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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. I'm pretty sure it's not likely to be something anyone asked for, outside of the Fun Pimps themselves.
  2. On that last one, zombies have had extendo-arms for quite a while. It's annoying as hell.
  3. Is it Cindy Crawford? Kathy Ireland? Elle Macpherson?
  4. Fingers crossed then! I'm wondering if that will cause containers that self-destruct to respawn as well, or if that still requires chunk/quest reset.
  5. Wrong. A20 loot would respawn a number of days chosen in the settings (usually every 5 days by default) in looted POIs as long as you didn't approach them before then. So I'd say yeah, you missed something.
  6. I can see the value of it, but yes, we need to be able to toggle it on or off. No reason to force it on all the time. A21 has some good changes, but several questionable changes as well that don't seem to have any apparent logic behind them.
  7. Exactly. That's the stupid part, and I hope they make changes to make it less hostile to people who prefer to play that way. "It's a sandbox, but play the way WE want you to."
  8. Gross. "Let's make players focus on looting, but make looting harder." Great idea.
  9. Agreed. With the Shotgun Messiah paintball range, I like to use the dumpster outside to store/organize things as well if I double loot or just have a full inventory in general. I'm hoping normal loot respawn is still available every few days - having to wait for a chunk reset/quest reset would suck. Especially since they want us out looting more often with the learning changes.
  10. I have to say.. having all of those other larger containers poof on looting is a weird change and I don't understand the logic behind it. Medical cabinets? Why? They have an open state. Store shelves? Why? Why reduce the overall amount of looting potential? And the larger chests part wasn't answered, unless I missed it. Does loot respawn in them every few days, still, or ONLY on a chunk reset/quest start?
  11. So a couple of questions because I'm a little confused... 1. Laundry, store shelves/coolers/freezers/produce/gun rack, coffins, caskets, file cabinets, shoe/pant/shirt/book piles, medical cabinets, medicine cabinets, utility carts, and ammo displays are now using destroy_on_close="empty" and DowngradeFX Does this mean these containers will self-destruct when looted, like nests and garbage piles? If so, seems like a confusing change (although clothing piles already poofed after looting anyway, but I like to chop laundry baskets for scrap polymers). 2. Containers that change to an "Open" model once looted, will these revert to their "Closed" model after X days when loot respawns normally? Or is that no longer going to be a feature (outside of resetting the chunk/starting a quest)?
  12. Is it just me, or did Lathan seem frustrated/fed-up with Des on the stream tonight? Not in his words, but his body language.
  13. Not to mention eggs. I hope they took that into account, unless harvesting chickens and vultures will have a chance to give eggs now (I dunno if I want to eat zombie vulture eggs though lol)
  14. Yeah finally loaded for me. Thanks!
  15. I hope they're able to at some point. I was so excited seeing that tunnel and then quickly sad that it was Navezgane-only. It would be a perfect foundation for the next base Idea I have on my friend's server.
  16. Would love to see the Cheerleader, Farmer, Football Player, and Cowboy return with HD models.
  17. I feel like a salvager outfit would have benefits to harvesting, and would be pleasantly unsurprised to find one in A22. It'd make sense. They probably shouldn't mentioned it also being for realism during the dev stream then...
  18. Your first reply is freaking stupid. Secondly, wasn't referring to food specifically with farming. It's the seed return. Poor seed return coupled with 5 crops to make a single seed? Not realistic. But hey, the devs want realistic vehicle damage! Hoping Living off the Land got looked at for improvement in A21.
  19. Still curious to know how big of a chance vehicles will have to explode after hitting negative hit points. I know it's supposedly not likely to happen, but all it takes is one string of really bad luck and BOOM you lose your 4x4 and anything you had inside it. It feels like a very player-hostile change, much like A20's farming changes, so I'm hoping it gets tweaked fairly quickly, like farming did (though farming is still pretty worthless unless you spec all the way through Living off the Land (and even then, a string of bad luck can still screw you over on getting a reasonable amount of seeds back).
  20. Agreed. There's way to much hostility on these forums towards people who have dissenting opinions.
  21. I'm curious how high of a chance it is for vehicles to explode in A21, once you hit those negative hit points?
  22. That's been my guess. It'd make sense honestly - the hype could get new players interested, and with the game on sale, they'd be more likely to give the game a try.
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