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A17 (Threadstart at B199) What would you change if you would be in charge.

Royal Deluxe

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Pls keep it short



* +15 Skillpoints in the starterquest line for singleplayer (maybe less, maybe more, needs some more testplay)

(as part of the reduce of "Out of stamina"issue, and because as singleplayer you NEED more skills)

* Reduce "out of stamina"

* Torch = 30% chance to set enemys on fire. Zombies = 20% Damage, Birds stop attacking and die.

* bicycle = available from first level on, maybe a lvl 1 as startequip (modded this in and your lvl1 Bike you cant repair is your most valuable treasure)

* (if technically doable) RWG = 16x16 Unlock and a alternative world with more mixed biomes (a bit like in A16)

* Make Zombies dig down a option

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* Make zombies only dig down in soil, dirt, sand stone, NOT inside POIS. One Sound, and every Zed of the POI (including from above and beyond) storms through the paperwalls to you

* Half Stamina usage on running (but only on running)

* Remove levelgates, but instead put useful prerequisite-gates or items in instead. (like having read 5x that magazine -> then you can take this perk)

* Remove old/moldy/rusty paints from the paintbrush painting palette, and add clean wall-colors like in a16 again

* Make Bleeding Buff bleeding again, instead of the "I am a red Fountain" like its now. (In other words: slow it down massively, but extend the length of it)

* Make Birds easy to kill and hit, and only do minor damage, but always cause bleeding and follow you

* Remove strange parkour POIs, and put normal houses in.... parkour pois only where it makes halfway sense.

* make sleeper zombies sleeper zombies again. (people dying on their beds and becoming zombies, etc.), but not having people store zombies in their cupboards.


..... i could go on for miles, but i am out of stamina

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Greatly lower encumbrance penalty so it can only lower your move speed by 20% max I'm tired of running at 60-70% speed all the time, its annoying and unfun. All they had to do was make the inv size 45 slots and then have all unlocked at the start instead of this encumbrance BS.

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Dial back zombie damage on blocks back to A16 levels.


What's the point of building a base if it will be reduced to rubble within minutes?


TFP are just going to tells us to learn to play like they did in other threads where people brought up about Zombies tearing apart blocks in secs.

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I agree with the digging down thing, but only because I think the block damage done by zombies is way too high. They're dead and rotting, so it should take much, much longer for them to break an iron door or concrete blocks than it does me with a stone axe, but one zed can break down a concrete wall in about a tenth of the time I can with an axe. Digging should be even more difficult than pounding, unless it's sand or dirt.


I also think walls should muffle sounds, which they don't seem to do now. And different types of walls/ground should have different muffling properties. I've got the distance on all of my sounds turned waaaaaay down because I don't think they should be able to hear me hitting a post inside of a building. Sound should leak out if I'm using a power tool, but my stone axe shouldn't really be heard outside of a building.

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TFP are just going to tells us to learn to play like they did in other threads where people brought up about Zombies tearing apart blocks in secs.


They do this because you have to be activly defending your base, if your just sitting there hoping for the spikes to do the work, its not going to happen. Also the zombies get a block damage buff the more of them are closer together, so letting them all pool in the same spot is asking for trouble. Try using Barbed wire fences, made with iron+wood anywhere at anytime. They do 1 damage, but not only do they super slow zombies, they also cause them to be in their pain animation every second or 2, meaning they can't be swinging at your blocks while doing that.


On the things i'd change, i'd also change the death debuff so it doesn't remove the perks, just the stats. Losing the stats hurts, but losing the perks hurts more as bascally everything is gated behind them in a17. Some people are quitting over this debuff, its that bad.

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I would only change the difficulty menu so that it defaulted to Adventurer instead of Nomad and have it read:


Scavenger: Easy Difficulty. Recommended for new players going solo.

Adventurer: Normal Difficulty. Recommended for solo play. Probably too easy for co-operative play.

Nomad: Hard Difficulty for Solo Play. Recommended for co-operative play.

Warrior: Very Hard Difficulty for Solo Play. Hard Difficulty for co-operative play.

Insane: Extreme Difficulty.

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I would only change the difficulty menu so that it defaulted to Adventurer instead of Nomad and have it read:


Scavenger: Easy Difficulty. Recommended for new players going solo.

Adventurer: Normal Difficulty. Recommended for solo play. Probably too easy for co-operative play.

Nomad: Hard Difficulty for Solo Play. Recommended for co-operative play.

Warrior: Very Hard Difficulty for Solo Play. Hard Difficulty for co-operative play.

Insane: Extreme Difficulty.


I was going to make the same recommendation. Now I don’t have to. The devs should seriously consider this.

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I've played several games now and I don't think I'd change very much. I'm loving it.


I'd make guns better which I think they're balancing anyway, and I'd probably also make the materials now tougher against zombies so they're not paper walls - this is really because now zombies all target the weakspots, I think any buffs they had should be removed as their strength now is in their numbers destroying the weakest blocks. It would make a wooden base viable in the first few days which it currently isn't at all, and the trying to sort out cobblestone walls as the only viable first 7 day horde defence more workable with flagstone.


Oh and I'd add wood log spikes back - what happened to them???

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