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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. How'd you get access to the beta? Beta doesn't exist. The rest of us are still in alpha. In all seriousness, I don't know how you'd be getting more water from the dew collector before, unless your days were set to be shorter. It's going to give you a maximum of up to 3 per 24 in-game hours, provided you aren't emptying it early.
  2. See, I'm fine with the name being up in the corner. I don't need it popping up in the middle for three seconds, and I don't really care about the skulls. I'd like to be able to turn off the popup but keep the names showing in the corner. No skulls. The skulls aren't that helpful anyway.
  3. TFP don't want us to have an option to turn them off, because we're idiots.
  4. That would be cool! If it worked. They follow so closely there, there's no time to try and hide, and getting 15-20 rad zombies and ferals thrown at you doesn't really give you time to think about shooting out lights (they still see you anyway).
  5. Really? I'll have to double check mine. I think I was looking at things wrong. I do miss previous alphas requiring more parts than that though for Q5. We find so many parts now, and 5 is so little, we have tons of useless parts left over. Free money, I guess, but jeez.
  6. I don't know about the parkour battling, but it's definitely all about triggered ambushes. I'm surprised I was able to solo it at all. Next time, I'm going in with a backpack full of ammo and medical supplies.
  7. The material amount doesn't change anymore though...
  8. Seconded. Vehicle Storage Mod and Vehicle Armor Plating Mod would be great.
  9. Navezgane Corrections. Feels like 99% of the place is "@%$# your stealth build lulz"
  10. I never heard that (started A19) But I like the idea. Reminds me of Left 4 Dead
  11. So, once again, I admit to being dumb. I had AP .44 rounds loaded in my Q5 when comparing it to the Q6, which had normal .44 rounds in it.
  12. I've been teaching my buddy to fly, like a baby bird!
  13. Aww.. well now I'm disappointed.
  14. So thanks to another user, I realized the Q6 was set for normal ammo, while my Q5 was using AP ammo, throwing off the numbers. Please disregard.
  15. I've been noticing Q6 guns seem to have lower damage than every Q5 gun of the same tier and type, too. Not less durability though.
  16. Actually it's coming in A22 according to one of the QA I guys (If I'm remembering right).
  17. I've been noti8cing this as well, but with shorter distances too. They look right at me as they wake up or attack, but decide they need to take the long way around and turn to beat on a nearby wall to reach me. Like, dude.. I'm right here. I'm three feet in front of you with a clear path.
  18. Before I submit a bug report, I wanted to see if anyone else has run into this. I've been noticing that on Tier 3 firearms (bows/crossbows included), the rank 6 versions have more durability (understandable) but less damage than rank 5 version. I've only been seeing this on Tier 3 firearms/bows, not on tools, armor, or melee weapons. Has anyone else seen this? I'm not sure if I'm having bad RNG, if this is a bug, or if it's intentional. Can someone help clear this up? If it's intentional or I'm just unlucky, I don't want to submit a bug report, since it wouldn't be a bug in those cases.
  19. Hey, they just want to make sure we're interacting with the zombies!
  20. Yeah, that's what I'm figuring too. And it makes sense to keep related perks together.
  21. Well, thank you for the explanation. Whatever the new quest type coming in A22 is, I look forward to seeing what it might be. To add to the dreams here - Horizon Zero Dawn has a quest type that involves clearing bandits out of a settlement, allowing people to move in and turn it into a settlement with a merchant. Perhaps this could be a new version of Opening Trade Routes - You have to "rescue" the trader at the next compound, clearing out bandits so it can become an available new trader.
  22. I kind of feel like Motherlode fits better in Perception (hear me out) because I imagine it as you can perceive where to strike to get more materials from mining. I do get though that would spread things out a bit much - it would suck to "have to" go into two separate trees just to get the most out of mining.
  23. Ah, it was Roland who said it. May want to poke him about spreading misinformation.
  24. You can't pick up the gasoline barrels, but they most definitely still explode when shot!
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