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Everything posted by Roland

  1. If you want a developer to respond your best chance is to use a notification like @Alloc or @faatal. Otherwise there is little chance they will notice your post in General Discussions. They still might not answer but at least they will get a ping for it. They'll get it now since I just used them.
  2. 2020 is over. I’m not going to rehash this. I respect your passion even if I don’t fully agree with your stance. But no more arguments from me. 😀
  3. I tested this a lot during the huge Stealth Gate thread and it is completely about stealth-- but you do have to have the perks. One of the stealth perks causes them to forget about you faster. Even when not fully perked out I was able to move 2-3 rooms away and wait 2-3 minutes and then could return in stealth. Even if some of the zombies were still aggroed and pounding on walls, I could throw a rock and they would go to it. THAT is the litmus test because if they remember you and are focused on you then they won't go for the thrown rock. I never had to run even 19 blocks away let alone 900... On Day 1 you will likely not lose the zombies by running to another room and hiding. Their memory is too long and you are probably doing T1 and T2 POIs so there isn't anywhere to go. But you COULD perch up high and surround yourself with blocks so you could remain out of their sight long enough for the default forget timer to run down. Then throw a rock. Crouch and shoot arrows and you will get the stealth bonus because you will be back in stealth again.
  4. This I definitely experience. It's like the ones outside know you are inside, are offended by that, and come exactly to where you are. lol
  5. Are you "clearing" the trash by walking through it or something? What you describe has not been my experience. When I am crouched and I destroy a trash pile it does not attract anything. If I walk through it then I get what you are describing.
  6. It would be cool to have a horde night only enemy that was blind but could hear exceptionally well-- like the aliens in A Quiet Place. If you make noise they zero in on you but if you are stealthy then they are easily dispatched. That could give stealthy players an advantage on horde night without negating the entire horde with stealth.
  7. The designer created pathway is meant to serve as a gauntlet to the treasure room period. It doesn’t apply to a clear quest where you are supposed scour the entire POI and clear it of all enemies. It also doesn’t lead you to the hidden parcel. The key to clearing a POI is to do it methodically. Just following the light trail will lead you to the final loot but not to every corner of the POI.
  8. The plan is the same for A20 as it has been as far as I have been informed. Looks to me like Coco was streaming A19 and not A20. Nobody has been given permission to stream A20 other than FubarPrime as part of the Developer Series. The entire system is WIP. There are plans in motion to address your concerns.
  9. Sorry but that is a tech limitation that will never change. Zombies will only spawn as you get near to their spawn volume. Therefore, they will never all spawn as soon as you start the quest. It means that you must methodically search through larger POI's so you don't miss anything. The blips are meant to be a guide once you are close to zeds after approaching an area of the POI you haven't encountered before and not meant to be a crutch. The yellow blip is meant to communicate you have just one area left to search and guides you to that final area. If you want all the zeds to show up on radar at the beginning so you can just follow blips around and not have to do any actual searching then you are using it as a crutch and not the guide it is intended to be. The game is meant to be played with you interacting with the open 3d world and not meant for you to simply play a radar blip user interface minigame. You should be able to search a building completely without the use of any radar and succeed. So if you are still failing with the radar blips that we have then-- no, you definitely aren't entitled to a console command that counts it as a win and lets you go back to the trader for your loot. The OP admitted that what he thought was a bug turned out to be not a bug once he searched again and found the area he missed. That is how you turn a fail into a success. You don't just assume that the game glitched and THAT'S why you couldn't succeed and then console command it as a win.
  10. Trader Jen teases us with a lot more than coffee every time we visit her and I doubt there will be an action assigned to E in order to tap that. Unless, of course, 7 Days to Die has some kind of "Hot Coffee" going on....
  11. The developers are aware of and impressed by Valheim. There is definitely some inspiration to be found there for them to possibly think about for a sequel-- but 7 Days to Die is what it is. It's practically done. There are some additional features still in the works including an over-arching goal regarding Noah vs the Duke. But no matter how cool Valheim is or what amazing innovative features emerge in the next few months in some other new release, it isn't going to affect this game very much. But Valheim definitely is inspirational in what it does well and any development studio should take notice and spend time talking about why it has skyrocketed like it has.
  12. But....you failed it. There is already a user interface command to cancel a quest and/or you can just leave to fail it. Why does there need to be a console command to complete the quest you didn't.....complete? In almost all cases, yes, it is because something hasn't spawned yet but if you search through you often find it. OP is case in point. What is the benefit of having a console command that completes it anyway? Are you wanting it to then send you back to the trader to get your reward?
  13. I'm not convinced and I'm a native speaker. WIth the downvote on the guy's mea culpa added into the mix I'm pretty sure Mech was not "just joking". Who downvotes an obviously sincere apology....?
  14. That might slip to A21 as well. Anyone going to be annoyed that the removal of yet another biome "got cancelled"....?
