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Loot from zombies - example (Alpha 17 b197)


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Guest Nyteshade12134

Yeah, 1 drop out of how many? I saw a video on YouTube where XbCrafted spawned in 75 zombies and got 1 backpack when he killed them. WTF?!? If you cant get loot from the zombies, and theres like 9 guarding a POI, whats a new level 1 character supposed to do? A little more balance would be nice. not EVERY poi has to be a dungeon filled with zombies.

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Yeah, 1 drop out of how many? I saw a video on YouTube where XbCrafted spawned in 75 zombies and got 1 backpack when he killed them. WTF?!? If you cant get loot from the zombies, and theres like 9 guarding a POI, whats a new level 1 character supposed to do? A little more balance would be nice. not EVERY poi has to be a dungeon filled with zombies.


Take on the small abandoned houses, garages and small businesses, bars etc they are pretty easy. I killed a wandering horde of 20 and got 2 or 3 packs one time.

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Guest Nyteshade12134

Thank you for the advice Madmole. I know how to play this game. I survived in A16, but A17 is brutal. Opened a POI on day 1 and had a feral putrid girl (with others) inside. Isnt that a bit much for day 1 ? Gradual progression of the zombie spawns would be better. I play solo. 7 zombies in a POI on day 1 is not enjoyable. I'd like to survive a night, let alone to the bloodmoon, and that's on the EASIEST settings.

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Thank you for the advice Madmole. I know how to play this game. I survived in A16, but A17 is brutal. Opened a POI on day 1 and had a feral putrid girl (with others) inside. Isnt that a bit much for day 1 ? Gradual progression of the zombie spawns would be better. I play solo. 7 zombies in a POI on day 1 is not enjoyable. I'd like to survive a night, let alone to the bloodmoon, and that's on the EASIEST settings.


Hmmm, something's wrong here, my test game on Scavenger, which I did play for a while, did not see Ferals for a good long time. You either got horribly unlucky in picking a POI that HAD to have a feral or something bugged out.


No way I'd expect to see a Feral on Scavenger on Day 1.

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Hmmm, something's wrong here, my test game on Scavenger, which I did play for a while, did not see Ferals for a good long time. You either got horribly unlucky in picking a POI that HAD to have a feral or something bugged out.


No way I'd expect to see a Feral on Scavenger on Day 1.

It would be nice if there was some sort of way to tell which houses were death traps, other than experience. I went into a house I thought looked cool that I wanted to use as a starter base and found 2 regular ferals, 2 irradiated ferals and a feral cop in the attic. On Day 1 on Nomad.


I also got attacked by a feral nurse on Day 2 on scavenger (I thought I'd try to drop the difficulty to make the game more enjoyable because I apparently need to "git gud") as there are random patches of wasteland in A17 RWG (or possibly building that can spawn in non-wasteland biomes that cause an area of wasteland around them.)

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Take on the small abandoned houses, garages and small businesses, bars etc they are pretty easy. I killed a wandering horde of 20 and got 2 or 3 packs one time.


I wouldn't mind seeing it bumped to 5% with slightly less powerful loot available or common (e.g. getting a sniper rifle off a dead cheerleader seems a bit much), but overall the new system doesn't bother me.


I will have to be honest with you all guys, this was a solo play, I did modify loot abundance to like 150% I think? And I play on Scavenger, I wanted the game to go easy on me while I learn new stuff and this was the result. It's all new for all of us, and I have mixed feelings, but those are mostly due to the bugs, but the system and how it works, well it takes some time to get used to, but I have to admit, my laziness quickly approved that I don't have to worry about looting all the freaking corpses anymore and when I get some loot bag, its a nice little bag and it feels like opening a Christmas gift. :p


Oh, and madmole, I also killed a wandering horde, quite a lot of zombies, maybe more than I was used to from earlier versions, but I wasn't that lucky, I think I got only one bag from that one horde, but considering I was already encumbered and still didn't find the freaking supplies shipment for the quest, I was actually glad I didn't get more loot from corpses, because I wouldn't know where to store it lol


Good luck everyone finding your lovely loot bags!

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Hmmm, something's wrong here, my test game on Scavenger, which I did play for a while, did not see Ferals for a good long time. You either got horribly unlucky in picking a POI that HAD to have a feral or something bugged out.


No way I'd expect to see a Feral on Scavenger on Day 1.


A few days before release to streamers Roland said that they have added Radiated z's in some POI's with rarer loot. Therr way to make High level areas with rare loot.

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My horde night is pending and i am yet to see a feral anywhere. Surely, when i wandered a bit into wasteland biome a bear spawned at the edge of my vision... Quickly went back.


Still, i haven't had much luck with the loot from zombies, surely had a few bags but nothing revolutionary. For the few that i got in summary i received like 1 hunting rifle (level 1), little bit of ammo and some bandages. Even the plane drop didn't give me good items(apart from the beaker)... But i will manage.

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That loot is worth more than what 75 regular zombies dropped before added up :p


I love loot and rewards in games, and I think this change was an awesome idea. Rare good loot is MUCH better than constantly wasting time looting crap


Ok, after playing for 2 hours, I killed 90 zombies and I havent seen a single backpack. I love the idea of the change, but maybe tune the numbers a bit? 1/10 to 1/20 should be the chance for drop, not 1/100

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