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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. Welp.. as long as it's not a Darude sandstorm.
  2. You have my attention. I'm curious to see what this means!
  3. It almost feels like it's on automatically in the Wasteland, which definitely adds to the sense of danger there.
  4. That's a beeeeeeg give or take though. Mostly take. Leave some for the rest of us!
  5. Why wouldn't they still give xp? Oop, careful there. People might come out of the woodwork about TFP saying there'd be much shorter dev periods between A21 and A22.
  6. It'd just be nice if they fixed the favourites list to begin with. We used to be able to add to (and I think remove) favourites as well, but they made changes around A20 that broke that.
  7. That's... a good point. It could also fit under Fortitude by that logic, which would make it fit with other perks like Iron Gut and Rule 1: Cardio.
  8. I'm also now curious and excited to see what other perks were moved around. Noticed Lockpicking was moved to the Intellect tree here. Hoping Master Chef was moved too since cooking and strength have nothing to do with eachother.. though I'm not sure what stat it would fit better with. It's hype building. And it's only a few days, we can wait.
  9. OR.. they could have left that first sentence out entirely. No reason to say that part to begin with if it wasn't aimed at anyone.
  10. Thanks for that. I've watched all four but missed that part. 25% per kit's pretty good if that's the correct % unbuffed.
  11. Yeah no, not at all a personal attack. That doesn't tell us much, but thanks. Maybe next time do it without the snark? Not necessary. Not that hard to act like a professional.
  12. I'm assuming Combat Extended is an external mod. It going to be up to the mod creator to update the mod to be compatible with the new alpha.
  13. One thing I'm really curious about, especially since it wasn't shown during the dev streams - how much vehicle damage does a single repair kit repair at 0 points in Grease Monkey in A21? They were happy to show us the amount of damage taken, but neglected to show us the other side of it.
  14. The problem is, The Fun Pimps will argue against realism in some cases and for it in others - and the "for" cases tend to be when it negatively affects the players in some way. So a better question would be "Do the Fun Pimps want realism or not?"
  15. If it helps, the dune buggy's probably already in a good place. I love driving that thing but golly, it is fragile. Which makes sense, as I don't think real-world dune buggies are paragons of durability either.
  16. I don't know if I'd agree that it was "needed" per se. A happy medium would be okay though. At the very least I could do without the random chance of "guess what, your stuff's gone and you have to build a new minibike now" once it reaches 0. I guess we'll see how it feels once we get A21. Question though - I do love your vehicle mod pack. Will you be changing the vehicle damage on yours? And if so, would it based on the vehicle type?
  17. I certainly hope so. I just don't see the reason to set the amount of damage taken that high to begin with.
  18. Dude if severed limbs giggled I would be creeped the hell out.
  19. Nope, don't like this. Don't want to have to lose items and rebuild a vehicle due to bad luck. Vehicle damage is already going to be too high in A21, with no sign of vehicle armor mods to reduce that.
  20. Still feeling like vehicles take way too much damage from nearly everything. Hoping this gets tuned better, or we at least get some vehicle armor plating mods to increase durability. Terrain tool improvements look nice, as do the swimming improvements. Zombies eating animal corpses, also a neat little flavour addition. Wondering if animals might also eat animal corpses? All in all though, this dev stream felt kinda.. meh. Too much time spent playing with the dismemberment changes and collapsing buildings. Still, looking forward to playing A21 when it eventually comes out later this year. Arrows/bolts currently do this as well. I just find it entertaining.
  21. Hmm, that's a good point. Maybe a setting for RWG to ensure at least one of each trader is present before duplicating traders?
  22. This would be a great idea and would make a lot of sense. Though maybe have all of them offer some ammo still as a reward option, along with items geared towards their specialization.
  23. We just need expanded storage vehicle mods
  24. That's already going to change in A21 - schematics and recipes will no longer be gained via the perk trees nor from found schematics (with the exception of mods). That face just says "Why oh why did Rick give a release date?"
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