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Master Chef and Gardens


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Can we please get more variety of food? I would love for the devs to put in different Veggies,fruits and herbs that we can use to make different types of meals with different buffs or status effects. Currently it's make bacon and eggs, craft either golden rod or red tea and boom cookin is done.


The cooking and gardening aspect of this game seems severely under utilized. So many buffs and other effects could be added into the food system that its insane and makes me hopeful for what can be done especially with the modding community. I wouldn't mind if they tied it back again into the wellness system with a slight balance done for a proper eatting. Not insane micromanagement like Scum but I wouldn't mind seeing my character get fat and their stamina taking a hit if they ate ♥♥♥♥ty meals while their HP got a decent buff.

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Can we please get more variety of food? I would love for the devs to put in different Veggies,fruits and herbs that we can use to make different types of meals with different buffs or status effects. Currently it's make bacon and eggs, craft either golden rod or red tea and boom cookin is done.


The cooking and gardening aspect of this game seems severely under utilized. So many buffs and other effects could be added into the food system that its insane and makes me hopeful for what can be done especially with the modding community. I wouldn't mind if they tied it back again into the wellness system with a slight balance done for a proper eatting. Not insane micromanagement like Scum but I wouldn't mind seeing my character get fat and their stamina taking a hit if they ate ♥♥♥♥ty meals while their HP got a decent buff.


WIP and as zevad noted.... get dem perks :)



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You might want to go ahead and get that master chef 5 perk and read all your new recipes? They literally already did this for you.


I'm guessing you didn't bother using or testing the recipes out so I'm guessing you mean the grandpa stuff and that stuff is useless so no they have not. Nothing that was done to the cooking has justified going past at the most master chef 2 for steak and potato meal and that's mainly since eggs can be a issue on multiplayer. Even checked test world in current build of 208 and tested the grandpa recipes again to see if maybe the buff on some lasted a longer period of time since last test and no they are freaken horrible for the cost. None of the foods give stat buffs or a perk buff or any type of beneficial buff. They just give the standard recovery to food or water. You obviously didn't pay attention to what I said. I saw another person say it's a WIP and hopefully it is because the current system can use a overhaul and be made way better because currently we have no real reason to make other foods or drinks or even the useless elixirs that have at the most a 3 min duration.

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Well gardening is a bust though. It takes four corn or whatever to make one seed. The max points gives you 5 in a harvest. This means you never really gain anything to cook with. They -REALLY- need to adjust the seed making to be one corn is one seed etc.

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Well gardening is a bust though. It takes four corn or whatever to make one seed. The max points gives you 5 in a harvest. This means you never really gain anything to cook with. They -REALLY- need to adjust the seed making to be one corn is one seed etc.


you don't have to replant it after you harvest it, it automatically replants itself.

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Foods with higher values are not needed any more. With the rate that Stamina drains, it is necessary to eat ALL the time, which makes charred or grilled meat the best choice.


Slow metabolism helps a TON to deal with that problem. Get it to level 2 and your food will back up in your fridge. You need to eat less often, and can reserve food for higher quality recipes. I usually eat canned stuff I find on the go, so that helps as well.


What's disappointing are the Hobo recipes. You would think that recipes like hobo stew would be lower down compared to beef and vegetable stew. Rotting meat is, well, not exactly a quality ingredient and can be much easier to get.

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Foods with higher values are not needed any more. With the rate that Stamina drains, it is necessary to eat ALL the time, which makes charred or grilled meat the best choice.


Get master chef level 2. Farm mushrooms, corn and potatoes and make vegetable stew. I have a huge farm and with level 4 farming perk I get 500+ corn, 500+ potatoes, 150+ mushrooms EVERY harvest (every 3 days for 1 hour days). Might take a while to get started especially finding enough mushrooms to make the spores though. However the investment in the those perks are definitely worth it.


PS - I have tons of other foods like meat but farming is more reliable.


- - - Updated - - -


WIP and as zevad noted.... get dem perks :)




It's a start but we want more! :). Please check starvation mod for some ideas! Especially fresh milk...


And yes those perks are definitely worth it!

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Can we please get more variety of food? I would love for the devs to put in different Veggies,fruits and herbs that we can use to make different types of meals with different buffs or status effects. Currently it's make bacon and eggs, craft either golden rod or red tea and boom cookin is done.


The cooking and gardening aspect of this game seems severely under utilized. So many buffs and other effects could be added into the food system that its insane and makes me hopeful for what can be done especially with the modding community. I wouldn't mind if they tied it back again into the wellness system with a slight balance done for a proper eatting. Not insane micromanagement like Scum but I wouldn't mind seeing my character get fat and their stamina taking a hit if they ate ♥♥♥♥ty meals while their HP got a decent buff.




Love doing mundane old world tasks in the apocalypse like gardening and cooking. Definitely would like to see more but it looks like them adding recipes are a step in the right direction!

