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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. Vultures hunt me down even when my HP is at full.
  2. Looks like a new experimental build is out. Hopefully this means a new Stable isn't too far behind.
  3. Knowing this game, the zombie would hit you in the head and you'd get a broken foot.
  4. I won't be using it. It's ugly as hell, and it's heavy armor. I prefer light armor.
  5. Not terribly surprising. As I understand it, Madmole doesn't like stealth.
  6. Are those still at least coming in A22? If not, A22 is going to be very boring.
  7. Not even offer an option - just do it. Or no gear via quest rewards, so crafting is more worth it. Let Rank 6 gear be available through looting high level POIs or something.
  8. Truth, but you can't deny TFP placed a a much, much bigger emphasis on looting in A21.
  9. Now it's the other way around. We can't, but zombies can.
  10. If you do enough looting, hitting every toilet and liquor pile you find, then yeah, I bet you could find around 54 bottles of murky water by then. The problem I'm referring to is the one TFP literally told us themselves. I'm not making problems up here, like you seem to believe. As for ignoring realism, what I'm referring to is, if there's something realistic they could add that would be beneficial to players, they say they won't add it (example, players crawling through 1 block high spaces). But if it's something realistic that is detrimental to the player (ridiculously high vehicle damage from hitting something in a vehicle), then they're all for adding it.
  11. If you're referring to the "free" point of Fortitude, you're right, it actually is not a bug. You're either wearing sunglasses that give you a point of Fortitude, or you ingested something that's giving you temporary Fortitude.
  12. It's more of a case of not having a way to gather and carry water in a realistic way anymore. On the one hand, not having empty jars brings things in line with other things, as using oil, gasoline, or food doesn't leave behind an empty container. On the other hand, doing something so unrealistic doesn't make sense, and removing them and adding dew collectors didn't really fix the problem the Fun Pimps believed we were having. Water is just as easy to get as it was prior to the removal of jars, it's just easy in a different way now. And on the third hand (which is my hand), TFP only seem to care about and add something realistic, if it's realism that is detrimental to the player. Beneficial realism? They're not so interested in it. That's what I find annoying about it.
  13. Probably because many players are tired of them being delayed after so long.
  14. And war came. XD That's one of those POIs I do with a couple of friends, just because it quickly turns into a crapshow.
  15. Y'know, you are allowed to be critical of the game once in a while. I've definitely run into the issue of hitting nothing with a vehicle and bouncing backward quite often. I could see it being a performance or network issue if it were just the ground vehicles. But hitting nothing while you're in the air in the gyrocopter....
  16. That is epic. You were truly shiny and chrome.
  17. To be fair, bandits have been getting delayed since what, A16? A17? How is it modders have gotten bandits working, but the Fun Pimps can't? On the plus side (for now, at least) it's JUST the bandits that got pushed back again. As far as we know, the new player models and armors are still on track for A22.. whenever that happens to be.
  18. Very powerful, or at the very least very helpful. Max out Robotics Expert, Physician, and Electrocutioner, and you've got two turrets and a nice stun baton with a chance of instant kill.
  19. But.. you CAN recognize damaged elements. Damaged blocks have cracks and other damage showing on them.
  20. That'd be cool. Or just a L4D-style melee shove with a gun equipped.
  21. I love this idea! It's realistic AND beneficial to the player. Therefore, we'll never see it added by TFP.
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