  15. Good to hear. You came on strong but I can see that you probably felt defensive given the circumstances. I was joking back at you about the ADHD thing since you brought it up yourself. I'm glad you came over to our forums from Steam and hope you stay on. Don't let this initial tiff and downvoting by some of the community put you off. This place is pretty chill in general.
  16. Wait...you only started playing at the end of Alpha 18 and you're posting snippily about how long the game is taking to go Gold? Oh yeah.....ADHD.... You can take me as a first-hand source. 7 Days to Die will remain a voxel game with block-by-block building. There will always be specialized blocks that the developers use to create POI's that are not meant to be available to players in the game. Players who want the specialized blocks can edit the game files to include those blocks. The default exclusion of those blocks should not be taken as a sign that The Fun Pimps don't care about builders or don't place an emphasis on building as an essential aspect of the game. The conversation that you referenced was Madmole musing about how he might have done things differently if they were able to go back in time. It was simply a statement of how difficult it has been to develop the game as a voxel world but it was not a letter of intention for actually making the world static or removing block-by-block building from the game. There were a lot of posts deleted when we switched over to the new forum platform. There was no cover-up trying to remove evidence that TFP secretly plans to switch to a static non-voxel world. The way the game is now is about 95% how it will always be and changing the entire way the world is rendered is not in the road map. Now, if my statement still does not satisfy your anxiety about the future of building in this game then you will just have to continue to worry about it until the game goes Gold eventually and you finally have the physical proof in front of you of a finished and complete game AND voxels and block-by-block building are still intact and functional. I just hope the anxiety won't return for you whenever a DLC is announced that maybe THIS time will be the time it all gets taken away....
  17. Most likely laying the groundwork to break his previous record of receiving the most poops for a post.
  18. Wouldn't matter. Madmole already clarified his position on this "once and for all" but people always go dig up whatever quote they want to use to stir things up. He could answer you right now and in six months some other guys will bring it all up again and go back to the original quote ignoring what Madmole answers you here and now. On the internet, with trolls at their keyboards, there is no such thing as "once and for all".
  19. Yes....but my goal isn't to eradicate all negative feedback and criticism so we are at odds and barking up different trees.
  20. How will I learn if you do it for me? I’ll continue to use my own feeble powers.
  21. I have not deleted a single comment from the dev diary. As I look at your history, @Khalagar I see that most of your comments are still in the dev diary and haven't been moved here at all. I disagree with you about this thread being some backwater never visited dumping ground. I think this thread is well read and conversations worth having do carry on here. Both faatal and Madmole have commented to me that they have read this thread. It isn't that I am trying to create a multi-thread approach. It is simply that the dev diary is meant to be a 95% Q&A thread with 5% conversation allowed that is in direct response to either developer comments or screenshots that get posted. I get that people used to the old way of just posting anything there are going to have to adjust their thinking which is why I don't reprimand, I just move and keep the dev diary to the types of posts it is meant to have. We have an entire section of the forum devoted to discussion and speculation and while I hear your feedback as well as Gronk's about wanting the old vibe back in that thread, it is insignificant compared to the mountain of feedback I have received over the years from many in the community who have consistently wanted the dev diary to be informational and specific to developer discussion about the upcoming release. Also @MechanicalLens I am perfectly happy to field questions and answer feedback regarding this change and don't need anyone going after the critics. There is not going to be a perfect solution that will satisfy everyone. People liked how I separated out developer comments into a locked thread in the past but that took a lot more work and it also did not solve the overall root of the problem that people who were asking legitimate questions about the next alpha were being overwhelmed by the pages and pages of off-topic noise and speculative debating that was going on. My goals are to make sure that people who post on-topic questions to the developers are having the best opportunity to get their questions answered by the developers. Of course, it doesn't guarantee the developers will answer every question. They have always ignored some questions and will continue to do so. But I am not going to allow a 4-6 page-long debate about LBD or food spoilage or outfits or child zombies or whether dogs should glisten drown out legitimate questions any longer. If you don't like that your post with your opinion about some aspect of the game got moved to THIS thread then open a dedicated thread about it in General Discussions and have at it. Make a poll. Get jiggy.
  22. If you don't come and check this thread then for you it will be just like they got terminated. For those who would not like their posts to be terminated and would like to see how others in the community might have responded to them, they can come here to see and possibly comment back again. It's just like if you don't like doing quests in the game. If you don't like doing them... then don't do them. For me, it is neither easier nor harder. There is a button to delete and a button to move and the distance I have to move the mouse and the number of clicks I have to make is the same either way.
  23. Nope. Biome expansion is not in the cards. In fact, continued biome reduction is in the future when they eventually merge the burnt forest and wasteland biomes into one. They are also going simple and basic as far as water is concerned in order to get the game out the door. Creating submerged POIs and water play such as boating and currents and such are all things they would consider for the sequel. I was hoping that they would add some item degradation else perks and mods (diamond tip) that increase durability don't seem to be that logical either...
  24. Did you come by that boat legitimately or are you an actual pirate?
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