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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Its more of my own sensibility about a game being tight and erasing loopholes more than trying to stop people from cheating. I know people will cheat no matter what and if it is their own personal game then so what. This isn't a hill I would die on.
  2. I guess I always assumed that the commands existed to assist the testers and developers and not as gameplay options. I don't really consider having using console commands autofail quests as going down a rabbit hole. I'm not saying to completely disable "killall" after all. I'm just saying make it so if you use it during a quest, the quest fails. But...if I'm wrong about the purpose of console commands and why they are part of the game then so be it.
  3. I agree with this for sure. This could be fixed by extending the vertical on the sleeper volume. Not even counting the quest, it isn't really a fair trap if the zombies don't even spawn until you are already in free fall. Get your improvement ticket trigger finger moving on this one @Laz Man
  4. Achievements are disabled if you open dm or cm in the console. This would be along the same lines. I understand that during development programmers and testers might need to use commands in order to work on the quests but if the quests are pretty much finished then using console commands and dev tools should cause the quest to fail. We can't stop cheaters ultimately but we can at least remove some of the low hanging fruit. They still would get the loot from the POI but forego the Trader reward if they use godmode or killall commands during the quest. Is this unreasonable?
  5. The way/path is meant to eventually lead the player to the treasure room througha circuitous gauntlet and is not designed as a guarantee that the player will cross paths with every zombie in the building. When a child is lost in the forest, searchers do not religiously remain on existing paths and trails expecting to eventually come upon the child. They methodically cover all the ground on and off the path because they are searching the entire area. The clear quests require us to search and find zombies in the entire building and clear them out. The radar gives general abstract clues as an abstraction of our situational awareness once zombies are awake and moving around but they are not meant as high tech infrared spy tech to remove all the searching out of the quest. By the same token, if you could solve every quest by making noise and having them all come to you they would be too easy. It was for this reason the change you referenced was made. They used to all come raging out and were easily dispatched by kiting, nerdpoling up to high ground, etc. The way it is now there is room-by-room fighting and it is much better, imo. As for surviving a horde of indoor zombies, we had that in A17 and people hated it so zombies were thinned indoors.
  6. I sympathize with you having a tough time with the higher tier quests but I have to completely disagree that we need more radar information on the compass or anything at all done to dumb down the quests. The point of the clear quest is to search the entire building and clear it. All the lower tier clear quests can easily be done during daylight hours. It is just the higher tier quests that might cause you to either camp out in the building over night or keep trying to clear it through the night depending on how well you do against running enemies. But that's the point: they are higher tier (AKA more difficult) and you should not expect them to just be able to be done quickly before night comes. In my opinion, after reading this, there are only two things that need to be done. 1) Allow lower tier quests to be chosen so players aren't forced to take quests that are too difficult and 2) make it so using the killall command auto fails the quest.
  7. As of now the next alpha will be the same as now in regards to clothes and armor.
  8. I agree, that a non-tedious way to switch clothes is best. Have a wardrobe workstation for outfits. You open it and can create outfits by mixing and matching the four pieces you want together into an ensemble. Then you can instantly wear an ensemble or switch to a different ensemble. You can always swap clothes quickly and easily at your base using your wardrobe or (if you must) you can carry clothes with you to change tediously out in the field if you want to take advantage of a bonus.
  9. Why have a dozen different outfit choices if they are all bland enough and samey enough that it just doesn't really matter what you're wearing? Strong bonuses that influence different aspects of the game make the outfits exciting and unique. Sure...some will feel forced to have to swap outfits before they do anything because they can't bear to do something at less than the maximum possible ability and then they will complain about the constant outfit swapping. That can be mitigated by making the outfit swapping process fast and easy. I would rather see an abstracted instant change than see all the outfits be just differently skinned versions of the same basic advantages just so some people won't feel compelled to swap clothes.
  10. I think it is lovely making the min-maxers squirm.... The more opportunity cost choices there are, the better it is, imo.
  11. I would and I'm still waiting for their counter-offer. Apparently they are hung up on the word "bajillion" but I won't go any lower.
  12. Discussion and Requests in the mod forum is the better place for something like this or even a personal message to sphereii. Moved.
  13. I still reply to posts in the same way that I still shoot zombies. Sure it’s been 7 years and they all mostly look alike but they still keep coming. 😜
  14. The whole looting system is a work in progress at the moment. There will be more changes to it in A20 and A21 that will help with variety and finding better stuff in tougher locations. However, you shouldn't expect piles of books to frequently have usable books. The paper you find is an abstraction of finding books that are worthless to your survival knowledge but at least you can harvest them for paper. Personally, I'm glad there is not a mini game of ripping paper out books that have no usable information in them.
