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Everything posted by Roland

  1. It’s not a new TOS as far as I know. The language that they own all derivative work based on their code has always been in there.
  2. At least you’re consistent with your personal attack strategy. Keep deflecting and hoping nobody notices you have abandoned your on topic opinion. You seem to be the one trying to pick a fight. I just want to talk about the game and its development. Given your emotion towards me, that probably isn’t going to happen. Hope you can find some enjoyment with the game through mods.
  3. Agreed. I think a good compromise would be to earn half a point on someone else’s quest. The three of us in my group don’t want to quest alone but we also don’t want to do 30 quests per tier. Our temporary solution was to change the number required from 10 to 5 and we all agree not to abuse it by spamming quests alone. So now we do 15 quests per tier together.
  4. Good one. We both know the reason why you have no rebuttal and can’t bring yourself to admit you were mistaken. When personal attacks are all you can muster it’s pretty clear you have nothing of substance behind your stance. If you haven’t figured it out yet this game is one of progression. Character progression, loot progression, difficulty progression, trader progression, quest progression, crafting progression, and now biome progression is coming online. Someday we will have story progression and reputation progression.
  5. I don't need to pretend. It isn't true outside the confines of your conspiracy theory. I don't deny that they want there to be a progression to being able to survive in each biome and that they want there to be reasons and incentives for players to go all over the world and explore everywhere to the fullest but that is very different than some lowkey war to prevent players from remaining in the forest biome. And even if they decide that they want to force things in the story mode or default vanilla version, it doesn't mean that they are mad if players use mods to play the game differently. That is just ridiculous. If what you say is true, then they would have shut down and put out cease and desist letters to all the overhaul modders for creating completely different experiences from their own vision. On the contrary, they welcome all the overhauls and hope there will be more in the future. Several? Really? Who? And so what? Commenting that they'd like to see players utilize all areas of the world? The horror.... Hilariously on the nose or fittingly on the nose? My family has already had a ton of fun leaving the forest for the burnt forest and finding the city and Trader Jen there. On the way we passed a few small town style zones with plenty of POIs for exploration. Nobody is going to starve and lack for quests in the forests but now there is incentive to go to other locations. How many years have people complained that it doesn't matter where you go in the world because everything spawns everywhere and is all the same? So now we have differentiation and reasons to go to new areas and that's hilarious? I'd say....finally. Think this statement through, please. Mods and map generators that undo what TFP has designed do not take away TFP's power to create their vanilla default experience. It just offers an alternative way to play for those that want that. There is no competition and TFP privately nor publicly wants to stop such things from happening. Again, the peaceful existence of overhaul mods completely destroy your argument. If TFP was the type of developer who couldn't stand it if anyone out in the world was playing their game differently than the way they designed it then we wouldn't have any overhaul mods. You are just mistaken in this view. They will make their vanilla game the way they want with progression the way they want it AND they are fine with people overhauling their game to play it differently-- and that includes map generators. Yeah, they did this move 7 years after they removed Plains but at the same time they re-included the Burnt Forest. That is some tight causality there...
  6. Competing? What do you mean? They want people to create mods. If they want all five biomes in the game to fit the progression they are doing and somone creates a popular mod that allows 100% wasteland, TFP doesn't lose an imagined competition nor are they embarrassed. In truth, people are using the 7 Days to Die platform to be creative in exactly the way TFP hoped and planned.
  7. So far they are confident they can add new content without breaking saves. I think that's why they changed the RWG city spawning rules first before 1.0 came out. Adding radiation to the wasteland won't mess with RWG and wouldn't require a restart. I don't know how they will do it. Maybe they will fail and people will be mad. I think worst case is that they make a content update a free DLC that is optional to be downloaded with the warning that it will break saves. That way the customer chooses and their game isn't automatically updated against their will. Who knows? Maybe a lot of the progression stuff will be folded into the story mode and then if you were playing story mode you wouldn't be able to mess with the biomes but if playing sandbox mode then you could play an all Wasteland map. A lot of open world games have Story Mode, Survival Mode, and Sandbox mode with different rulesets and restrictions. I'm interested to see what they do.
  8. I don't know the full plan, myself. What I do know is that there will be environmental hazards like you brought up that you won't be able to survive without the necessary gear. There will also be incentives to go to the different biomes. The beginnings of that are what we see with 1.0 where traders are locked to their specific biome so that you must enter all biomes in order to interact with all traders and also the fact that there are no cities in forest but they do start spawning in the burnt forest and upward. Right now the incentive to visit all the traders is pretty minimal despite their specialties but once they add reputation and the story mode is in there will almost certainly be strong reasons to visit every trader at some point. I don't know how they will work outfits into it.
