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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. I said the filter mod (the one that goes in your headgear) doesn't remove any water struggle. Not the dew collector. The water filter mod in your headgear does help with a drinking water struggle, but not a crafting water struggle. I see the disconnect now as well and apologize for misreading that part.
  2. That's a weird change that makes no sense. I will say though that I had a feral wolf spawn as part of a clear/fetch quest in the desert though. It was a sleeper, right next to a zombie, which is probably why they weren't fighting eachother. No wolves or bears in the forest seems weird.
  3. I've noticed in two quests so far - One Clear and one Clear/Fetch that the "kill zombies" part of each quest completes even though there are still a couple of sleepers in the POI. The first, a clear, took place in one of the large Working Stiffs stores. I am 100% sure these were not zombies that wandered in afterward, as one was a sleeper in the ceiling above a locked office room, and the second zombie was sitting down asleep inside said locked office. By quest however had directed me to return to the trader after killing two zombies on the roof before I climbed down into the ceiling. The second quest, a fetch/clear, took place in a small apartment building - the zombies were on a section of roof. Map is an RWG map, dedicated server. Admin is running a larger backpack mod and a mod that respawns salvaged cars.
  4. Noticed that when screamers show up at our home base, they seem to have the power to see us through windowless walls and perform their summoning scream. So far it's only happened once, and I'm not sure if it's because the section of wall they were at used to be a door (we'd broken it down previously and filled it in with concrete blocks).
  5. I meant exactly what I said. I replied to you when you had said "To you, a water filter hat that removes any water struggle whatsoever" Are YOU sure you didn't mean all?
  6. What really bakes my noodle is that the drone somehow needs a lot more duct tape to build.. than a 4X4.
  7. Probably because you've said plenty of snarky and asinine things in similar threads.
  8. Pretty much, yeah. Nests will not respawn unless the chunk is reset, and that feature is off by default. That said I've found a lot of eggs in nests, and a lot of nests in general, so it hasn't been too bad thankfully.
  9. Except the filter mod doesn't remove any water struggle - you still need to have jars or water for crafting. If you feel the mod wrecks the intended design, maybe suggest to them that they remove said mod?
  10. ...Except he didn't say "all," but feel free to keep lying.
  11. Sounds more like you just enjoy crapping your pants from dysentery lol. You know that using a water filter mod would be considered part of water survival gameplay, right? Sometimes I feel like you make up scenarios like this just to be contradictory and try and invalidate people's points of view.
  12. Didn't know you were the only moderator.
  13. Only because you disagree with my arguments. Gotta stroke that Fun Pimp ego, right? Or "just mod it"
  14. Why should you have to say stupid things?
  15. The problem is, they seem to rely too much on "Oh don't like it? Use a mod." Why should we have to?
  16. Walking feels a little slower now too, but that could also because I got used to driving vehicles again with the turbo going.
  17. I would NOT play D&D with any of the Fun Pimp devs. I would certainly NOT let them DM at my table.
  18. Basically as you go up in material tiers, you get more slots sooner. rank 4 stone axe only has 1 mod slot, rank 4 iron fireaxe would have 2, and a rank 4 steel axe has 3, Ah ok, I understand now.
  19. I've noticed this too, less so on blood moon and moreso in POI. I hit a zed, it wakes up...and ignores the clear path to me in favor of beating on the nearest wall, window or door to take the long way around to get to me. I'll be right in front of it, maybe 10-15 feet away, it'll look right at me and go elsewhere.
  20. ...We already interact with zombies. A lot. Coming back from a POI to 5 screamers just because we need water to make glue and have 10 dew collectors going isn't "fun." It's annoying. Especially when they're summoning friends without screaming. Again, it feels more like a choice you guys made to be jerks, not because you think it's logical or fun. Joke's on you, I already play agility and know how nerfed stealth builds are now.
  21. By that logic then, how would they hear other workstations behind several layers of concrete? I get what you're saying, I do. But it just seems like a change made purely to be dicks to players.
  22. There isn't any. It seems to purely be a change for the sake of being dickish.
  23. "Batteries now scale the crafting resources per tier to prevent exploits " Can someone explain this one? I don't understand it, I didn't know of any exploits involving it. Personally I like how Fallout 3 and New Vegas do it - you "recover" (keep) some of your casings when firing your guns.
  24. So dew collectors generate activity heat now. Why? You guys wanted us to have tons of them - the only purpose I can think of behind this change is that you've added it for the sole purpose of being a-holes. There's no reason something that passively collects a small amount of water should be attracting attention from zombies. At the very least, TFP could increase the amount of water from dew collectors to 4 or 5 in a 24 hour in-game period.
  25. It does, actually, if you look at the magazines. It tells you putting points into Advanced Engineering or Lockpicking will help you find more of them.
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