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Everything posted by Jinx_DG

  1. If those pictures are 'as is' and no terrain has been player altered I would def say it's a bug. Create a bug report would be my suggestion. Are those trees floating in that last pic?
  2. In what way is it difficult to use in construction?
  3. That's not how deserts work. The main types of deserts include hot and dry deserts, semi-arid deserts, coastal deserts, and cold deserts. You don't need altitude to see snow in a hot/dry desert, nor for it to be cold. Temperatures in hot deserts may reach 38°C (100°F) or more. At night the temperatures may fall to 0°C (32ºF) or less. As for a sand/snow border like in the game.... I'll see your "Juuuust sayin'..." and raise you a "Duuuude, seriously...." if you can show me a wasteland biome. Because I can show you snow in the Sahara Desert from this past winter.
  4. Some of your ideas may already be done as mods. The 2 mod sites I know of are Nexus mods and 7daystodiemods. Check those out first. If you can't find what you have as an idea you can post the well thought out single idea in the mods discussion thread. Don't cluster your post with a dozen half thought ideas. I'd post it as I have an idea, would it be possible, then go on to explain it. You may or may not get an answer. You may get someone to help YOU make simple xml changes, but don't expect someone to offer to make your ideas a reality. That is a rare thing. Read through the threads and use the search function to see if there's a similar request/thread. Be warned though, while some ideas would seem cool and neat to have they could very well not he possible, even modded due to game limitations. Good Luck!
  5. I was just spitting ideas for the ! mark. Border mark and functionality could be kept as is. You said: I gave ideas for visual quest marker change only that could be seen as immersive, as in belonging to the landscaped area instead of big bouncing yellow exclamation mark.
  6. A specific looking rock pile that is only used for buried quests? An old tattered flag & pole stuck into the ground? A different type of tree used only for buried quests?
  7. Speculative bashing. Looking for might be flaws. Please don't. Wait until you see, test, and use it first before tearing it apart.
  8. Harder is perspective. Define harder in relation to the overhaul mods please. Zed HP? Crafting? Resource gathering? ect... DF does have higher hp zeds, but it also gives you ways to kill them. UL is more resource grindy imo, which could be seen as "harder". War3zuk is just.... wrong from what I've seen of it. WoT am currently watching a playthrough, but nothing "harder" about it so far. All of these overhauls started as a player "fixing" what they didn't like about their current alpha. They were not created to make the game "harder", but to someone who is not familiar with them they can be, just as vanilla is to those unfamiliar with it.
  9. Way back in 11th grade, there was a chalkboard next to the door in one of my classrooms, and as I was leaving I wrote on it: Living means dying, Dying means death, but Being is Hell. I got sent to one session of therapy for that. Unfortunately, mother didn't like the "I feel" statements the therapist suggested I use hence only the one session. Mother then told me..... Depends on which personality I ask.....
  10. This is an example of how YOU would do it, not how to do it right. Your vision of 7DTD is just that, your vision and is the right way in your mind only. The axe is suppose to be used on trees/wood things, not zombies, but when I do use it on zombies I have no problems axing them with one hit when it's to the head. Of course I've also gotten my butt kicked while axing them too, so..... You lost me after firefighter axe. Clarification is needed.
  11. Correct, but I had already posted their link in a different thread and didn't want to be seen as spamming it. Thank you for linking it and it's great you know of them.
  12. .... want to finish the game mechanics first. Why are you posting about the game not having lore when I know that you know that it's being worked on and will come when the game is finished? I know you know this because I've seen you post about it.
  13. ....and that's how it all started... o.O
  14. I would so love to see his response if you actually did ask for it to be removed, especially if you asked in his discord..... 🤣
  15. Once when I didn't have internet/wifi access for an extended period I figured out how to play the game on my phone, using the phones data, the GeForceNow app, and wireless keyboard/mouse. I don't recommend playing that way, but I was that determined to play the game. If only I had known about the play offline option at the time..... 😕
  16. At some point you WILL lose everything you've looted, crafted, bought, and worked hard for. Either through a natural in game thing or an unnatural in game thing. But it'll be ok. You can rebuild... Better, stronger, bigger. We've all been there and will feel your pain when it comes. Keep this in mind and remember, rage quiting is dumb.
  17. Here is an invite link. It's good for 7 days only. Please join. They can help you there better. https://discord.gg/nHSRWDrz
  18. Try the very corner of the block you want to upgrade that's under the spikes. I've had this work for me in the past.
  19. Can confirm the first. I use the rock throwing method to move my night spawns around to where I want them. Sometimes for better snipe angle. Sometimes to lure them near a bear or wolf. Sometimes to a car so I can watch them beat on it till they blow themselves up. Sometimes to just watch them stumble around chasing my rocks. >:)
  20. I once watched someone who Knew Nothing about the Game. Had never seen it, played it, or watched it before. He struggled with the campfire for soooo long since it looked liked the pot and grill where already there. It only lasted for 1 in game week and had commentary by seasoned 7dtd who watched it. (the player & one of the commentators are related)
  21. If you can find a photo edit app that has a blend brush it can be an easy fix. Best edit apps are found from your phone, so any picture would need to be in a cloud storage or have your phone tethered to your computer for easy transfer back and forth.
  22. This is one of my fav channels. They test horde base designs at a level even TFP would consider end game. They test their own designs and others they find on the interweb. Only thing is they test as a 5 person MP no matter the base design by other players, even if the base is a SP design built for day 14 horde night. It can make for some pretty humorous viewing. https://www.youtube.com/c/ICGAMING
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