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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. The simple reason is simple. If you wanna play with others and there is people who can barely install a game on steam and yet they enjoy gaming. Not everyone who plays games it tech savy. And with the abandoned console version there is a bunch of people that first came to PC gaming for 7 days. Modding isn´t the solution to make a game that has horde in the title to a game that actually deserves that title. That´s the job of the devs tbh. You can´t just rely on modders to make this a zombie game that actually has zombies. And not to forget that it will mess up the balance if they game is balanced for default. So that´s just a workaround and not a real solution. It´s half assed.
  2. Well that´s good to hear. But those specs where ancient already before the GPU situation. Even in those countries you mention there won´t be a lot playing on actual minimum specs. I would bet money that under 1% of all players only have minimum specs. And catering to such a small part by balancing the game to those low spawn numbers hurts the rest of the players. Like i said, even on old cpu´s from 2013, that where really cheap back then it will run smooth with more zombies than we have now.
  3. @meganoth The minimum specs are a dual core CPU with 2.4Ghz and 2GB GPU. That´s like 2005 standard? I mean i understand that you want your game to be able to run on a potato, i really do. But that is just too much tbh. I know that the average PC isn´t great, but i doubt that you have more than 1% of the players actually playing on a dual core with a 2GB GPU. Not even 0.5% tbh. And i could play with 2x spawn on a i5 4460 with no problems before i upgraded my rig. That was a low tier CPU that released in 2013 when the game came out on steam. Designing the game to minimum specs that were outdated 10 years ago is way too much. You gonna make more people unhappy with that than you make people happy.
  4. @Xtrakicking The performance isn´t bad with more zombies. I don´t own anything fancy. R5 3600 and GTX1070. That´s a 180$ CPU. And i get a stable performance with 4x spawn. They could at least easily go with 2x spawn. Or at least give us the option to turn the spawnrate up. I don´t get that mindset that TFP only wants to cater to people with weaker hardware and do absolutly nothing for people with even just average hardware.
  5. There is also mods for more zombies if you don´t wanna fiddle around yourself in XML files, wich is why we need this as an option in vanilla also. And you can tell me 1000 times how easy it is to install mods and that it´s just a few tweaks in the XML, doesn´t matter. I know a ton of people that can barely install a game via steam but still enjoy gaming. I had to setup an EA account for a coworker so he can play dragon age cause he was overwhelmed with creating the account....
  6. 1) Yes, please. Nothing to ad here. 2) Same as 1) 3) KingGen Mapgenerator has the option to create maps with one spawn point only. But it would be a nice option to have in vanilla aswell, only an option tough and not beeing forced to spawn in the same location. 4) Not to keen about that one. Makling things to easy if you have a end chest for every member. I rather have it that we see what´s in and then split up the loot as needed. It´s usually "it´s your quest, you get what you want, we split up the rest" and move on to the next quest from another person. 5) Oh yeah, that would be so neat. Everyone who is in the party should be able to move things around. It can be quite annoying if you have to wait for the person to come online if you need stuff beeing moved. 6) Yes.
  7. You can´t find or craft them. You need to buy them. But you need better barter at 3 or 4 to get them at the trader and they cost a ton of dukes. Don´t forget the solar bank, you need it to put the panels in.
  8. You can try and get a GPU directly from AMD. It´s very lucky tough. They do "drops" where they sell a very small amount of cards for the MSRP, at least they used to do them. It´s every Thursday i think.
  9. Propably playing with compopack. There is a fair share of helicopters on roofs there.
  10. I will never get why you would put points in one attribute only. Mainly INT yeah sure why not. But pure INT is just asking for trouble with extra trouble as a side dish. There is a lot of ways to make the game more challenging, Pure builds are the least fun of them all. Also nice try to blame the devs when pure builds are something that are possible but not what they had in mind for how to play this game. I mean it´s pretty obvious that you are supposed to spread out your points over all attributes, at least a few everywhere. Simply said: It´s your own fault tbh. It works in MP tough. Just needs a party that plays regulary.
  11. So we know that TFP doesn´t like a cluttered HUD. I appreciate that. A lot. But why can´t we play with HUD off? I can´t even access storage with HUD off.
