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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. If I remember right, in A20 and 19 higher tiers of weapons would require more weapon parts. Now in A21 for some reason, they only require 5 parts, regardless of tier. Same with armor. This unfortunately has resulted in having a LOT of excess parts left over - not sure why it was changed, or if the change was intentional.
  2. These would be awesome. We did used to have bounties in the form of random notes you could find, though they were more along the lines of "Go here and kill X amount of Y zombie."
  3. They feel kind of.. useless. At least at higher game stages. They don't seem to do much damage, but rather just toss and separate groups of zombies. Granted, ferals and irradiated zombies are damage sponges but, I don't know. explosives just feel kind of underwhelming. Would it be worth perking into demolitions?
  4. We didn't either. But if you have at least a wrench, you can get steel from street lights. broken vending machines. gas pumps. You don't need a crucible for steel - just for mass-producing it. One Day 24 though yes concrete is plenty.
  5. Steel blocks have been a thing for a while now. Great for a quick build, but I'd rather upgrade from concrete to steel for the experience points.
  6. You might make sure you're specced into Electrocutioner and if you haven't yet, throw some mods onto your baton. I run weighted head, repulsor, ergonomic grip and structural brace personally. Combined with 5/5 Electrocutioner, it's a stunning machine.
  7. The T6 Infestation quests are filled with zombies. Every other room is a "screw your stealth build and your ammo" trigger room that dumps about 15-20 zombies (ferals and irradiated) on all at once.
  8. Burst Mod shouldn't act like a full-auto. It's a three-round burst, like the default fire of the Tactical Assault Rifle.
  9. They've already promised two new quest types that aren't modifications of existing ones, for A21.. and failed to deliver. Hopefully in A22.
  10. It's a "new" quest type, basically a harder Clear quest.
  11. I get the idea behind them, but Burst and Full-Auto just don't work very well with some weapons, like the Desert Vulture. The only one I ever consider using is the Semi, and even then I never use it.
  12. Honestly, the trigger group mods kind of suck. I've always considered them to be "trap mods" or mods you stick on a gun early on if you need the extra damage.
  13. Oh, that's good to know. I'll try that next time I do a quest in that POI. Is breaking it with a pickaxe fine?
  14. I know back in A20 they'd supposedly fixed the whole broken leg/broken arm thing (ie a vulture swooping down on you won't break your leg) but they either broke it again or didn't actually fix it.
  15. Yeah, that stuff's ridiculous too. Happened last night actually. One zombie. "You have an abrasion. You are infected. Your arm is broken. You have a concussion. Your wife left you and took the kids. You lost your job. You owe the IRS $40,000. Your parents hate you. You are tired."
  16. Yeah, and it's a real shame. I love the 4X4 a lot, but they went out of their way to make it almost unusable. The motorcycle has become my go-to vehicle now. We just need armor plating and storage expansion mods now..
  17. Still trying to figure out how something hitting our legs gives us concussions and broken ARMS. Wasn't the latter supposed to have been fixed in A20? Dogs, wolves, crawlers, coyotes.. and then there's the vultures breaking my legs. I know, I know. "MUH SURVIVAL!" There's reasonable and then there's stupid. This is stupid.
  18. Very buggy. Sometimes they'll be standing and very clearly hit me in the chest region, yet I somehow end up with a broken or sprained leg. And that's not even a case of multiple zombies hitting me.
  19. Does it seem weird to anyone else that the motorcycle just seems.. tougher? I've noticed it's often taking much less damage than the 4X4 when I hit things. As an example - I hit a shopping cart with the 4X4, vehicle took around 20% damage and went flipping end over end for more damage. Shopping cart was still there. Motorcycle? I hit a shopping cart (different one) and my bike took around 8% damage and obliterated the cart.
  20. Not something I've run into, but they are a bit more resilient when it comes to taking damage. What mods do you have on your baton, and are you talking about regular stun or the shock stun?
  21. Ah this was back in A20 Never any dogs when I went to the little vet clinic. I'm talking about the big place called Hogzilla. It's a hog raising POI, but there was only 2-3 boars, and one was a Grace. Huge letdown.
  22. A zoo POI would be awesome, but knowing TFP, they'd put very few animals inside. I've done the Vet POI multiple times - no dogs. The new big hog farm? Only two boars, though one was Grace.
  23. I figured as much but wanted to make sure. Thanks! Firestation 69 forever!
  24. My instance of it (happened twice, same POI in different locations) both happened during a solo run. I was the only person online in my case.
  25. I haven't run into this bug yet, thankfully. Our base has two spotlights that I was able to aim without issue.
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