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Everything posted by Gamida

  1. If you are talking about where the highways intersect, yes, the guard rails always seem to cut across there. I usually just harvest them myself to open it up.
  2. I probably got the idea from you so was thinking you would liek it I probably got the idea from you so was thinking you would liek it
  3. I am also wondering when you would be able to push other players. Just curious...I never had the thought of doing it while a teammate was standing on edge of hoardbase with a mass of zombies below. Just standing there...all innocent and unsuspecting.
  4. Just an observation but if you join a games official forum where 99.99999999999999999999999% of the members love the game and ask "Should I buy the game?" Well you know what the answer will be
  5. I recall long ago, not sure which alpha. ( I started at about A11) You would sometimes climb quickly up a ladder and at top it would throw you up in the atmosphere. All you could do was enjoy the scenery and the ride down to your ultimate death. Sure was pretty view though.
  6. yeah sometimes you KNOW someone is trolling and you KNOW they are just trying to bait someone BUT you just have to get that word in lol It's like an itch that has to be scratched or it will make you go mad.
  7. @Roland, I read through some of these old posts and in one you mentioned something about being less than 90% health which I took from the context that that is when vultures will attack you. From my understanding it was if your health was 99% or less they would attack
  8. Someone mentioned having a spawn for chickens that attack the player and that brought up the terrifying memory of the zombie chicken hordes on your server that time guppy. Subconsciously I cry whenever I eat chicken now and break out in a cold sweat.
  9. I am ofc just busting your chops lol, but you did in just 2 lines give some good advice and then contradicted yourself
  10. Thanks for the info but it is not the daunting part of installing it. I have owned a computer before there was windows. To put it bluntly, I am just lazy when it comes to reinstalling stuff. I have a lot of apps on here and as I said I like to do completely clean installs not updates. It just depresses me to have to install all those again . I know I will eventually have to but until then I will have to live with some things not working quite right. EDIT: I moved program to a folder on C drive called KG. I then cd'd to that folder in cmd window and ran that command above and the program ran and made a map. EDIT2: I had a weird idea and tried running the file in the folder on C drive and it works there. Could the problem have been, as I downloaded the file on my storage drive (H) and ran it from there, that it wouldn't work as it was expecting the program to be on the C drive?
  11. Um, I see a circle that says level 1 down in the left hand corner. Could that be the one you are referring too? Ok never mind, I realized you said that is not your pic after I posted... Is there anyway to show a pic of your screen so people can see what is happening? You could also remove the other mods and just run game with riles to see if circle shows. If so just add each one separately until it disappears. That would give you and idea of which one it could be causing it.
  12. Just the generic one. It's fine. I don't want you to go through what Sphereii did with his launcher lol. I just seem to have bad karma with some mods/apps. Just do me a favour and keep updating your program so when I do decide to move to Win10 it is all working nicely and up to date.
  13. I was thinking that also. IIRC didn't Madmole say we would no longer be able to add a weapon to the drone. I pass through so many parallel universes that I sometime mix up which one I am in. This one is on A26 right????
  14. While everyone was arguing a wandering horde snuck up and killed us all
  15. Maybe the old turd one could be outfitted with a pair of horns...
  16. If you do add a Snow Doggs Inn PLEASE put it in the snow biome. The more white in the scenery the better for that place I think. No UV lights allowed.
  17. Sadly when I hit the button to generate a world it crashes. As others with Win 7 seem to get it working I concede that it is something on my end. For now I will keep using Nitrogen until a game update makes it no longer workable. That said I truly commend you for going above and beyond in tracking down the problem for the other Win7 users who could not get it to work seeing as we seem to be a dying breed of users. I will eventually upgrade to Win10 but not right now :). I will though be keeping an eye on your program and watching to see how it develops.
  18. Very good advice. I say basically the very same thing in the post above yours. I feel you didn't try to be, but it did come off as a tiny bit condescending. Two things to note. 1. There are two users that refused to upgrade, not one. We also specified why. 2. If I read correctly neither of us asked that he downgrade. He offered and I politely mentioned, at least for me, that he shouldn't do that for the reason you said. I have said this in other posts that my online attitude radar is horrible. I usually read things the incorrect way and get meanings totally wrong so I apologies in advance for possibly doing the same for yours.
  19. Was watching a stream and there was a debate about the hunter mod. It is suppose to do 100% damage to living beings. So is it useless on zombies (animal ones included). Does it only work on the animals like the regular bear, deer, rabbits, chickens and such. Or was it included for PVP?
  20. Maybe traders could be added to everyones list when they join as a late(r) or ongoing quest. The outposts could be there but in bad shape. The quest could be to over time repair the base. When it is finally finished, taking a while as much is needed (stone, cement, iron, forge iron, forged steel, etc) then a trader could move in. Making the base really strong but not indestructable would mean that later trader quests could include getting some items from another poi or fellow trader to repair parts of the base again. There could also be quests that risk your own money. He will give you $X amount of goods that you have to get to his brother (sister) trader. You pay the $X amount and if you successfully get the goods there then the trader pays you 2X, 3X or whatever an appropriate amount is. If you get killed then there goes your investment. Maybe multiple choice quests with variable risk vs reward amounts. In my head it sounds ok but may be a nightmare to add.
  21. That is what I was wondering if that was what he was trying to change as I knew about the xml fix you mentioned. There are quite a few changes you can make in the menu in that file actually
  22. I took a quick look on steam and saw one bad review someone gave because the game was still in alpha after 8 years. I would think that would be a plus. It means that for 8 years there have been updates to the game making it better each time (ok not to all but to most ). They also don't realize that when they say it has been in alpha for 8 years that means that the devs worked (and still are working) on it for 8 year....they never suddenly vanished or gave up on the game and went on to do something else. They stuck to it. To me that says a lot about them.
  23. Don't do anything that will screw anything up for others that it does work for. Although it would be great for it to work I rather not be one of the reasons it added bugs.
  24. I am not 100% sure what you are trying to change. Is it this?
  25. I may be off and I sure I am but wouldn't that just affect the factory_lg_01 poi and not all quest pois?
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