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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. Seems minor, I know, but, are pictures and windows not supposed to give glass anymore? Only been getting broken glass from mirrors, beer bottles, and small trash piles. Seems a bit weird. Not sure if this was a bug, overlooked, or TFP really thought broken glass was that OP.
  2. I've had it go back to tracking my quest after un-tracking a recipe.
  3. Well... it turns out I'm dumb. I did have a pending quest. XD
  4. Some background info: -New day -Have not done ANY quests for this trader during this new day -Was previously able to do T1, 2 and 3 quests for them -Trader is Bob and is at a town -Have already done the next "Opening Trade Routes" quest When I go to Bob to grab a quest (I have none to turn in) the only option is Next and he tells me he has no work at this time.
  5. Any reason breaking windows and pictures no longer gives you broken glass? I've only been able to get any from mirrors so far. Bug?
  6. I was getting them Day 1 on my single player game, which I use for testing things. Had about 7 of them show up over a span of 2 days.
  7. Loaded up a single player game last night, 200% loot abundance just to test. Raided the Working Stiff store near Jen's old location, and came out with way more weapon-oriented magazines than I did tool-oriented magazines - and not a single Forge Ahead magazine. Seems a bit off, yeah?
  8. Understandable. Their goal is to have its release coincide with A22... but take that with a grain of salt. It's not set in stone.
  9. They don't want realism in the game unless it comes with something detrimental to the players. In all.. seriousness? They felt it was too easy to deal with water and thirst in the early game. So they made it easy anyway, just in a different way. I agree with you on the meat, and seeds too. It shouldn't take 5 pieces of meat to make a single cooked meat, nor should it take 5 veggies to make a single seed. But that just goes back to my comment above about no realism unless it's detrimental to players.
  10. Welp, someone didn't watch the first A21 dev stream a couple of months ago. Yes, a new console version is being made. It'll be on PS5 and XBox Series S/X. They even showed PS5 footage.
  11. I'm still waiting for the new quest types they promised in A21. They said two new quest types that aren't variations of quest types we already have. Instead, they gave us one "new" type that's just a variation of what we already have.
  12. I'll admit, that was a bad comparison. I'm not asking for a mere 20 magazines to unlock every single workstation, though.
  13. Honestly, this is a big problem I personally have. I maxxed out the farming magazines in a couple of in-game days, but Forge Ahead magazines are way too rare, even specced into it. I don't think we should be getting every workstation made by day 2, but an decrease in the rarity of certain books, coupled with a slight decrease in how many are needed, would help a lot. The answer should not be "just increase your loot abundance to 200%" - it should be better balanced for the default setting.
  14. Is it still meant to rain and be foggy so much? In A20 and 21 it rains a LOT everywhere, and is near constantly foggy in the snow biome. And now in A21, rain during daylight means nighttime-levels of darkness inside buildings and even outside sometimes.
  15. That's a good point. I had around 1500 dukes or so just doing T1 quests, but I forgot not everyone enjoys questing.
  16. I haven't been able to log in yet, what was the price increased to? 1500 was pretty cheap and reasonable for the filters prior to the change.
  17. Joel basically said "we didn't think we needed to explain the bow reticle shrinking to show where it'll hit, because it "should be obvious" but we've been told we can we can't turn off the danger meter. Shouldn't looking at the size of a POI also make the level of danger obvious? Why give a sarcastic "ShOuLdN'T iT Be ObViOuS" for one feature but use another feature to still treat players like we're dumb?
  18. And yet you felt we needed a danger meter that can't be toggled on and off.
  19. Couple of things I've noticed so far: - When it rains, it gets super dark. Like, nighttime with no lights dark. During the day. - Seems like my characters gets hungry and thirsty a LOT faster. And I don't mean just a little. I eat/drink, meter goes back to full, then a few minutes later, I'm suffering stamina loss/regen loss because I'm really hungry or thirsty again already.
  20. One big complaint I have so far is.. good lort it gets ridiculously dark when it rains during the day. Like, nighttime levels of darkness.
  21. The line in the patch notes seems to indicate the reverse - rather than buffs affecting explosion kills, it infers explosion kills will affect buffs. (ie stamina regain on kill from my example)
  22. No worries! I was using the current Flurry of Blows as an example but I get what you're saying.
  23. Here's another thing I had a question on @Roland if you happen to know - "Explosion kills can trigger buff effects" What's this mean? Would a zombie death by say, a contact grenade, trigger the stamina regain of Flurry of Blows rank 3?
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