. The Blood moon does lend strength and super powers to the zombies during its influence. The zombie vultures are much faster on bloodmoon nights than they are at other times. They have extended the range of the Field of View from where it used to be locked. The range they picked is limited by the occlusion of the world and not wanting players to see things popping in and out of existence within their visual range. It's doubtful they will extend it beyond where they did because they the range they picked was not arbitrary.
  17. I have 3 pipe shotguns on my tool belt that say “Blunderbuss Who?” Loudly.
  18. Are these really that OP? The steep slope meta worked because zombies could not climb up nor could they attack those blocks so they were an impeneterable defense. The fix for that was to simply allow zombies to interact with those blocks the same as they do all blocks. In other words-- fix a bug in the interaction between zombies and those specific blocks in that specific rotation. Zombies do attack the open hatch doors correct? The player has to maintain and repair them along with battling zombies. I'm not sure what bug would need to be fixed in this case. If all you're asking for is a bonus attack multiplier when zombies are attacking a door or hatch, that might be a good solution IF they determine that there is a balance issue here. If vault hatches could be crafted and triple upgraded during the early or mid game I would agree that there would be an imbalance but you can't. The hatches that you can craft are susceptible to the zombies you get. Finally, I'm not certain that TFP's vision is for you to use bullets on horde night so much as it is that the player is directly confronted by the threatening horde. A base design that allows for mostly melee and thrown explosives doesn't necessarily violate that vision. Of course, I've only dabbled with using hatches and in my design I felt like I needed to do all three: melee, ranged, explosive as well as spend time repairing hatches. It was a pretty fun and crazy battle and I did not feel 100% safety inside the bunker. There were quite a few pounding on the walls around me instead of lining up in front of the open hatches. Personally, this is a design that is probably in the gray area and not everyone is going to agree on whether it is an exploit or just a good strategy. IMO, it does not break with TFP's vision of horde night by any means. Teleportation I believe. I haven't played with them yet but I think that is the plan. It is the simplest way and already a well established solution in other games with companions.
  19. There is a robotic flying drone companion planned for A20. It is the replacement for the previously planned dog companion. The drone will be able to path easier through terrain so while less emotionally fulfilling than a dog it should still fill the role of a companion that takes simple commands nicely. Plus with the teddy bear attachment you can feel cuddly too. The drone companion is still on target for A20
  20. Sent you a message Anti. Give me the information in a private message that you tried entering and I can get you a replacement Steam key.
  21. Post it here: https://community.7daystodie.com/bug-test-1/bug-pool/ I have no idea but there are enough gun nuts around here to be able to tell you. You should know, however, that the guns in the game are inspired by actual guns. They are not meant to accurately represent them within the game. Don’t expect this to be a gun sim.
  22. Not our motivation. Only players who like to brag about playtime care about playtime numbers. We get full payment for the game regardless of whether someone plays 5 minutes or 5000+ hours. This not a subscription game. Not our concern. We already know our game is successful and we aren't measuring success in terms of any other game. Of course we celebrate milestones like 39K concurrent players and being in the top 100 but once again you are projecting player concerns onto developers. It is players who like to debate whether playstation is better than xbox or 7 Days is better than Project Zomboid. We figure most people will end up getting both games since both are priced very reasonably. For sure, Project Zomboid has different goals than 7 Days to Die and what a better world it is that TFP and TIS don't try to create two games that are just like each other in every regard other than the perspective. It means players can play two different games and get two different experiences. It's easy because you went with the first thing that occurred to you and you are mistaken. Interesting conspiracy theory.... We are streamlining and polishing. It is not pretense and it is not to try and be like Electronic Arts other than that there comes a time in ANY project where it is time to transform the rough draft into a final submission and that often involves trimming and polishing. Electronic Arts is often criticized for turning out sequels that are simply dumbed down and polished versions of their previous game. That is not the case here as this game is our first offering. Trying to say that development build 19.4 is more streamlined and polished than development build 16.4 and that is the same thing as EA pumping out sequels that are more streamlined and polished but basically the same as their predecessors is completely off the mark. It's impossible to 100% say whether we will release a finished game that is completely different than what was promised and then a year later patch up that finished game to be closer to what was originally promised since our game is not in fact finished yet. I can say I very much doubt that we will pull a Hello Games as our list of promised features is even now almost completely fulfilled. Then again you seem to be incapable of understanding the difference between gold released games and their sequels/dlcs/patches and indev projects that iterate from build to build in anticipation of a future gold release. Let it go. It is long dead. Only a mod will resurrect A16 gameplay because there is absolutely no pathway in the future that leads to TFP releasing a gold version of 7 Days to Die with A16 gameplay. If you are only waiting around for that to happen as possibility please listen to me and believe me that it won't happen. Alpha 16 is strictly history in terms of this game. What about future games by TFP? That is the only hope you can entertain in regards to LBD and the type of chaotic loot you want. It will not happen in this game. There is no twist or surprise ending I assure you. Don't waste your time planning on it. If the way the game plays is not fun enough for you then move on to something that entertains you better. If you like the way the game plays then keep playing it.
  23. That is temporary. It is already improved in A20 and will continue to be improved as time goes on. However, there is likely to always be primitive weaponry to be found in containers during the first week if you are looting in an area that does not have a modified gamestage.
  24. Dammit! You said this before I had a chance to respond to your last post. Now I gotta respond with relatability and understanding or say nothing. So here's my response:
  25. That pic is just going to get Blake going on about the color tan again...
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