  12. @Matt115 @BFT2020 Don´t care about logic tbh. I don´t wanna use heavy armor ever. If the bonuses are just an extra i will just not use any heavy armor, that´s fine. I just hope that you don´t get any disadvantages compared to what we have now when not using it.
  13. What is actually needed is a light and heavy version of each set. I never use heavy armor. Never did in 5K hours. I am absolutly disgusted by the fact that you can´t choose between light and heavy.
  14. Can´t you buy credit for others on steam? Not sure tough.
  15. Open browser, if you haven´t already install adblock plus or any other adblocker, go to youtube, make a playlist for bloodmoon, diasable music in game. No need for downloading. Pretty sure that´s less work than changing the music in game wich you would need to download also. And yes you can change the zombie models. There is a few mods that already do it. I have no clue how it works tough but you can take a look in the mod section of the forum and ask one of the moders who know how to do it.
  16. Downloadsize is 4.8GB, but after installation it takes up 10.6GB on your drive. Files are compressed for download.
  17. Has nothing do with beeing woke or not. A lot people beeing against things like stripclubs and such are simply conservatives and/or religious. They already were against those things way before the people who created the word "woke" were born. It´s the same category as fanboi or white knight. Mostly used as an insult wich shows a lack of discussion culture imo. Also usually shows a lack of arguments.
  18. The 2 women in our group love it. On youtube there was a series of 3 female gamers choosing it as their base. Not all women have a problem with this POI. In fact this is the first occasion during 8 years that i see anyone having a problem with this. I ask myself, do you speak up against strip clubs in RL? Are you taking actions to get them closed? @Gazz Once you are over 40, everyone under 30 is young. She could be 25 for all we know. Young women isn´t a term i would use to describe a minor tbh.
  19. @Biglittle Are you sure you installed the mod correctly on the server? This sounds like you didn´t put the prefabs folder on the server. Afaik war3zuk does use custom buildings right?
  20. It is needed. Not badly, not a must, but it is a huge QoL improvement. It is true that people just need to learn this and that and they need no steam workshop. But the truth is, that there are people that struggle with steam workshop and that´s by far the easiest method to mod a game. So yeah, make it as easily to mod as possible and you will reach more people. There is people who don´t buy games if they can´t mod them trough the workshop. No need to do it before it´s done tough. Making this work in alpha would be a mistake imo.
  21. The problem with this game is, that you progress way too fast. There is pretty much nothing that can stop you on day 30. You barely get to the point where hordes last all night before you are pretty much OP. Was always this way, but after playing subsistence for a while now, i realize how fast the progress here really is. Not saying it should be as slow as in subsistence, but if TFP doesn´t want the game to be over after 40 hours there needs to be some tweaking done. Not sure what game of endgame content besides bandits is planned. Bandits alone won´t make an actual endgame imo.
  22. I remember that when that slider was removed, that it was said that it´s only due to balancing reasons and that it will come back. I really should start screenshooting such posts from the team. @Roland We really shouldn´t have to fiddle around with xml files just because we don´t play on a potatoe. I don´t even have a high end PC (CPU was 180€), but i can up the spawn at least 3 times with no performance issues. What is wrong with bringing back that slider? Won´t stop the game from running on old computers.
  23. Pretty much what @Maharin said. I doubt we will get actually challenging horde nights tbh. Unless you restricht yourself a lot. Like not using traders, turning down the loot, not using the tons of cobblestone and cement lying around in POI´s, not using augers and so on. But even then i doubt it. Tbh i rather think that unity destroyed their dream a bit and their new game on UE is where the dream is now. I doubt that a pretty much empty world was their dream. (And no, feral sense is not gonna help here a lot. 8 Zombies max per chunk is not enough, especially not in a city, no matter how they behave. Give us the slider for the spawnrate back.)
  24. How is clicking on a quest and then clicking the icon for sharing a hassle? I am really interested how you would make that even easier than it already is. And when you share the quest, there is a text popping up on the screen that clearly says who shared it. For the sorting of your inventory in containers, they will hopefully soon introduce the lock slots in your inventory option. Right now it´s only available via a mod but it´s already in the code. WIth the mod for locked slots using the inventory buttons it´s super easy and super fast to empty your inventory into containers. It´s only 2 clicks, opening the container and double clicking the first inventory button.
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