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Everything posted by Gamida

  1. I am curious. I have set up dedicated servers on my extra home pc and I have never used the command above. I have always used just the dedicated server set up in steam. Is there an advantage to doing it the way above?
  2. I have no idea about this but am going to take an educated guess. You said you wanted to change the color. This is the colors I see. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <qualityinfo> <!--Broken--> <quality key="0" color="808080"/> <!--Junk --> <quality key="1" color="9C8867"/> <!--Common--> <quality key="2" color="CF7F29"/> <!--Uncommon--> <quality key="3" color="A2A41B"/> <!--Rare--> <quality key="4" color="42C234"/> <!--Epic--> <quality key="5" color="315DCE"/> <!--Legendary--> <quality key="6" color="A42ACC"/> </qualityinfo> The colors go up to level 6 items. You have key="7" To me that is not changing a color but adding one. A proper modder will be able to confirm or deny this easily so am sure one will be along momentarily.
  3. Maybe there could be a compromise and the buff would only spoil food that is not canned. Or only spoil food that the players have on them at the moment. So they would have to find more or get some back at base, if they have a base that is lol.
  4. I think when the poster said "within the game" they meant without modding
  5. Yeah once you have a forge and a cement mixer you will be able to make jars up to your butt crack
  6. How does the points work for other streamers. I have seen streams where they have different names for their viewer points. Someone might call theirs mango points, another might have theirs called peanuts. How does the integration work with this. Does it not matter what the streamer calls it? Also if it goes by the streamers point system does the integration start at zero from first time it is used or will it allow the already gathered points of the viewer to be used. Not sure if there is a post somewhere that answers these questions or not but if there is could someone link it
  7. Just look outside and see who is holding a pitchfork or torch.
  8. Speaking of. IIRC we were not able to crawl through a 1 block opening because if zombies couldn't we shouldn't. If they will be able to in future, will we, again, be able to?
  9. 89.634% of people 8-97 years of age would agree with you 99.98456%
  10. I went in news after and did see it and it said it was about 17 hours ago. I don't know why I didn't notice it as when I join forum first thing I do is click the unread content tab at top. And I have often seen Hated's post there announcing a new release. I just don't recall seeing it this time which is why I was caught by surprise.
  11. Never noticed that 19.5 was available until you posted that. How long was it out and was there a post saying it was?
  12. The hair on back of my neck just stood up. I fear a storm is coming...
  13. If I recall when drones were first mentioned there was going to be ability to add a gun to it (along with a teddy bear head). I also thought later either in forum or in a dev stream that madmole mentioned that guns would no longer be able to be added and drones would be more a storage/healer companion. Could you, within the scope of what you are allowed, explain the role of the drone.
  14. Some mods may affect books. I know of one backpack mod that does. The book icons in corner doesn't show in the backpack. Probably not really related to OP's problem but thought I would throw it out there.
  15. Not sure if anyone mentioned this or if you don't want to try but have you thought of getting your father to join someones server. There are many out there and am sure there are some that would suit his playstyle. A nice friendly PVE server may be the thing for him. Many probably have people on 24/7 so that would solve the problem of having the server running all the time.
  16. Thanks for considering it. That is all one can hope for when making a suggestion.
  17. I already knew about the previews in the folder but as you already were showing them in the program I was thinking you could tab through new ones you had just made and maybe even have a delete button there. If you saw one you had just made that you knew you would not be interested in using you could get rid of it right there and then without having to go directly to the folder to delete it. That way you only have usable maps in your folder.
  18. Really nice. Thanks again for going above and beyond on helping us Win7 users. With that I just created 2 maps to have a look at the new program and I noticed it showed the first of the 2 and then as soon as the other one finished (quickly I might add) it showed that preview. I never really got a chance to see the first one and there was no way to go back to it. I was wondering is there a way to tab the map previews so you could go back and forth between them to compare? Not sure how much mem it would use so even if it could show 3 or 4 that might help someone decide which of the maps they would like to use. Thanks again for keeping this program alive and updated.
  19. Sorry it didn't help. Don't forget to add a solution here if you do find out how to do this. Others may be trying the same thing. Or if you get it working you could even upload your mod.
  20. Just curious. I see random streamers playing A19.5. Was just wondering how they had it. Are they testers?
  21. Did I start a snowball effect with my problem I had Not for me. I only got it to work when I put it on my C drive.
  22. Go here... and scroll down to [*]UIMenu. I never really got it so I usually manually edit my menu but maybe you can figure it out. I am not %100 sure it still works but it may give you an idea of what to do. They may just change the single player menu but at least it may give you a start
  23. I rebind my keys so am not even sure now what is what but I always thought G was for God mode. And I am pretty sure BFT2020 is also correct that you have to open console and type dm then hit enter to be able to use it. "Cheat mode" from what I recall is just creative mode so you can use all blocks, items, etc in the game.
  24. Both have advantages and disadvantages I guess but I would prefer a boat (Biased, live on an island ). I think anchoring in deep water I would be able to sleep better. Until zombies learn how to climb up the anchor line and kill me in my sleep.
  25. If you are talking about where the highways intersect, yes, the guard rails always seem to cut across there. I usually just harvest them myself to open it up.
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