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Everything posted by Gamida

  1. How adverse are you to mods? I use a mod that removes most icons from the compass but you can still see them on the map. You can, if you choose so, click on one of them to highlight it on your screen in the map. Short description. Here is forum link For now this is best I have found for my use. I, like you, would also like to be able to toggle the icons on and off as needed in the vanilla game but for now I am happy with this.
  2. Nice, but meilodasreh has already posted a pic of twin peaks...
  3. If you find out anything more on this you can keep us abreast of the situation.
  4. Agreed. I would enjoy placing some C4 on a gun safe and then having to leave the room to remote detonate it.
  5. Shouldn't you be able to mod the radius damage and the fuse time?
  6. If anything like that was added...would definitely want it so even in PVE, in a party and allied that it would still work on team mates
  7. I think that is before and after pics of Ronald when he was accidentally fed a Whopper
  8. True, but the streamer would have to manually go into G mode to do that. Then that would be on the streamer. What I am talking about is something built into the vanilla game that the streamer and team mates could use to their advantage to circumvent the intent of the game...an exploit most would call it. For instance, viewer uses some of his points to use slow command, enjoying the struggle the streamer has voluntarily subjected himself to by enabling the integration. Two seconds later the streamer used the fast command to cancel it out and goes on his merry way. Don't you think the viewer would feel a little cheated? I know another viewer could do the same thing but everyone would most likely already know there is a chance for that. This is not a big fault really as I think like you said it would be just the bad apples. I don't even think many streamers would do that but I have seen one. I just thought it was something worth mentioning.
  9. Thought I would see if I could get an answer on this question again. I still think the streamer shouldn't be able to use the integration commands where they could be able to counteract a viewers. If it has been fixed then well done on ya.
  10. Shhhhhhhhhh. The genetically enhanced corn is what started the apocalypse...
  11. If there is no way to remove the storm warning, is there a way to increase them? Maybe if it happens 2 or 3 times during the week players will get comfortable with them and not realize what day it is. I remember one of first time I heard that thunder. Was so loud it scared the crap out of me.
  12. I have always wondered what the super corn is good for as I have never used it. Is that all you use it for glue? If so, can it be grown like regular corn and made into seeds?
  13. Gamida

    Jegethy's Modlets

    I thought same thing when I downloaded it. Nice bright colours easy to pick out and I went in and just switched the names of the icons so Green means good to read, and Red means Sorry, you already read it.
  14. Dust2Death made a HQHD overhaul. It may have been mod that was used. Can check out the forest pics here. https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/133 Was very beautiful mod. Not sure if it still works as haven't used it in long time.
  15. I also have no idea what you mean by this. Do you mean they would make a single hole bigger to get in? That would make it a 2 block hole. Am thinking this could be a touchy subject so I may step back through the hole I came in (yes, 2 block hole ) and wait until they actually add it to see what is going on.
  16. I have no idea what you have said above. I am just saying that it was once part of the game and it was took out not (as far as I know) for the reason you stated but because they stopped zombies doing it so players shouldn't be able to do it. If it was to save some ram or resources or what not I don't know then that is fine. I am just saying what ever the reason they took it out they must have overcome as they are seemingly going to add it back. As for players getting through one block holes and having to check for unexpected new shortcuts, how is that different from zombies breaking a single block and making a new unexpected shortcut. Are shortcuts made by zombies and players different? What is bad for the goose is bad for the gander as far as I would think. Again, just commenting on it being removed for a simple reason and now only being added back for zombies.
  17. Wait? That is suppose to be a joke? Did anyone tell SnowDog?
  18. To this day I am convinced I read a post from madmole saying the reason that one block egress was removed was if zombies can't do it then players shouldn't be able to do it. If it is going to be reinstated for zombies then it should be for the players as well.
  19. Not sure if you know or not but the crates can be made writable. Unless you are talking about one with the picture labels.
  20. of course, it's only you SnowDog who can take undead zombie cleavage and turn it into something perverted.
  21. I was thinking that too. I just thought I heard someone mention that you could have the extra ones just that they won't show as in your party. Maybe it was allies. I don't know lol, maybe someone could enlighten us on all the facts of being in a party and allied.
  22. Was watching a stream and someone was asking about the amount of people in a party. From what I recall it was 8 but I have heard it could be up to 12 in party but only 8 will show on screen. What is official amount and is there a post somewhere that give info on party.
  23. So have been watching some streamers use Twitch Integration and had a question. Will there be a fix so that the streamer and anyone else in the game will not be able to use the commands. It seems odd that viewer could spawn in one command and the players could cancel it out themselves pretty much immediately.
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