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Everything posted by Roland

  1. I'm not talking about the stun baton. I'm talking about the pipe baton which is one of the new primitive pipe weapons coming in A20. The blunderbuss and its ammo are coming to an end with A19. It might show up in a future game but the pipe shotgun will replace it in A20 and uses regular shotgun shells.
  2. More often than not, observations and opinions are going to lead to discussion whether you intended it or not. For example, I still disagree with your observation. There is no lack of a firearm in the intelligence branch. As an intellect player you can use any firearm or a melee weapon in combination with the turret to devastating effect even if that weapon is unperked. It is essentially dual wielding which no other weapon has. I can't use an AK 47 and a shotgun at the same time. I can't use a pistol and an SMG at the same time. I can use a turret and anything else I want at the same time. Saying that a turret alone cannot beat a BM horde is moot because nobody would ever do that. You might not be perked into the weapon you are holding and using along with the turret you are perked into but the combination is definitely lethal and can be effective even in the early game. In fact, I would say that it is best for the turret to be more of a midgame weapon precisely because it is too OP in the early game and not because of any lack. That is absolutely reasonable if that is the way you play it and see it. I think one way of looking at it is that it is a support build for other builds. Another way you could look at it is that the other builds are the support for the Intellect player. Its just a point of view. If you see the intellect build only being a viable independent build on its own if you are restricted to placing turrets and watching them kill and never using another weapon in combination, then I can see how you might look at it as a support build. But I think that is an overly strict definition because nobody would ever choose to play that way even if the turrets could mow down 50 demolishers without letting them get close. People would still want to actively kill alongside the turrets,
  3. You can use any weapon unperked along with the turret and have a significant advantage. It is an error to think that the turret by itself should be on equal ground with the other weapons because as Gazz said, nobody just stands and watches the turrets fire. The turrets add to your own firepower and just because you are doing an intellect build and so have no perks in an an AK-47, an AK-47 plus a couple of turrets is great. An AK-47 plus a couple of turrets that are each equally powerful as an AK-47 would be grossly OP. People need to stop asking for more powerful intellect weapons because the developers are not stupid enough to fall for it... I can throw a bone to all the intellect build fans who hate their weapons being less powerful than the other build counterparts: Once you use the new pipe baton you may never use the wooden club again. (That's assuming, of course, @Gazz doesn't reconfigure the numbers on the pipe baton....)
  4. Oh good. I was just waiting for your date so I could update my spreadsheet. I'll just pencil it in, though, since you said "maybe"....
  5. That won't really work because A20 is in flux. Every few days there is a new build number. However, I could use the mod launcher to download 19.4 and then I could have both versions available at the same time. Blessings to @sphereii
  6. It is a bother because it means I have to download 19.4 and play it in order to compare... I'll do it sometime this week.
  7. That can still be a bit wonky but they are still working on it. I did find one POI that was partially glitched into a mountain side and I saw a report from a QA guy that found a few completely underground so definitely not perfect but much improved already. The flat area was vast. In fact I thought a city must be coming up but it was just wilderness. I guess it could just be that a city was intended there but failed to spawn. I'm trying to think positive...
  8. I'm not going to say that there are no wonky roads in A20 but I'm having a tough time finding them. When they show the world that A20 generates you all are going to be very happy. Right now, I would say that the forest almost feels like two separate biomes: Mountain Forest and Flatland Forest and the roads mostly stay in the flatlands going around the mountainous regions. It makes the roads quite nice. The mountainous regions really feel like wilderness areas now. It is such a difference that they could probably thin the trees out in the flat regions and call it plains or...ahem...meadows... The city layouts have been vastly improved as well and a ton of work has been done adding new POI's-- mostly to the Wasteland. The Wasteland Biome might just be star of the show for A20 at least for the exploration game. There is one particular landmark feature of wasteland cities that was recently shown that is just awesome. These are things that I can't wait for them to show on a future dev stream once they feel they are ready to show them. But like I said the Wasteland biome is going to-- I've probably said too much....
  9. Well...they HAVE been playing a lot of Valheim so you never know. They might be open to pumping out a smelter and simplifying the forge as a pure crafting station. It all depends upon time and resources. Even if they don't, I think a mod that adds a smelter and changes recipes to use ingot versions of iron, brass, and lead would not be too long in coming. I'd use a mod like that.
  10. I understand your fear but in this case I think aligning the forge with the other workstations is a good thing. Imo, the flavor comes from having various workstations that manage specific recipes more than how complex a process it is to use those workstations. Valheim workstations are very simplistic in use. The complexity is in adding mods to them and the fact that there is a large variety of workstations to build. Valheim’s forge is a simple crafting station but is still very flavorful. I do like processing raw ore into refined ingots which Valheim also does with a separate smelter. I would be all for that although I think just fueling it with wood or coal would be fine instead of requiring an additional process of making charcoal. So anyway, I think in this instance simplifying the forge to being a workstation would be fine but I would love for a simple and separate smelter to be added and then bring back ingots for the raw iron, brass, and lead that we mine and scavenge. As was brought up, the smelting process is a reason to harvest and use wood. Remove that and a major reason for the existence of wood would be gone. Smelting keeps us needing wood beyond the early game when we build with wood.
