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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=SevenDaysToDieModEditor;696426]I converted data using SDTDPrebabConverterA15A16. The rotation of ID 337 (cntNightStand) seems to be different between a15 and a16. Therefore, it is converted to a different rotation. It seems that A15A16.paintdata can customize the conversion setting. Can I change rotation with A15A16.paintdata?[/QUOTE] Sorry SevenDaysToDieModEditor, completely missed this post. No, the rotation data is held inside the program and isn't editable externally
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hi long time reader, first time poster (in this thread) im, trying to pull bases from a 15.2 save game i got the editor for 15.2.. its installed just fine.. im able to claim areas... i get the red box. around it... but it still has about 10 more has you can see from the pic.. is there a limit on the hights?? thanx for reading me
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[QUOTE=VooDoo;700633]hi long time reader, first time poster (in this thread) im, trying to pull bases from a 15.2 save game i got the editor for 15.2.. its installed just fine.. im able to claim areas... i get the red box. around it... but it still has about 10 more has you can see from the pic.. is there a limit on the hights?? thanx for reading me[/QUOTE] That's odd, the claims are 0-255 which is the maximum height in game. What do the prefab files look like?
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[QUOTE=layarion;700824]bug: [URL]http://i.imgur.com/FTfBUcc.png[/URL] usually happens after i hit start.[/QUOTE] the editor does not work with a16.1 so think hal had some fun with it.. [video=youtube_share;nWaqYRO1SfU]https://youtu.be/nWaqYRO1SfU[/video] me
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[QUOTE=VooDoo;700773]i think it got the hole prefab... but thanks for you reply i just need to remove a few levels... and import it would your editor still work for 15.2 saves EDIT: never mind its included sorry to bother you me[/QUOTE] Glad you got what you need VooDoo [QUOTE=layarion;700824]bug: [URL]http://i.imgur.com/FTfBUcc.png[/URL] usually happens after i hit start.[/QUOTE] That's a feature, not a bug ^^
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I modified the 26032 line of A15A16.paintdata as follows. "1330": { "OldId": 1330, "OldName": "cntSupplyCrateWorkingStiffs", "NewId": [COLOR="#FF0000"]1330[/COLOR], "NewName": "", "GuessId": 0, "GuessName": null, "FaceTextures": [ 133, 133, 133, 133, 133, 133 ], then I ran SDTDPrefabConverter.exe. But block id = '1330' has been converted to '339'. Does this tool refer to NewId of A15A16.paintdata?
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[QUOTE=SevenDaysToDieModEditor;701439]I modified the 26032 line of A15A16.paintdata as follows. "1330": { "OldId": 1330, "OldName": "cntSupplyCrateWorkingStiffs", "NewId": [COLOR="#FF0000"]1330[/COLOR], "NewName": "", "GuessId": 0, "GuessName": null, "FaceTextures": [ 133, 133, 133, 133, 133, 133 ], then I ran SDTDPrefabConverter.exe. But block id = '1330' has been converted to '339'. Does this tool refer to NewId of A15A16.paintdata?[/QUOTE] No, that's just paint data. Conversions are built up inside the program and are hardcoded
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One exploit I seem to see happening is that users are walking into a mine and using the claim and load to get unlimited resources. An idea to avoid over using it would be to only allow them 1 plot that is un-moveable. Possible? Thoughts?
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[QUOTE=Abrondino;702390]One exploit I seem to see happening is that users are walking into a mine and using the claim and load to get unlimited resources. An idea to avoid over using it would be to only allow them 1 plot that is un-moveable. Possible? Thoughts?[/QUOTE] Normal players should only get 1 claim. Have a look in the world save folder, there should be another folder called "BlockBackup" and inside that is settings.txt/ "defaultmaxclaims" is the setting that should say how many claims non-admins can have. You can also set a delay for how long before they can reload. Have a look in the games root folder for a file called "HalGlobal.txt". "delayload" is the setting you want. Change it to the number of minutes between loads or to -1 if only hal admins can load claims. That allows people to save their bases but you have to restore it
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[QUOTE=layarion;703165]I entered: bbb ip training 1885 3 -955 [own] but the signs and chest are still locked from me.[/QUOTE] Signs aren't included but the chests should become yours if they're secure. There'll be a new way of doing this in the next version that should include any tile entity that have an owner.
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@Hal I was importing prefabs that I edited for a16 and a lot of the textures did not import over. Thought you should know. I was able to do it successfully using Stompy's API mod, but that meant I had to do it all over one of my servers, and I didn't want that hassle. I prefer fixing in SP, and would be happy to provide you whatever you needed to nail down why the textures aren't consistently carrying over. -gup
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;705196]@Hal I was importing prefabs that I edited for a16 and a lot of the textures did not import over. Thought you should know. I was able to do it successfully using Stompy's API mod, but that meant I had to do it all over one of my servers, and I didn't want that hassle. I prefer fixing in SP, and would be happy to provide you whatever you needed to nail down why the textures aren't consistently carrying over. -gup[/QUOTE] Hey Gup, Sure, PM me with the prefab file and what it should look like without errors and I'll have a look.
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General block conversion notes: All couch pieces (both types), desks, and nightstands have incorrect rotation. White tile blocks converts to insidecornerwedgesomethings. Duct converted to wood with metal texture. A lot of bricks converted to wood with brick texture ...can you post the mapping? At this point I'm curious. Odd hitting brick and getting wood. :)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;705628]General block conversion notes: All couch pieces (both types), desks, and nightstands have incorrect rotation. White tile blocks converts to insidecornerwedgesomethings. Duct converted to wood with metal texture. A lot of bricks converted to wood with brick texture ...can you post the mapping? At this point I'm curious. Odd hitting brick and getting wood. :)[/QUOTE] Hey Gup, The converter is written into the code put here's a [URL="http://7d.l9000.co.uk/Converter.json"]JSON representation[/URL] of it. Each block gets put into a container that defines its rotations, then there's a list of to-from conversion IDs and the paint data is at the bottom [QUOTE=Spectral Force;706423]HAL, are you updating this for A16? I tried Phile's but you're is much easier to use. Thanks.[/QUOTE] Hi Spectral Force, No, this editor won't be getting updated. The source code has retired to a little place in the country and is enjoying just pottering around and taking naps.
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