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Everything posted by Jinx_DG

  1. It's a cookie cutter "rage" and a cookie cutter "call out". I'd give it more credit if the rage and call out wasn't a repeated talking point copied and spat out in cookie cuttter fashion.
  2. But the real question is: Are content creators creating content for people to watch or are they creating content for the Youtube algorithm? It's a fine balance to maintain for them I'm sure, but as a player myself spotting the creators who have watched to many how to Youtube is doubled edged.
  3. Finally! A way to defeat my old nemesis.... The Ninja Rabbit. I can hear their little cries of "skweeeee" as I stab them with the spear. Stab....skweeee....stab....skweee..... yeah baby!!
  4. And how many comments did that video get about that person should just craft the glue? It's been my experience that most vids (high sub count) for this game are created for content, not as an actual game playthrough. It's all about the views, engagement and edititng. Most feel building, crafting, mining, the menial tasks make for boring content, while a longtime player searching for one glue creates: suspense (will he find it so he can make that one item he desperately needs/wants? ), engagement (comment after comment about how it could be crafted ect.), which leads the algorithm to promote that vid for more views, more views = more subs which = more money.
  5. It is possible to actually sneak into the room, sneak move around the room to better postion oneself for a sneak shot. I do this all the time. This is made even easier if you are doing a clear quest as the little red dots give away the zeds postioning. Granted if not for a quest then clearing a poi in sneak is challenging and sometimes the zeds will get the jump on you (as they should), at least until one is familiar enough with the poi and possible zed placement. What should not, nor ever happen is for a player to be able to kill Every Single Zed from an open doorway in sneak. That's..... just lame and defeats the purpose of choosing a sneak style of play. Having that happen for one or two, here or there I can see, but never all zeds.
  6. Lock picking doors is something I never want to see in the vanilla game. While the action itself is a neat experience and noval the first few times, it became tedious and time consuming very soon after. Some may love it, some may not (like me), so I'm glad there's a way for those who love it to have it and a way for me not to.
  7. It wouldn't be the zombies I'd be worried about, it would be my fellow survivors. People turn wierd during times of stress and cope with it in unpredicable ways. The rush for toilet paper at the begining of the pandamic says it all.
  8. Wish there was a way to save this so I could reference it to others, or have it possibly pinned?
  9. I understand your concern and the reasons why. I also was taken aback when zeds spawned inside my home base even tho I had built a horde base not to far away. The "not to far away" was the problem. For me, lesson learned, Lol. Your thinking in purely game function mode. How the mechanics work and how you would like them to work, logically. I respect that. Now I'm going to ask you to set logic and game mechanics aside and offer you an explaination that is purely game lore. An explaination that fits the premise of the game. The game wants you dead. It's only function is to kill you. You're allowed 7 days to prepare before the Blood Moon Horde desends upon you to fullfill it's objective. This is the real survival test. Everything before that is just a tease, a poke, a prode, an interferance to your preperations. The Blood Moon Horde ALWAYS knows where you are. It ALWAYS makes a beeline to you at a rate of speed unseen before. NOTHING can hinder it. It's function is to find you and kill you. That's the core of this game. If the LCB is changed to prevent the Blood Moon Horde from spawning (in an area), then that LCB is a hinderance to the Hordes function, which at it's core is not allowed. The LCB can not be allowed to interfere with that Blood Moon Horde Night. Nothing is allowed to interfere with their objective to get to you, by any means and kill you. Except what you have prepared in the time allowed. Not even game mechanics or function. Without that there would be no 7 Days To Die.
  10. You can get any wellness lost back by wellness food, wellness drinks, and vitiamins. There's no "permanent" loss if you're able to bring the wellness back up. If you choose not to regain it with in game options available, then yeah... it's going to be permanent. As for the biome spawning, players can now spawn in all except wastelands. Not sure why they are dieing 10 min from initial spawn since there is a newbie buff for that. Your map must be big if players can't run it to the forest before dieing from only the elements. Maybe give your players a direction to head to (general forest area - ex: Head south/west for forest) incase they spawn outside of forest. As the Admin you should have access to that info.
  11. By your own definition of "alpha" it's not fair (of you) "...to throw..." that "...argument out the window..." Has there been any alpha where new stuff has not been added? Knowing the backstory and history of how this game and it's creators, may help you understand why it's been as long as it has. I'm sure someone else can explain it better, but take into account the brothers had an idea and started there goal of creating the company under which the game, you play today, would be developed, from scratch. Starting a bussiness is time consuming and complex, developing a game is the same, especially when funds are not unlimited. They've grown their dev team over the years and each new year has seen a new alpha with added content. The game still being in alpha hurts no one, and I for one have enjoyed playing all the "added stuff" each new alpha.
  12. Those look like centered round pillars. If that's the case while technically there is space between them they do take up the entire space block. I can't explain why they would get stuck, but it makes sense in my head that they could. I'm sure someone with more knowledge of how the game works could break it down. Mot sure if this would be considered a bug or not. Interesting experimentation though.