  15. Okay...there is some inaccurate and exaggerated info here. First: Leveling up Perception all the way to get Spears maxed out is expensive BUT you can then also very cheaply get anything else in the Perception attribute maxed as well. The benefit of being fully maxed in Perception extends to more than just Javelin Master. The attribute itself adds great power and benefit to spears beyond the 150% damage. Often it doesn't matter how much damage my spear does because my maxed perception bonus of dismemberment means that on my second or third jab the zombie's head pops off regardless of how many hitpoints it might have left. In addtion there are perk books for the spears that add additional damage and abilities and when all of those things are stacked you get pretty OP. So, yes, saying that you've spent 15 levels to only get 150% damage bonus makes it sound underwhelming but it also doesn't tell the whole story. Second: It costs one point to get the forge or no points if you can find one or find the recipe for one. It isn't some gargantuan effort to cross over to the intellect attribute and spend that one point for the forge. Check the trader compound--his might be working and then you don't need to spend anything. Also, the highest tier spear can only be made if you find the schematic for it. It is not unlocked by spending points. Third: Repairing anything costs no perk points. Not sure what you meant by a different tree. Craft a repair kit and you are good to go. You'll need forged iron but its just that same single point to get the forge that you spent craft the materials you needed to make your spear anyway so no extra points or perks needed for repairing.
  16. I liked it too. That was a really fun aspect of weapon progression. They changed it because they wanted to go with weapon mods instead which are also fun. They also did not like the 600 levels of progression for quality and wanted to reduce it to just one step per quality advance instead of 100 steps per quality advance. WIth only six steps the old system of each part adding a portion to the overall quality no longer was feasible. They also didn't want a weapons part assembly interface as well as a weapons mod assembly interface. There are, of course, many who would have wanted the developers to just keep what they had and add on to it for some super deep and complex weapons crafting but the devs felt it would have been too bloated. The current system of using parts to craft the weapon and then add mods to slots to enhance the weapon is the way it will be forever more. But that is the answer as to why it was changed. This won't change. If it is a deal breaker for you and you won't be able to enjoy 7 Days to Die because of it then you might be finished with this game. The current point system is the permanent default system for the game. There are mods that change the system--even bringing back learn by doing mechanics so you might check those out. No amount of public opinion contrary to the current perk system will move them to change it at this point. The game is almost done.
  17. The next projects are just in the planning and concept phase-- getting the roadmap organized and doing art. There isn't a single programmer being pulled from 7 Days to Die to work on any next project. But I suspect that as we get closer that might start happening to some degree. Think about it: If TFP does nothing at all to begin the process of their next game until after they are completely done with 7 Days to Die then the gap between the release of 7 Days and the release of their next game will be too long. They are planning and organizing themselves well to be able to have another game out on Early Access as quickly as they can. They don't want a year and a half gap between games. As for the size of their studio, don't worry about it. They hire people as needed. They have the funds to hire and manage enough people to do what needs to be done. From what I've seen of the next projects, any negative PR that might be generated by those who are outraged that TFP would dare to start thinking about their next game before this one is done will be swallowed up in the massive hype once the announcement with details for these next games is released. These will be shutup-and-take-my-money titles.
  18. Smart! There is so much to enjoy out there that there is plenty to keep us occupied between updates. It's a much happier and fulfilling attitude than just burning out on A19 and getting angry about it.
  19. In the user interface there is an icon of a pen. This will open the journal where you can read about how to spend skill points. Everything you were upset about not being able to do because you haven't found a book can be gained by spending skill points. You CAN wait for the books to drop if you want to spend your points in a different way but you can also spend points. Good luck to you in learning the game. My brother just started playing and not only has he had a hard time figuring out some of the mechanics, I've had a hard time trying to explain it to him because some things are just so automatic for me I don't even think about them anymore. I'm constantly having to open my screen to the same thing he is looking at to tell him exactly where he should look or which icon to click. The game isn't as simplistic as veterans often believe it is.
  20. Too bad they removed vomiting. That would have been a useful mechanic for your mod.
  21. 6) Because nobody is locked into any perk purchase thanks to the ability to respec.
  22. I'm not calling anyone stupid. You really are trying hard to take everything as an attack. I'm also not pretending to not understand public opinion. It's unfortunate there is such a language gap here. In the other thread you complain that many abilities are useless and impossible to use at higher difficulties. Maybe you should choose those abilities as a challenge if the game is too easy with the abilities you are choosing to go with.
  23. A great difficulty setting for you bach would be to limit yourself to knives and stealth and see how long you can survive... The comments in those threads do not control development. They offer opinions and ideas and feedback from members of the community but the developers are under no obligation to follow what is posted. Just like your feedback to make the game generally harder and have it balanced to the toughest settings isn't going to puppeteer some developer's hand as he types out code for the game. People like to believe that the parts of the game that they don't like are in there because the devs listened to a small active stupid part of the community but 99.9% of the time it really is simply the way the devs themselves wanted it. Every time the game is changed in the direction one faction of the community or another wanted it changed it is because the devs planned to do it anyway and not because they were influenced against their better judgement.
  24. We should just get rid of all the difficulties and bring back the toggle options for % damage done to zombies and % damage received from zombies and add a toggle for % chance for zombie rage. Then you can play a game where you can one shot the zeds but they can one shot you too...
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