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Vehicles on Horde night


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Sure, let's turn down part of the gameplay that you might accidentally avoid if you have completely random BM and you're on bike 14km from home, or hey, homing vultures/insta lightning kill etc would be cool to have.. Sigh..


Yea, agreing with Guppy on this one, not sure why something that is not broken needs "fixing".

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There's also an option to use vehicles on horde night.


...just saying.


One is a UI option that chooses the ruleset of your gamesession, the other is a gameplay "option" and not a well-weighted one. There is an obvious, huge difference between these kinds of options.


(not that it matters because you can easily just outrun them on nightmare)

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Seems to me the rulesets in game are "whatever works". It's a survival game, I'm not going to limit my playstyle by arbitrary rules.


Not talking about any arbitrary rules or limiting anything. Just talking about weighted options in choices. You know, with similar "weights", each with its own pros and cons, so that the choice is actually meaningful and interesting. Like you said, it's a survival game and an obvious choice that is chosen with that goal in mind is what actually limits playstyles because it is hardly a choice in the first place.

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There's also an option to use vehicles on horde night.


...just saying.


But why? I mean great for you, if its being done to run em over and stuff like that. But when you start the game with Blood Moons enabled its with the understanding you get a blood moon. Even if its random you're going into this knowing that. To say "I want to play with random blood moons" and then say "oh god its a random blood moon run" is just.... silly.


It really comes down to personal preference anyway. You do you etc etc. It would be a bad idea for this to be something that goes away in vanilla.


In Ravenhearst though ... :)

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Not talking about any arbitrary rules or limiting anything. Just talking about weighted options in choices. You know, with similar "weights", each with its own pros and cons, so that the choice is actually meaningful and interesting. Like you said, it's a survival game and an obvious choice that is chosen with that goal in mind is what actually limits playstyles because it is hardly a choice in the first place.


Cons is you're using gas and beating up a very valuable commodity (the car). Could it use more balance? Sure. I knocked all gas loots to 10% of what they were and removed the ability to make gas. It helped.

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If I recall, yes the vehicle did take damage when hitting zombies because I remember another time the truck took so much damage and I didn't have a repair kit to fix it. Vomit from cops and vultures also took a toll on them too I seem to remember.


I read through the last few pages of this and I think the best thing to do is let TFP's make the game how they want and make it very mod friendly and easy to do so (there seems to be every kind of mod under the sun out there now anyway :) )

Then have it possible to mod out everything that is in and mod in everything that is out to each players liking. Then everyone should be happy.......in their own SP game. If you join someone elses server then you are in reality agreeing to play the game their way and have to deal with it. I mean come on, you can't join a server and disagree with how they have it set up right :)


I also want to add that I have one game set up with so many mods that the more hardcore players would weep if they joined it :D, but hey I am experimenting with them and I like it so there :p


Addition: Just checked and I have 64 modlets in there lol...

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I feel like you guys aren’t letting this go. This was pre Alpha 17 post. Right now the only thing I don’t like about vehicles is the 4x4 takes to much damage from trash and objects on the ground. I had built a new one in a game and after a day of driving it it was already down to half health.

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now i am bored, and replying to a dead thread..

how many feet (days) can you bury a body, before the goodies ya loot from it are still good?

how did my naked guy get to be such a bad ass in so few days?

when does the next iteration of a game that never ends begin?

why does deer meat become bacon

where are my pants?

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You are being EXTREMELY generous to the underground play style.


Digging the hole = 3 minutes of dig time


Making sure it doesn't collapse = It wont since new SI was introduced to prevent that, plus going far enough down they won't get to you.


Enough food and water = 2 meat and 2 water, good to go.


What perks are needed to dig straight down?


Building castle Neuschwanstein underground takes just a little longer than three minutes.

So far I think I've gone through several dozen bottles of water and fish tacos digging it out, not building, just digging, and I think I have far more than two meat and two water to go.

Digging straight down? Have you ever seen Neuschwanstein? It is not a shaft bro, just giving you your first clue about that, it's what the Disney castle was based on. And you will want all of your digging perks for that, as well as forged steel tools.



So...umm, were you actually being serious there? I am pretty sure that that was being facetious if anything is. Seriously, you were trying to be cute I am sure, but you really just showed how much disdain you have for underground bases. You also showed that you may very well be incapable of digging a hole that large and supporting the building with itself if you think you can dig a hole straight down with two meat (which it takes five meat to cook one item, so no food), two water, stone tools and magically have one of the most famous structures in the world.

In three minutes no less, you're quite good bro.

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Its not about you. If you dont want to play the game as it is intended, be my guest.


But i do.

And I simply dont enjoy a challenge, if i know i can cheese it at any given point.

I myself am a trader. And I argue AGAINST my own playstyle because it is broken.


I have nearly full armor, a rifle and electric fences around my house on day 7!

It needs to be balanced.

Am I trying to ruin my fun?

No. I just want a more realistic challenge that isnt completly broken.


Think of Skyrim.

Would you argue that bethesda shouldnt have fixed infinie potion stacking?

You would ruin the fun for everyone who enjoyed having 9999 armor and 9999damage on lvl 10.

And other people could simply آ“not use itآ“.


It takes the fun out of trying the best solution.

Why should i try different basedesigns, when running away has no downsides?



I dont care if you mod your game to be as easy as taking alolipop from a baby.

I want a challenge suitable to the name of آ“Zombie Survivalآ“.


I can make a suit of cloth armor by day seven, so they need to remove armor crafting. I can also loot a firearm guaranteed by day seven, so take out loot as well. On a server I play on we level up new players by giving them a nailgun, a few stacks of concrete, and a few stacks of rebar frames and I let them build the walls in some of my tunnels to level them up. I bet any of them can unlock electricity in seven days of building, so we need to take out experience.


There will always be a way to win at a game in which numbers are the only continuous factor. I would think that anyone who has taken an American history course in high school would be well aware how much of a failure the Prohibition was, and would agree that it is impossible to legislate away all behavior you find abhorrent.

And if you have finished your high school career you may even realize that that same logic applies to video games. I remember hating "button mashers" playing fighting games because they didn't learn all the moves that I did. Minus unplugging their controller, I saw no options to control their behavior. I was eight I think at the time....when I realized that games are just that, and that asking, telling, or commanding others to play by your rules because, well, you are the prime factor....well, that is just no way to go about life, wouldn't you agree? Or should I find some way to have the Fun Pimps, or any other entity, to compel you to agree with my way of thinking rather than just letting you be? I am quite curious if you will apply your previous logic to this case, because if you do you chastise yourself, and if you do not you expose a double standard.

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