  13. Thank you, I'll keep this channel in mind for next time.
  14. Sounds like a mod the server was using. Try looking for it on a mods website: https://7daystodiemods.com/ Or: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie
  15. Wall flowers are exstinct now. They've all been turned into zeds aggressively trying to eat you, just not in the way you probally would prefer. No kink shame though, you do you boo.
  16. EAC needs to be off and all players must have same version game and mod as the host
  17. As a single player in the current alpha I have to... "either craft it, buy it or find it." Hasn't every alpha been like this? Isn't that part of what "playing" the game is? Balancing the game is Never easy, nor will it or has ever been perfect. Your concern with how it will be balanced between 2 focused based groups is shortsighted imo. There are no just non stop looters nor just builders/miners (for SP). Non stop looters need to build/prepare for horde night survival. Builders/miners need weapons for horde night survival. Having magazines won't change that fact. As for which type of player balancing will be based on? The same as it's based on now.... Both. If all you want to do is build/craft and not loot you can play the game that way, if all you want to do is loot and not build/craft anything you can play the game that way too. Your survival expection would be low to none I'd think, but that's what this game is all about. Surviving. To survive, certain actions must be taken/carried out to improve your odds. How you play the game determines your survival odds. The game is actively trying to kill you. Does not matter what "type" of player you are, the game wants you dead. Magazines, Perks, Skills, Looting, Building, Mining, Crafting, Farming, ect are all ways to Improve the Survivalbility Odds. So yeah, you do have choices despite your claim that no real choice can be made. You choose how many days to set aside your hammer and pixaxe to scavenge. Just remember even with all the right choices and all the best odds the game wants you dead and at some point it'll get what it wants. Your concern for A21 Magazine balancing will no doubt be handled like previous balancing concerns, take weapon parts as an example, with ajustments as needed. You need to loot x number of parts to craft a better weapon. Do you go looting for needed resources to craft that better weapon or do you finish the base because horde night is coming? How do you or anyone else handle this conumdrium currently? The same could be said about the current alpha. If I can't find the ... "required amount of magazines *resources* to upgrade my equipment then it's better to continueing building in the hope that the base will be finished and still hold with the existing equipment." In the current alpha, wouldn't the same conclusion you stated apply? That there is no real decision one could make? Your focusing on making the addition of magazines the "bad guy" that every issue you are concerned about can be applied to the A20, A19, A18...ect.
  18. You most definitly can be having "bad luck". With that said tho, if you need more corn may I suggest raiding all the corn fields found scattered around the city edges and making a few extra corn plots as a just in case.
  19. Just an FYI: The Mod Dev of Darkness Falls, Khaine, bought the deck and got the game to play at a fashion he was happy with. Not sure what he did or how he did it, something about downloading a diff os system to it I think, anyways if you search on his DF Discord you'll find his convo's about it. It was a bit technical for my understanding so mostly just glossed over it.
  20. Depends: Does the lily contribute to said dew? If yes, then I would think it has everything to do with you shaking it. If no, then just make sure the lily you're shaking is yours and not someone elses. 💦
  21. Minty? Is that you? https://steamcommunity.com/app/251570/discussions/0/3414307257849673574/ Although I do find this thread about it more engaging and informative. So good on you!
  22. Ahhh, I see. Yeah, the texture is a bit blah, but that is why we have Paint! Paint fixes everything! There's "old school" cobble brick paint texture iirc. Or you could just upgrade it to Concrete. Concrete fixes everything! Or you could Concrete it THEN Paint it! Concrete and Paint fixes everything! Just ask my ex landlord who tried using concrete as wall putty then paint over the suspicious black mold creeping down the corner from the ceiling. Seriously though, If it can be an easy xml fix I'm sure someone here might help, but I don't see this being changed in game unless there are plans for a texture revamp.
  23. While in game open game console (F1), type DM then click enter, then close console. Click Esc. Click Open POI Teleporter. In search bar type DF. A list of all DF poi's will show. Find the one you want and click on it. You will be teleported there. The only catch is some maps have multi of the same trader/NPC. My map has 3 Razors. While it does give you the coords for that NPC, it does not indicate which biome those coords will teleport you to. So..... prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Good Luck!
  24. You are not alone. I once downloaded a wandering horde mod for a change of pace. Very proud of myself for doing it manually, by myself, and not breaking my game. Did starter quest, said hi to trader, looked around a bit waiting for zeds to spawn in. Did a lap around the mid size town, no zeds. Ran to city center, no zeds. Walked into a t5 skyscraper, butt nekkid, no zeds. I broke my game..... I knew I'd mess it up somehow...... sigh. On a whim double checked settings. Zed spawn was turned off..... omfg.... ☠️ @%$# happens to us all. I feel your pain and hope my story can ease it somehow.
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