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Everything posted by mr.devolver

  1. Wow, cool rifles, I think stuff like this is usually pretty rare in survival games, probably given as a quest reward.
  2. I uninstalled A better life and only used this last version of creature pack with added birds to avoid those console errors. It seems like some birds in this creature pack don't attack either. They can follow me, but they don't attack. It would make sense that not all birds are hostile, but if they keep following you around it feels like the intent was probably that they will attack players, but they don't. I wouldn't mind peaceful birds though, that would be a nice addition. Also spiders actually don't attack the player and they don't attack npcs either - despite my virtual arachnophobia, I decided to go ahead and actually approach them and unlike the robots, spiders don't seem to be interested in attacking me at all. (Although, I feel like they will start attacking me soon enough after this report lol). What kind of fight actually does happen is a fight between npcs (those that can be hired) and demolisher zombies. I saw an NPC who was trying to shoot demolisher zombie and NPC shot his button and triggered the explosion so both demolisher and NPC died right in front of my eyes and one of them dropped a loot bag so after watching this pretty cool fight (I wish there was more of them), I checked the loot bag and there was a pistol, some ammo and some other cool stuff. That was the first night, although not sure why there were demolishers so early, probably one of the mods that I installed recently made that modification, but it was still pretty cool to see.
  3. By the way, guys, do you have any idea why I can't find any bdubyah's vehicle in game? This is the first time I tried this all in one pack and it just doesn't show up in recipes neither in cheat menu. - - - Updated - - - I'm glad to hear that!
  4. Hi, nope I'm just trying to throw some ideas, for those who can make them happen.
  5. Imagine something like this: You find a useless car that has to be repaired, you have to find wheels, engine, and other important parts and once you collect them all, you can use them to craft a car repairing pack that will be used to "hit" the broken car and you get a working car in return. Fill it with gas and it's ready to drive. Another way (assuming something like that would be possible): A broken car that has an inventory and when you put the "missing" car parts inside the inventory, it will change into a working car.
  6. I'm only using NPC mod and creature pack, so I guess wandering traders can only come from creature pack.
  7. Looks like you're always restlessly working on making my dreams come true lol! Also, I just met a trader and for some reason, he ran quite a distance just to kill a zombie, BUT he didn't mind a giant spider that was approaching him lol
  8. Hey Sphereii, hey Xyth! Animal attack issue seems to be fixed (that cute little white fox is no longer a cute little puppy that follows me everywhere and now it attacks). But I ran into another compatibility issue - SphereII A Better Life. Game throws errors in the console which look like the game is trying to tell me that the sounds of Falcon are expected to be in Creature Pack Animals. Is that something that I could fix easily, perhaps by moving resources from SphereII A Better Life to Creature Pack Animals mod? By the way, this is the first time I tried SphereII A Better Life and I saw the new stuff instantly when I spawned in the world and it looks very cool, I hope we will eventually be able to use those mods together.
  9. It looks like your brother tried to repair the installation of Mod Launcher. I suggest him to uninstall and install Mod Launcher again.
  10. I'll be honest. You made a pretty huge collection of various vehicles. I kinda wish there was a mod that would throw them here and there randomly all around the world, some driveable, some broken, but still lootable or useable for resources. Well, I guess this is what Guppy's mod was trying to do, but that fun ended in A17.4...
  11. Hi. I just logged in to say thank you for this mod! I am all for new quests, stories and whatever that gives us goals and can keep us playing. I've been playing with this mod recently and it's pretty cool. It gives nice rewards that feel just right and not overpovered for the work player has to do in order to get them. We definitely need more of these mods!
  12. Yes, I am using this mod with 0-SphereIICore, because I'm using DMT NPC mod as well, I just wasn't sure which thread I should report this in. Could you please look into that issue?
  13. Thank you, I will try this new version. Also, do you have any idea why animals such as mountain lion are not attacking me? I also noticed a dog who was growling, but not even trying to find me.
  14. <property class="AdvancedItemFeatures" > <property name="Logging" value="false"/> <property name="AdvancedItemRepair" value="[color="#FF0000"]true[/color]" /> <!-- Enables more repair options for more complicated repair and scrapping recipes. --> <property name="DurabilityAffectsDamage" value="false" /> <!-- For melee, a weapon is reduced as durability goes down. Fix your stuff! --> </property> It looks like it is set to true, assuming this is the line you were looking for?
  15. I will try. Also, I just ran into another issue. It seems like mountain lion simply ignored me. It was at night and I was sneaking, but I was literally standing next to him and he just ignored me. I shot him into head and he died instantly. I'm pretty sure that normally he would attack and since I noticed him too late, he would most likely kill me.
  16. I had more mods installed, but due to this (and some other compatibility issue) I had to remove them all to figure out which one is causing it, so I ended up with only the mods shown on the list and nothing else. The other issue was resolved, but the problem with Empty Cans being scrapped into unit_iron item instead of Iron persists. It's even worse when you scrap just a small amount of them like 1 Empty Can, it's gone, but you get nothing back and before you ask, yes this is a new world, so there shouldn't be any remnants of the previous mods.
  17. Xyth, assuming this is not a bug in vanilla game, one of the following mods is probably causing that Empty Cans are scrapped into item called unit_iron instead of Iron. I had some other mods installed that I thought could be causing that, but I already uninstalled them and just kept your mods for testing. Surprisingly, the bug is still present in the new world with only your mods installed, so yeah.
  18. Like 15 minutes kind of soon or like travel to Mars kind of soon? I wouldn't mind 15 minutes kind of soon...
  19. Like friendly NPCs that can become followers, yay! It's much more fun to play solo with these bandits, wandering traders and NPCs that can become followers. What would be even more fun is a story and quests, because being able to meet groups of survivors, either randomly in the world or by visiting their base, being able to do some quests for them, that would make those NPCs feel like real people that are part of the world, trying to survive. I wish someone could make this happen, that would make me really happy.
  20. As far as I know, it was heavily modded version of the game and each and every little new feature had to be injected through SDX and there were many such features, but no wonder. It's because the whole team of modders worked on it, some of them are not active anymore, others moved on to different projects. Check the first page in this thread, there's a list of usernames that contributed to this project and maybe even that's not a full list. For example Pacco who unfortunately isn't alive anymore was a very important person for this project as he produced countless amount of new assets pretty quickly and his friend Mortelentus (thread starter) was a pretty skilled coder who managed to put it all together and give it life in the game itself. In the comment section under the last video on Youtube uploaded by Mortelentus, he replied to someone who was asking if there are plans to update the mod. This is what he said: "Merry christmas. Ive been quite away from the modding stuff do to multiple reasons, and dont have plans to update full starvation mod due to the imense work behind it. I would love to come back and make a modular story based mod with xyth, but well ser what life brings me." This was 1 year ago. As we already know, he didn't come back.
  21. The simulation doesn't show up active zombies. In fact they all show as inactive, so in the world you wouldn't see them all. Just the ones that are in your area. Still, just like someone else already noted, this is most likely what the game already does. Well, sort of. The main difference is probably that the game currently spawns zombies randomly in the biome in your area and only spawns as many as your pc can handle rather than having to constantly calculate positions, stats of all the "offline" zombies on the whole map just to show couple of them to you when you get close. So I guess it's apples and shiny oranges, except the oranges are pretty expensive and you have to pay for them with the power of your pc which results in performance loss.
  22. But doing this could be a problem if he really wanted them to be good guards though. I mean, if you reduced their intelligence so they wouldn't find paths well and if you gave them poor senses so they wouldn't be easily pulled away by chasing targets, would they still be good as guards at all? Would they still be able to do what he wants them to do? lol
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