  11. So I inquired about this and what I was told was that Sony and Microsoft have responsibility for the descriptions of what they sell in their store. TFP does not maintain those store pages. The feature descriptions and screenshots that the respective stores provide for the product they sell, would show it to be a different product. If there was a problem, Sony and Microsoft would be in contact with TFP-- but that hasn't happened. Really, if you think about it, when you buy something from a store that wasn't what you expected, you go back to the store and complain/return/seek refund etc. That communicates to the store that there is a problem when they start getting a lot of similar complaints. Complaining to the artist or creative team can give them feedback that is worthwhile but it isn't going to change the store policies of where you bought the product. Sometimes you are directed to handle problems with the manufacturer. But in this case the manufacturer (publisher) was Telltale. When they went out of business the manufacturing role was never re-filled. No physical cases and discs have been made since Telltale went under. The game is now exclusively sold as a digital download that is handled by those stores. These complaints that the console version is different than the PC version and should be stated as such on the store page need to be made to Sony and Microsoft who will then decide if a change is warranted. However, if most people are happy with the version they got and don't really care how it compares to a platform they don't play on, then neither Sony nor Microsoft is going to change anything because as far as they know people are satisfied with their purchase.
  12. The petitions had zero effect on getting the rights back. Why would Telltale care about petitions when it was going out of business anyway. Those petitions had zero leverage. It was plain old money that got the rights back-- a lot of it. What you call "ripping apart their statements" is simply us telling you guys the truth-- albeit a truth you don't want to hear. What attacks have we made against anyone? We understand your frustration. I hope you understand ours and TFPs. You must know that what happened is not something any of us wanted or planned. They were caught be surprise as much as anyone. They were working on updating the console version again right up until day the announcement was made. When Iron Galaxy was told they would not get paid for their work, they stopped. Trust me, that there is no customer anywhere who feels any more burned by the fiasco than TFP. This particular thread was started by someone incredulous that TFP would start two new PC projects before updating the console version at all. My answer to them is that there was never again going to be an update to the 2016 console version regardless of anything that was going to happen in the future. That's just simple truth. I do agree that an indication of some kind that the PC version is different from the console version would help to avoid the type of confusion you suffered. Even something as simple as 7 Days to Die (Console Edition) would work.
  13. The heading on the first page reads A20/A21 at the top of the feature list. Whatever they don't get to for A20 will be in A21. Maybe...maybe not. They can ship anything on that list in A21. Could be sooner than you may think. "It's done when it's done" doesn't always mean it is going to take longer. Even though fans don't like to count the smaller updates, the developers do and so as far as they're concerned the clock just started again yesterday. It has only been one day since the last update. Could be that 3-4 months from today isn't a bad estimate.... People always want what they can't have.
  14. The 1-block height is not done. It might get pushed to A21 depending on time. I can't really judge accurately as I updated my rig with some significant improvements. I'll probably revert to A19 again soon and will be able to compare.
  15. A20 is not finished. One of the planned features for A20 is finished. Sorry if translating my post into your language caused confusion. There is still a lot of work to be done before A20 will be ready for release.
  16. I believe they are working properly now. Make sure you have EAC enabled and are not using creative mode. I'm not sure whether the use of mods affects earning the achievements or not.
  17. Square pegs into round holes. Gotcha! I can't think of a single system that was a complete rework from scratch. Everything they have done has built upon what they already had. If you think each alpha is a complete rework from scratch then you are standing too close to properly see. Step back and look at the whole progression of the game's development and you will better recognize that development has been iterative. That's not to say they haven't done experimentation-- but reworking systems from scratch over and over again? I don't think "from scratch" means what you think it means.
  18. It's all concept art and preliminary modeling and design talk right now. I don't think any programmers are doing anything unless they are secretly doing something as a side project on their own time they hope to pitch later. That has actually happened with 7 Days to Die. Nothing being worked on for the next projects is stealing anyone away from 7 Days to Die and if you look at the new job descriptions they are for people who wouldn't be involved with 7 Days to Die anyway (Unreal Engine has nothing to do with 7 Days to Die). So none of it will slow down or impact this game's development in any way.
  19. This is crazy....this is not a bug reporting thread. If you believe there to be a bug with zombie AI, test it, reproduce it, and post it to the bug thread. Faatal doesn’t need us to hand him A19 bugs to work on. That is the job of the QA team.
