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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. @outhous Is there already a modlet for it? I hate that new sound. @unholyjoe can we pls get the old one back? It´s horrible. Somehow sounds like you hit a compressed piece of aluminum foil.
  2. Taming animals is something they don´t want in the game, has been stated a few times by TFP already over the years.
  3. Khaines Modlets. https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/25751-khaines-a20-modlets-bigger-backpacks-lockable-slots-behemoths-random-wandering-hordes-etc/ Well, exactly the link you posted already. 😛
  4. Lockable inventory slots. Truely a gamechanger. That way the sorting buttons really make sense. I can unload my whole inventory with a few clicks while keeping the things i always have on me. Sams working stuff. Sinks that give water (i do restrict myself to not use that before day 28 though) and ovens where you can cook in (It´s the same as the campfire, just looks nicer). Also includes all lights in the game, ofc only if you have power. 2x or 3x spawn modlet. Not sure yet, i want to play a bit with the normal spawnrate before i deceide that. (When will we finally get the slider in the menu back for that? @TheFunPimps) And once they are out for A20, ofc KingGen map generator for the nicer maps (even though generation is better now, it still lacks a lot of options that KingGen has, like not beeing able to guarantee the spawn of all T5 POI´s at least once) and compopack for a lot more different POI´s including a ton of T5 POI´s.
  5. Besides the fact that i would never fight the horde at my homebase i think this should work. They swim now so they are pretty fast in water, faster than you can swim, so you will need a bridge, otherwise you will surely die often on the way to your island. Funfact: Vultures can dive and attack underwater, wich shouldn´t be an issue in the snowbiome though. Also hope that this is not intended and will be fixed. While zombies will dig to get to you, i don´t see why they would do it from underwater when it´s faster to simply go on the island. You should maybe test that in a seperate game, give yourself XP and use cheatmode to get at least a halfdecent horde base for testing. Or you simply give them bridges from all sides so they can easily run on them to your horde base.
  6. That would be for the kitchen. To use it in a lab/chemstation you need more than just simple glas. Needs to be temperature resistent, hard to break and resistent to chemicals. Usually made out of borosilicate. But yeah, i am on day 24 and i have found one beaker. Ofc that was 1 day after i spent a lot of money buying a chemistry station.
  7. Well if someone doesn´t like farming then simply don´t do it. You can easily get meat and canned food by just playing the game. Until i have a farm up, i simply kill everything i see on my way, stop for farms or houses with pigs and other animals and buy from every vending machine i happen to see, while doing quests/looting. And ofc you find food when looting. I never starved and i have loads of meat. Farming is a guaranteed income of good food with low effort. Ofc you need to invest points if you want it to be profitable, that´s just fair tbh. Reseeding literally isn´t an issue. 2 mins if you are slow (for your food needs, ofc longer if you want sell food and need a bigger farm) I can live from 25 plots, 10 each for corn and potato, 5 for coffee and 10 mushrooms. I could feed 2 more people than just me with that. Not sure yet if i will get pumpkins later, but as said, they are rare, so i still have time left to deceide that.
  8. Yep during A18. We built a small city from zero, that took a while. We where at day 400 something before A19 dropped.
  9. It seems like the weapon mod for the drone got postponed, it´s actually already in the game files. Saw a vid on YT, so take that info with caution.
  10. @SylenThunder Having a PC way better than the recommended specs using only SSD´s, i get drops in and near the skyscrapers down to 40-35 and it stutters sometimes, even when using medium settings, having turned off motion blur, bloom, depth of field, SSAO and SS reflections. SP that is. No problems in any other games. Sure the R5 3600 isn´t a top CPU, but it is way better than what is recommended. GTX1070 and 32GB RAM @3200Mhz on a 60Hz FHD monitor. It´s time to update the requirements on steam. Someone with the recommended spec will have a very bad time playing this game even on low. Can´t imagine that downtown cities are playable with minimum requirements at all tbh.
  11. What you suggest @Dodge, is what we had before A20. Was 10 quests per tier. Not really sure yet, what i should think of the new mechanic. But it for sure is a way to stretch playtime.
  12. @Krougal They didn´t balance skills, that is true. The loot however is way different. Mods and their recipes are much rarer now. Still no iron breaker for example. Or polymer string mod for the bow/crossbow. And a few others i usually had at my current level. My chest for mods, is empty af. It used to be filled to two thirds at that point. I didn´t change my playstyle. I go looting 24/7 if i don´t need to mine, craft or build/repair the horde base. I visit the traders regulary. That´s why i need points in pack mule now. Not because the skills changed but because the loot did. .
  13. The ones i can make on day one are already crafted ofc. Those are clothing pocket mods. The single slot doesn´t need a recipce and give you 3 slots max. overall. That´s not enough. I still need to find Needle and thread 7 for the double ones and any more armor pocket mod, except the one single armor pocket mod, or recipe for it. Hence why i put 2 points in pack mule. That never happened before A20. I assume we will see ourselves putting points in more skills we never used before in the future with upcoming versions of the game as balancing goes further every step.
