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Everything posted by mr.devolver

  1. I would also like to add that it wasn't doing yesterday and today some of your mods were updated so perhaps some change that happened in the last update.
  2. So far it's been doing it when I get hit by zombies, but I was recently attacked by coyote and that also gave me the bleeding buff, but that one stayed until I used bandage. I am using creature pack (all packs except fantasy pack) along with NPC mod.
  3. Xyth, I'm not sure where to post this, but since I installed the latest updates of your mods, I noticed that the problem with bleeding buff is back. When I get hit by enemy and get the bleeding buff, it instantly disappears like if I healed myself with bandage (minus the bandage effect on health). This reminds me of the side effect of your old Patch_Entity modlet back in Alpha 17, if you can remember it had the same effect on player.
  4. Thanks for clarification, I guess I will try and see then. I like to test new stuff, especially complex overhauls.
  5. Sounds like a lot of fun is coming our way, don't worry about the delay, we are not going anywhere, just like Laz Man noted, take your time, we will be here when it's ready!
  6. Have you changed something since the installation of the mod? If you have, that may be the reason why teleport stopped working. What you're describing here reminds me of earlier SDX versions of the mod in which the hired NPCs were pretty stubborn and refused to follow the player until their target was dead. Assuming there wasn't any recent update which changed the behavior, the last version should work as expected.
  7. Hello, is the server PvP or PvE? I'm not a fan of PvP in general and even less when trying to learn about new features at my own pace. If it's PvP, I will pass and wait for a regular all in one overhaul pack for running the mod locally.
  8. Oh man, you shouldn't have asked, this just brings so many ideas to my mind. Well, I know I couldn't make them happen, but maybe you can... So... Since that bigger one looks similar to those robobrain robots from the Fallout universe, I imagine it would make sense that some, if not all of these robots were top secret military weapons, but who knows what kind of original purpose or programming they had and most importantly, were they programmed properly in the first place? Did bandits try to hack them to mess with their code over time in attempt to make them fight by their side? Was the code of these robots even finished before the outbreak? Were these robots created secretly in hope to kill all the infected before the zombie virus spreads further? And how come you killed so many of them and they still keep coming? Is there a factory that secretly creates more units of these robots to this day? And if so, who operates it? All sorts of unexpected things can happen when you meet these robots. Every robot encounter is like an open ended mini story which can end differently. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them were actually even friendly, maybe because their function which makes them attack people wasn't quite finished yet, perhaps they can be still reprogrammed to help you in fight if you have the right skill and necessary tools, of course you will most likely need to study some books about robots first, because trying to hack the robot without proper tools and/or knowledge can be lethal for those who try... Hopefully my imagination will inspire you at least a little bit... EDIT: Xyth! Imagine flying robots like drones! That would be quite a unique addition. Probably operated by bandits who figured out an effective way to spy and attack other survivors from above!
  9. Speaking of robots... Is THIS supposed to happen? Maybe it's not the best shot, but what happened there is basically a fight between two different robots. By the way the robot with electric shocks defeated that other robot with lightsaber and he also killed that zombie nearby while on it...
  10. If NPCs are on your TO DO list, but creating custom NPCs would take you a lot of time, maybe you could use the default characters that are already in the pack (assuming Xyth and SphereII would allow that), it would save you a lot of time and you could always create custom NPCs later when you have enough time for that. Even default characters and features that are already there give the players additional long hours of interesting gameplay and overall it's much more fun to play with them, the world feels much more alive and immersive. To be absolutely honest, NPCs became a must have mod for me, I've been playing with these mods for quite a while now, so if the NPCs aren't there by the time Undead Legacy is released, I will most likely try to add them manually for my personal game experience if possible.
  11. So I guess I was unlucky and missed the window. Is there a way to synchronize manually? I know there is that "Pre-Sync Mod" button, but I guess that didn't really help, because I clicked it before starting the game for the first time.
  12. Well, I gave up, closed the game, came back to Mod Launcher and checked the updates. It seems like there were new versions after all. I downloaded them (hopefully all of them) and started the game again. Frankie's ability to fly seems to be gone. I guess the supply of kryptonite finally arrived.
  13. Superman was Frankie the farmer!
  14. I checked before playing and it showed me that I am using last version.
  15. Well, the only effect I see is this: I found him by accident when I was cleaning around the base with a stone axe. Needless to say that the blood on the screen is mine...
  16. Is an NPC disappearing inside the hill or under ground a part of the test? I see NPC farmer mark on the map, but when I reach the mark, I can't find him in the world.
  17. Did you guys change something in the code of this mod recently? Last version seems to be bugged. I saw a character, not sure if it was a vanilla survivor or NPC, but the lines in the console make me feel like it was a DMT NPC farmer, and when I started running to him, he suddenly disappeared in such way it looked like that NPC teleport feature, but he literally disappeared inside the hill. After a while I saw another fast movement far away on the horizon all the way through my screen. I opened the console to check out what the heck is going on and I saw tons of these lines:
  18. Subquake, do you plan to add some NPCs now that Xyth and Sphereii have some pretty solid framework for them? If you went the extra mile to implement them, that would push the game several levels higher again.
  19. I miss those original bandits and NPCs you made. Some of the NPCs would probably fit more into sci-fi genre, but on the other hand the pulse rifle and heavy armor of the boss bandit were pretty cool, like we never know what kind of stuff people may discover in the apocalypse, right? Some top secret "out of this world" military stuff maybe...
  20. I wish I could create at least couple of your clones, so that each clone would work on different quest mod, because I don't really know many modders interested in quests and story mods.
  21. If you're playing the actual Starvation mod, I believe Navezgane was pretty much set for a good Starvation gameplay.
  22. Lol thanks! Now we just need a proper DMT fishing mod with all the fancy stuff like fishing rod, animations and basically everything we had in Starvation.
  23. Yeah, Mod Launcher is acting weird for me lately, I don't know what's the problem, it has some duplicates, I installed the other copy and removed the first one and that other copy worked, but for some reason when I opened Mod Launcher today, I couldn't see your Vehicle mod pack in the list of installed mods which is weird because I checked if it's still there in the Mods directory and it is, so I'm not sure what's going on, but that's not the only problem I had with Mod Launcher. When mod gets update and I click the Update button, it shows me that it's checking and downloading, but when it finishes, the Update button is still there like if it was never really updated, but checking the versions manually through xmls shows the mod was updated - well sometimes, some other times the update fails and the only fix then is to Uninstall the mod and download a fresh copy. I tried repairing Mod Launcher installation, I tried to reinstall it, but it's still the same. I guess I will have to wait for an update or something.
  24. Yeah, there are many cool things in Starvation we all miss. When you think about it, it was such an advanced overhaul that all it really needed was more advanced NPC features and quests - that was probably the only lacking feature, at least for me. Sure it didn't have fancy POIs, turrets, 4x4 and gyrocopter, but on the other hand, it had so much more content the base game still doesn't have to this day and just writing about its features makes me want to go back to Starvation right now. It probably had everything developers ever announced, but never delivered.
  25. It would be nice if you could let us know when the process is finished, so I could install A better life again just for the fish. Still, feature such as this: [video=youtube_share;362aLc_mWfc] would be nice and that would be possible only with help of DMT.
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