  9. There are some towns and residential areas good for t1 and t2 quests but no big cities spawn in the green forest. You usually get one in the burnt forest though so that is probably where you want to head to after getting the initial stuff out of the way. Since you believe it is still early access, I will respond that this is what you signed up for....
  10. Simply relying on canned food is not how I like playing the game so while it might be possible to loot and use vending machines exclusively, I enjoy playing so much more when I have cooked meals and teas because I'm not having to constantly be munching on crap that only gives small increments of fullness. I'm not saying they shouldn't continue to tune in the right amount of food that can be found in loot and in vending machines but I think there are also other motivating factors to getting a farm established and plenty of meat on hand to cook the higher tier meals rather than just eat canned goods all the time just because it can be found and bought pretty easily. I'm not sure I get your last sentence that they should just remove the need for food and water if they want to turn the game into a looter shooter. Why would getting rid of any need for food or water help this game be a better looter shooter? I'd say that if you are feeling a constant need for food or water then it is probably because of the diet you are relying upon thinking you don't need to farm, or cook, or build up your water supply and just nickel and diming your hunger needs with all the canned goods you are finding.
  11. I had one of those playthrough starts back at the start of A21. I've been waiting for another one and so far it has never repeated.
  12. I haven’t noticed any difficulty seeing different colors of clothing and hair on the zombies. Not sure what the issue is. my issue is the lack of contrast in lighting between light and dark. I put my brightness down to 10% and can still see perfectly fine at night and in “dark” houses. Was one of the programmers scarred by the rainstorm darkness of A21 and so pushed things to the opposite extreme? 😂
  13. It’s funny that people assumed for months that the set bonuses would be so powerful that everyone would use the same set and there would be no diversity. Now that too-high expectations have come down to earth and it appears that mixing and matching will be viable for gameplay people are calling the set bonuses worthless….lol Im sure there will be adjustments as TFP watches what people gravitate towards but a design that makes mixing and matching pieces a competing objective to pure sets is a good thing and doesn’t need much reworking. if the set bonuses were as OP as what people were expecting then there would be a whole different list of complaints.
  14. I just checked on the 1.0 new game screen and there is an A, B, C, D pregen version for each world size so it appears that console may be getting 13 maps (including Navezgane) just like @SylenThunder stated.
  15. I'm for any fun improvements to mobility so grappling hooks would be awesome as would a Zelda Glider....
  16. The goal has been noon central time for the last few updates and it just depends on how many must fix bugs they have to work through Monday morning. If they get what they want to do done in time for noon then it will be noon. Not likely to be before that.
  17. You get to the beta opt-in screen by right-clicking on 7 Days to Die in your library and selecting Properties. Then click Betas and you'll see a drop down menu with many of the older versions of 7 Days to Die. You can select any of these to download those versions if you want to try any of them. On Monday afternoon TFP will add "latest_experimental" to the list of betas you can try and that one will be 1.0
  18. The unstable build can only be accessed by opting in using Steam's beta opt-in function. So it is a Steam exclusive. Steam players will work hard this month to get it all ironed out for your gaming pleasure next month.
  19. Technically I got them to waste a few months of time testing zip lines out that they would ultimately decide they couldn't do. You're welcome community. Delayed bandits is on me. Result: I'm no longer the Super Moderator. It's a cautionary tale, for sure...
  20. Everyone who feels strongly about it already is. The boycott is literally happening right now. I only watched a little bit but now I'm firmly not watching for the rest of the day. Tomorrow.... we'll see....
  21. The priorities tagged with "Do the opposite of what Cr0wst0rm wants"...
  22. They start showing up at tier 2 as far as I can tell and they aren't super rare. Just uncommon. I gladly stuck one into a stone axe and was very happy for awhile with my purple stone axe and didn't feel like I needed to upgrade to iron immediately. I didn't feel any resentment when shortly after I found enough magazines to push me up to iron tools. As far as weapons are concerned I probably would not craft a tier 6 pipe weapon. I would wait until I progressed to tier 6 of the next level and then use it. I wouldn't save it until tier 6 of the top level. There's playing the game to play the game and then there's playing the game to wait to play the game and I don't enjoy playing the second way. I don't rush the progression so I would have a stack of legendary parts sitting around never to be used if I waited for the top level of everything to use them. If people are getting Auto Shotguns and Steel Clubs in the first week with how they play then for sure save those parts for the top gear. But it takes me weeks and weeks and weeks to get that far.
  23. There's candy you can eat to get guaranteed results with just one. Why not use the in-game solutions?
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