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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. One thing I've noticed with the fatter zombies - I've hit them with my 4x4 and take damage twice. Nothing else in the road, not hitting two zombies. I just hit the fat zombie, take the initial damage to my 4X4, and then it takes damage again. Bug or intended?
  2. Feature, because massive vehicle damage and possibly losing everything in storage is "fun" according to TFP.
  3. I don't think water temperature is a thing, so that shouldn't be it.
  4. Good lord you have @%$#-poor reading comprehension skills. Where did I say I thought Jost was a member of The Fun Pimps staff? There's no quote, either. It's a noticeable trend. Deny it all you like, but it's there. And yes, it was a general comment, again, because of a noticeable trend.
  5. Right? I shouldn't be finding more paper than poo water in toilets.
  6. Only positive feedback is allowed. Dissenters will be mocked and talked down to.
  7. Oh I get that that it's part of a survival game to have to survive. I just dislike that TFP tout realism only in cases where it's something that goes severely hampers or hurts the player, but if something unrealistic is against the player, their excuse is "it's a zombie game, it's not supposed to be realistic!"
  8. Oh, I get that. Realism, but only if it's detrimental to the player!
  9. Yes! It's gotten ridiculous. I'm thinking they just want our characters to be constantly malnourished and ill. "Survival" indeed.
  10. This was a really well-written and thought-out post. A shame TFP won't care, sadly.
  11. "You can play in our sandbox, but you're not allowed to use the castle-shaped bucket.
  12. Why, so they can nerf battery drop rates too and make it so we can't have vehicles?
  13. Yeah why exactly can't we make dye? It's not exactly game-breaking.
  14. Summary: (A short description of the bug) Game Version: (A21 b317) OS/Version: (Windows / Linux / Mac) Windows CPU Model: (Intel i5 9600K / AMD Ryzen 7 1800x / etc) System Memory: (4 GB / 8 GB / 16 GB / etc) GPU Model and VRAM: (nVidia GTX 1060 4 GB / AMD RX 580 8 GB / etc) Screen Resolution: (Width and Height such as 1920x1080) Video Settings: (Low / Medium / High / Ultra / Custom(Custom has many combinations, so just list the settings you think are relevant to the bug if any)) Game mode: (MP host / MP client / SP / Client on Dedi, RWG or NAV) Did you wipe old saves? (Yes/No) Yes Did you start a new game? (Yes/No) Yes Did you validate your files? (Yes/No) Yes Are you using any mods? (Yes/No) No EAC on or off? On Status: NEW Bug Description:It still rains indoors through solid blocks Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Be indoors 2) Wait for rain 3) Character gets wet. Actual result: (description of what is occurring) My character gets wet. Occurred in Zelect restaurant in desert biome, down in wine cellar. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) Character will get wet indoors during rain
  15. How about changing the Dew Collectors to provide up to 4 or 5 water in a 24 hour in-game period? Having to build tons of these things if you get bad RNG finding murky water isn't fun. Going from 3 water per collector to 4 or 5 per collector was be reasonable but still punishing.
  16. Unfortunately I didn't get a clip, but in was in a prefab POI, the Zelect restaurant. Noticed it down in the wine cellar.
  17. Not really a bug, just more of a funny ha-ha - Firestation.. 8? 9? Has two names. Building says "Station 9" but the POI name on the Danger Meter says it's #8.
  18. Wasn't this supposed to have been fixed in A21? Also, any reason we still need to use the workbench to make.. SMOOTHIES? It's food. You can argue all you want that "it's cold food, doesn't make sense to cook at a campfire" but c'mon, since when does this game run on logic?
  19. Heh.. "endgame." This game doesn't have an endgame yet.
  20. I disagree. Just don't use the traders - no need to put that on those of us who prefer using them as they are.
  21. I remember pictures giving glass as well in A20 and A19, was disappointed to see it changed. Only new decorations I've gotten glass from are teh aforementioned beer bottles, but I'll keep looking. Thanks!
  22. Yup. Yet somehow water is a problem. XD
  23. Seems minor, I know, but, are pictures and windows not supposed to give glass anymore? Only been getting broken glass from mirrors, beer bottles, and small trash piles. Seems a bit weird. Not sure if this was a bug, overlooked, or TFP really thought broken glass was that OP.
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