  20. That's because there is no WD-40 in the game. Your stealth level could be 50,000 but without WD-40 those hinges will wake the dead. My Grandpa always used to say: If it moves and it shouldn't -- Duct Tape If it doesn't move and it should -- WD-40
  21. They fought to re-acquire ownership of the console port because it is their intellectual property and they wanted control over it. If someone else moved in they would have no say over changes or anything that might be done. That is a pretty scary prospect for a creator of intellectual property. Regardless of how you personally feel about the game, it is a beloved title for many. You feel that it is unfinished because you are comparing it to the PC version but the game on console is great in its own right. If there were no PC game to compare it to, nobody would feel like it is "unfinished". They don't have to work on it in order to sell it. The current version was fully approved by Sony and Microsoft. Sony and Microsoft include it in their stores precisely because they have determined that it is a viable game and they are selling it at a price point that they judge people are willing to pay in order to get the entertainment value out of it. Nobody is being taken advantage of. Would it be nice for additional content? Yes, of course. But there is no obligation to do so. When you pay for a game, you pay for its current state. Period. By your logic, if Nintendo doesn't ever plan to add a new track each year to MarioKart then they should pull it from their store because it is never going to be updated again. Sorry, but there are 1000s of games on console that never see a content update or that change from their originally shipped form.
  22. I'm pretty confident there will be an A22. I know. My point was that the current clothing and armor system will stay the same at least until A21 (maybe longer).
  23. Correct. TFP has two projects planned for the future once they finish 7 Days to Die for the PC platform. They are beginning the process for the one they will release first after 7 Days to Die so that there is not a too long gap of time after the release of 7 Days before the next game's development can start moving at full steam. One of those preliminary exciting steps that you can see from the job description list is a shift to the Unreal Engine for at least one of them. The only news for console is that after TFP finishes the PC version of the game, they will look into possibly partnering with a new console publisher to bring a new port based on the completed PC game to the next generation of consoles. This news was already given and there has been no change in the status of that announcement, hence there is nothing new to add or take away from that. Since the port (if it happens) will be outsourced to a studio that ports PC games to console, it doesn't really matter whether TFP starts work on a dozen new projects. You need to somehow grok the truth that TFP is not a console development studio. They only develop for PC. You are mistaken. The current console version is complete. It is a version of the game based on Alpha 14 from the PC. You may have assumed that it was going to continue to be updated until it was equal to the PC game but that is not the case. There are many games for console that do not get perpetual updates and you always have the same exact game that you paid for on the day you paid for it. This is one of those. As for moving on....do you really think that game studios don't start the process of planning and prepping for their next project until after they completely finish the one they are on? Nobody is moving on. They are 100% focused on finishing 7 Days to Die but they are also starting to prepare for what will come next. Since they are not a console development studio, making or porting a game to console is not in their line-up. No....work on the console version was impossible because TFP doesn't develop for consoles. They aren't set up for that nor do they particularly want to do that. It's why they partnered with Telltale Games who hired Iron Galaxy to do the port. So since TFP has never developed for consoles and has no plans to ever develop for consoles they apparently and literally have time to start fresh PC projects-- or at least start the initial steps necessary to starting fresh PC projects once they wrap 7 Days to Die. If they can negotiate a favorable deal with a new partner to bring a console version to the next gen consoles that is based on the finished game then they will do so. So you aren't really stuck waiting like second class citizens. You are stuck waiting for the PC version that the new console game is supposed to be based upon to be finished so that the new console game can be made. It would be pretty silly for them to partner NOW with someone and do a port of the finished game before the game is finished. Causality just doesn't work like that. It's not your fault but it is your problem precisely because you don't have control. We have control and we say there will no longer be any updates or changes made to the original console port. It is finished just the way it is. Quite a few people like it for what it is. Quite a few people have gotten 100s of hours of entertainment for what it is. That's how awesome these new projects are going to be. TFP is willing to risk earnings on the idea of them because they feel confident they will do at least as well as 7 Days to Die. I wish I could tell you about them. I am personally very excited for these titles and I know that the developers are going to take everything they learned from 7 Days to Die and pour it into these new projects and use many of the ideas that couldn't be done for 7 Days to make their next games true spiritual sequels that are next level. I expect people will want console ports of these next projects even more than 7 Days to Die.... I have been very real in my answers. I'm not sure how more real I could be. There will be no further work done on the current console versions for Xbox1 and PS4. The timeline is: Never. Someday when your grandkids pull out your game system from your attic and dust it off and turn it on and boot up 7 Days to Die, it will play exactly for them on that distant day as it does today for you. There will be no further updates ever. I wish I could give you a definitive yes or no about a new version based on the finished PC game in the future but I can't. Not trying to scuff you along-- it is just too soon to tell. Here are the two announcements you should watch for: The PC version of 7 Days to Die has gone gold! TFP is pleased to announce their partnership with ______________ who will be porting 7 Days to Die to PS5 and Xbox. Until/If those anounncements are made there will be no further announcements about console 7 Days to Die. And, in the interest of timelines, the first announcement probably won't come until 2022....
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