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Everything posted by mr.devolver

  1. If by interaction you mean the dialogue options and the actions after clicking on individual options, then yes, they seem to work correctly. I will double check to make sure. However, there are still other issues. Among other things, there is still that problem with losing NPCs in the trader's base, friendly fire - they get instantly aggressive and attack you when you cause them even a small health loss by accident, but on the other hand, when they want to attack the enemy, they don't mind to kill you in the process if you're standing in the way.
  2. When I tried the army guy, it wasn't for too long, but he was probably better at close combat than shooting. I also tried Ghost and played with her as a companion for a while, but then I lost her at trader area because I forgot that they disappear there. Well, we weren't really close to that trader base, but she ran straight towards the area and poofed. I guess that just happens sometimes and you lose your coins, it was a nice run while it lasted though. I've been getting some NREs with them, so to be perfectly honest, it's hard to fully enjoy with console errors showing up in the middle of a fight. Her animation is glitchy sometimes and she stays static, but her body moves around and then moments later it fixes itself somehow and her animation works correctly again. At one point I saw that she had the lower part of her body under ground, but teleport solved that issue.
  3. I tried to make them interested that way, but they never followed me.
  4. Well, you know when she started with "Hello friend, how can I help you?", I kinda thought she was different... Turns out she's just like any other cow in real life and doesn't talk much after all lol
  5. So I added Animation SDX and tested again. NRE that I had before when I spawned the cow was gone, blurry hands glitch did not occur with just animals installed, but when I click "tell me about yourself" on animals, nothing happens. I checked the files and I have the files that worked on NPCs. Is it a feature that doesn't work on animals? Also, how do I make the animals to follow?
  6. Actually I was just guessing what could the dependencies be, because Mod Launcher didn't show me anything and I forgot Animation SDX for that cow test.
  7. Which one, blurry hands or the issue with animals I posted above?
  8. Cow test: Mods installed and enabled: Video: [video=youtube_share;KSJ7oWX1_1w] LOG: Download
  9. I wouldn't mind to test, but so far I've never seen a cow in 7 days to die when I had that mod enabled. Not sure if automatic spawning even works, but to reproduce the hand glitch, it should be easy if it works the same way as with NPCs - just spawn the cow near 4x4, enter the vehicle and get out. What's the cow's name in the list of entities? I might spawn one manually and do some testing for you.
  10. Sphereii, I updated EntityAlive SDX and it didn't work, then I manually deleted EntityAlive SDX mod folder and downloaded a new copy of it and only then the update actually worked. It seems like Mod Launcher doesn't properly update the mods that are already installed.
  11. It shows 1000 like usually, but takes 0 lol, of course I took advantage of it and now I'm travelling with nurse, Harley Quinn, and I've also put the army guy from Dark's pack and before you ask, they took 0 casino coins even before I added that pack, I just thought like if they go with me out of their good heart, I may as well just go with it EDIT: Something weird just happened. Harley Quinn I was talking about seems like she lost her bat. She does her usual animations of attack, but with no bat in her hands. I met another Harley and she already has the bat in her hands.
  12. So I tested this new version on a clean copy of the game and now it shows some info when I click "tell me about yourself", I don't know why it didn't show anything before. Maybe I should have started a new world for that update? Anyway, I just wanted to ask, did you disable casino token check? Because now I can hire NPCAmmo for free lol
  13. Well, when I was focusing on this bug, I only tested it with 4x4 truck, so originally I though it happens only with some vehicles and I also thought that it happens only when the vehicle moves, but then it happened to me even when the 4x4 truck was not moving - I just entered and left the car (NPCAmmo was near) and I ended up with blurry hands. Today it happened to me even with bicycle, so it seems like it could be any vehicle and whether you actually drive it or not, it doesn't matter. Once you enter the vehicle, you are likely encounter that bug. It happened to me even when NPC was not around and even when I didn't have any hired NPC. As for the way of recovering from this, unfortunately besides exitting the game and loading it again, nothing worked so far.
  14. I will test this on a clean copy. Maybe it didn't update properly. Usually when things seem to work on a clean copy, I copy the files to the game that already contains my favorite mods. Sometimes I get too excited though and that's when I try the modded game right away. This was the case, so I will check if it works on a clean copy of the game and I will let you know.
  15. By the way, I just hired NPCBaker, one of those poor NPCs that only have 200 points of health out of 800 for some reason and I clicked "tell me about yourself" and nothing happened.
  16. NPCs started teleporting later.
  17. Sphereii, we talked about this a week ago: Here's the video it referred to: [video=youtube_share;OLg2tehC_JA] And here was your reply which was also a reaction to that other problem with NPCs disappearing in the trader's base:
  18. It was not a hired NPC. I will try to hire one and see how it goes.
  19. It seems like health loss is still an issue.
  20. I'm sorry for keeping you from doing other things you wanted to do, I just wanted to say that I hope that most mods will be really compatible with DMT out of the box and won't need to be updated, because some authors of the scripts used in currently popular mods are no longer active in the modding scene here, so we could hardly expect them to come back and update their scripts to be compatible with DMT. Of course it would be awesome if they did, but that's very unlikely to happen and it would be shame if we lost those creations with no chance to preserve them for the future versions of the game. It happened in the past, just like with that awesome fishing mod for A16 which wouldn't work in A17. Same author who coded that MortSpawner script which is currently used in Guppy's car mod.
  21. Ok, so SDX mods are only those that contain .cs scripts, right? I checked the set of mods I am using and wanted to use for a while and figured out that they mostly consist of your SDX mods, a lot of modlets which I believe will be compatible, but it also contains Guppycur's Vehicle Madness SDX mod and this mod contains a script called MortSpawner.cs. Now, maybe I'm wrong, but I believe this is an old script coded by someone who worked on Starvation, a very talented coder, but unfortunately no longer active in modding scene here. So even if we were allowed to update the script to be fully compatible with DMT, what are the chances that someone will be actually willing to do that? I mean, there's not many modders who actually know how these things work. I kinda wish I knew how to code these mods, I would help with updating if I was allowed to, because I also want to keep playing with that mod myself.
  22. Ok, so in theory most SDX mods should be compatible out of the box, right? But what about the compatibility of NPC mod itself with other SDX mods? And it does rely on Animation SDX and since Animation SDX is incompatible with DMT, can we expect that it will be available soon enough after the transition to DMT? What I'm mostly worried about is the statement you made right here, and I'm still not quite sure how to feel about it, because it does sound like those who want to play with NPC mod installed will have some problems with other mods, which is quite disturbing.
  23. Honestly, at first I was looking forward to using DMT / Harmony, but when you said that the changes will make this mod incompatible with most of the mods that currently run on SDX, it made me feel sad, because I have a lot of mods installed and yes some of them use SDX.. Does this all mean that I will have to wait for all the modders to update their SDX mods to DMT mods first if I want this to be compatible with the rest of my favorite mods?
  24. Probably not at the moment, since SDX must compile it separately and from what I understood, Darkness Fall is a mod which already comes with its own pre-compiled library that does not include this mod, so you can't really have both mods working together. But this could change sometime in the future with DMT modding tool which is a successor of SDX and unlike SDX, DMT works by changing memory on the fly rather than by compiling the library, but maybe Sphereii could provide more accurate information.
  25. I still haven't met any of your NPCs. I hope I didn't screw it up somehow.
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