  14. You seem to be very lucky, no need for pack mule, no need for advanced engineering (wich is really no big deal, seeing you have points in INT already, otherwise you wouldn´t be able to buy a crucible, needs at least 3 points in better barter, might even be 4 since A20). I simply take advanced engineering for the trap xp already and ofc for the materials, simply saves some time when mining. Now would i play 8 zombies on bloodmoon and a 7 day range i wouldn´t need traps and had more time for mining. Having 32 and every 4 days i do need them both.
  15. @KrougalWell i used to think the same about pack mule. And here i am on day 25, T5 quests going on and i have one single armor pocket mod. 2 points in pack mule it is. Really don´t wanna be encumbered in T5 POI´s with feral and radiated Z´s left, right and center. Running back and forth costs valuable time. I didn´t take it early on though, the T5 quests made me do it. It changed from A16 to A17. And i don´t miss learning by doing. It was implemented very badly. I actually like the challenge of spending your points wisely instead of just spamming a skill to get better. I am widespread with my points but far from ineffective tbh. It´s all a matter of when you put how many points into a skill/attribute
  16. You assume again that there is nothing else usefull in the strenght tree, you need miner69er anyways even if you are not the miner it is a good idea to put in a bit of points wich helps when going scavenging also, for breaking saves, walls and doors. Also you can help out mining if time is an issue to get enough ammo. Then there is packmule, masterchef and if you like heavy armor, it´s also in strenght. Packmule is for exmample something i started to put points in the first time since introduced it, now that in A20 the armor pocket mods are super rare. And i am pretty sure that TFP will make some changes until the final version of the game to make you spend points on every attribute without regrets. Your method would need a complete rebalance of the game. Otherwise you would have one fighter that can kill everything and a miner that can dig out tons of material within a few ingame hours on day 3. In the end you would need the same time/levels to get to the same skill set as you have in the current system to avoid super fast progression making the game too easy.
  17. Yeah too dumb wouldn´t be a good idea. Splitting between blood moon and normal behaviour is propably the best. While it´s fun laughing at them on discortd, when they try to break trough a wall right next to an open door, it makes things too easy sometimes.
  18. I do have points in physican, advanced engineering and grease monky in the INT tree, but i don´t use batons and turrets. The idea of builds that only invest heavily in one attribute and neglect all the others besides a few points here and there isn´t working very well in this game. Spread your points, I do get at least 5 points in every attribute. I use Clubs, bow/crossbow and machineguns as well as explosives. Except for maybe INT if you can´t find the crucible schematics and don´t want to invest points in better barter to be able to buy it, you really don´t need anyhting maxed out. I do play on survivalist difficulty and i can survive without any attribute leveld to 10 in single player. It´s really not necessary. . That said, i sometimes do get 10 STR using the +1 from the cigar, but usually very late and only in MP, where i don´t need to put points into attributes that are covered by someone else. I do like your concept though. But that would need a difficulty boost overall as you can level skills way faster than now. And a small advice as you said getting fortitude just for farming: Get points in iron gut. All effects from consumables last longer. VERY usefull. You get way more for your points if you can take skills in every attribute at least a bit.
  19. Afaik right now the zombies are smarter than they should be. But that´s intended as kind of a testrun for bandit and survivor AI. Not 100% sure but i think i remember a discussion about that a while back where they said they will get dumber again. @Roland can maybe give some info on that?
  20. If all the other Z´s stop beeing super silent from time to time i might be ok with that. But right now there is too many ninja zombies that don´t make a single noise until they are in your face or back. At least those flying @%$#s are reliable to give you a bit of a warning.
  21. Yeah, it seems the only help for fights is if you have the stamina boost mod. But i have to say that the storage is really nice. 18 additional slots (27 if modded) to carry does help a lot. I can carry all the stuff with me that i usually have in my vehicle, like honey, food, drinks, vitamins, candy. Tbh, if you don´t take advantage of the additional storage, you leave too many things behind. 😛 The healing ability is also very nice. Sometimes it is in my way, but not often enough to abandon it. Never seen the drone take damage so far. The zombies seem to ignore it.
  22. I am pretty happy with G-portal for years now, never had more than 10 slots though, so if you want to run a big server i can´t tell you how they run on there. Heard only good things about bluefang also. Can´t really tell about others. And yeah you usually get what you pay for, i had that with nitrado.
  23. @giKoN Every half decent server host company allows you to set automatic restarts of the server. You don´t need any tool for that. And it´s generally a common thing to restart a server once every 24hours, not only in this game. There is a reason pretty much every server hosting company has that option and they didn´t put that in for 7 days to die specifically.
  24. Well 2 or 3 is a different story. I once tried to fly the gyro on bloodmoon because i stupidly died and couldn´t get in our hordebase again. There was a whole horde of like 10 of them behind me. Propably 12, that´s how many Z´s we have per person/bloodmoon, more would sadly lag too bad.
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