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Yeah the problem is not a lack of recipes, it's their pointlessness. You don't need to craft anything besides cheap lvl 1 recipes; stuff like boiled or grilled meat will do just fine to keep stamina topped off and doesn't waste nearly as much food. I found that even boiled eggs (provided you find enough eggs) are fine to keep yourself up and running.


Unless you're constantly letting your hunger (and thus stamina) drop way lower than necessary, everything more filling than bacon and eggs is a huge waste of resources.


They need to redo either the stamina/hunger system, or most of the foods, or both.

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They need to redo either the stamina/hunger system, or most of the foods, or both.


Mentioned before that the game needs a vitamins, iron intake or some other stats. Where if you eat the same food all the time, you get deficiencies ( scurvy, ... or other illnesses ) and this forces you to mix up your food.


Or a tracking system if you eat too much "bacon and eggs" over a period, your character refuses to eat it anymore "saturation", but that is harder to balance, especially at start of the game.


But this is all micro-managing and we know TFPs dislike micro managing. And you think they are going to redo the stamina/hunger system? Not going to happen. At best you can hope a modder figures something out.

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Its a shame that perks control everything.


Would be awesome to have a cooking skill where the better you are the more beneficial the food is, you craft quicker and get more wellness, stay full for longer. The skill doesn't need to give you a massive bonus by leveling it to the max, just a small bonus that won't break the game and require loads of balancing. Have recipes drop from Chef Zombies and restaurants, giving you something to aim for. Some recipes could be better than others filling you up for longer (instead of that silly perk). Add in loads more ingredients. Have a Farming skill to complement it.

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You might want to go ahead and get that master chef 5 perk and read all your new recipes? They literally already did this for you.


Because of the stupid gating, by the time you can take Masterchef 5, the things you can make are useless to you because you are already maxed out and already OP (I'm level 102, game challenge is now a joke.....it gets MUCH easier than A16 ever was at the same level).


They really screwed up Food/Stamina in this design. It is pathetic. Early game you need to eat like a horse just to have enough Stamina to do normal things (and you still have to constantly wait for it to regen). Late game with the right perks and/or mods, Stamina becomes a total non-issue, and when that happens food also becomes a total non-issue. I have 1500 Meat in my box now, and 150 Bacon + Eggs, and 50 Meat Stew. All pointless (and this is a co-op server with 3 allies). There is simply no point in us hunting or farming now. And it's only day 30 for God's sake.....


The Wellness design in A16, where you would really go out your way to make Meat Stew because it was the best food in the game was so much better than this crap. And now Meat Stew is about the worst food in the game because you will never let your Stamina fall low enough to justify eating it.


p.s. I would like to add that even though I am level 100+ and have more food than I could ever eat, thegame still thinks it's funny to have all my Air Drops contain cans of Dog Food. lol

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Being from the Southeast US, I know a thing or two about proper cornbread, and let me tell ya, corn meal and water alone does NOT equal cornbread...it makes a frisbee. Since we ain't got buttermilk in the vanilla game, I'd say we need to add eggs to the cornbread recipe. Now I know what y'all are gonna say, that eggs are better used for other recipes, such as bacon and eggs. I want y'all to look at that picture of cornbread...does it look like a whole cake of cornbread? I'd suggest making the cornbread recipe produce a whole cake of cornbread instead of a slice. Up the ingredients, maybe require 5 corn meal, 1 egg, 1 water, and have it give the player better saturation.


Then add a new item to the game, a bowl of grits, and have its recipe be just 1 corn meal and 1 water. Maybe even have it so that when eaten with bacon and eggs, you get longer-lasting saturation bonus that prevents max stamina from decreasing as quickly. Just some idears from a fella who knows all about them bacon, eggs, n grits y'all. And don't make them grits the instant kind..."no self-respecting southerner uses instant grits." (10 points to whoever knows what movie that quote is from).

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I honestly thought all these recipes were basically for novelty. Is there a reason to make anything aside from Bacon and Eggs, Grilled/Charred Meat (early game), and Steak and Potatoes? It made sense with wellness, now, as long it raises stamina it's good enough for me lol.

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I honestly thought all these recipes were basically for novelty. Is there a reason to make anything aside from Bacon and Eggs, Grilled/Charred Meat (early game), and Steak and Potatoes? It made sense with wellness, now, as long it raises stamina it's good enough for me lol.


That's why I brought up the idea of certain foods, or combinations of foods, having longer-lasting saturation buffs, so that your stamina decreases slower. I think that would help make certain recipes more beneficial.

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You all have to consider this is Early Experimental release.They will balance things, ad more, etc . i would like to see a more complex food system, with more effects given to food and drinks, but no farming/cooking simulator needed.

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What's disappointing are the Hobo recipes. You would think that recipes like hobo stew would be lower down compared to beef and vegetable stew. Rotting meat is, well, not exactly a quality ingredient and can be much easier to get.


i'd prefer to see those as lower recipes also, you want to strive to cooking steak and potatoes, not flesh of the fallen

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