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Will picklocking be making it into A17?


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Well, since it's never been announced as a possible or planned feature, I'm going to guess no.


Based on the way the game is designed, and intended to be played, I don't see a reason to add it either.


It was both a possible AND planned feature for 16 but was delayed. MM even showed video of it. AND its in the loot.xml. Im shocked at you Sylen :)

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Sheesh. See this is what happens when I have to support two companies at work instead of one. I haven't even managed to do any serious modding for a16 yet. Just a couple of weeks ago I though, "hey, I should update my temple prefab so it's current before a17 hits". I mean, since it was originally made back in a14 before we could paint blocks. Now it's become such a big project, I know I'll never finish. LOL

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The safe in Traitor Joe's is just a tease. Please add Lockpicking!


Wow, wouldn't that be awesome if one of the quests (from a bandit maybe?) is to hit one of the traders and loot their safe without getting caught and/or killed. Like if triggering the quest temp allied you with trader so you could dig up in under his place and loot the safe from below lol.

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Wow, wouldn't that be awesome if one of the quests (from a bandit maybe?) is to hit one of the traders and loot their safe without getting caught and/or killed. Like if triggering the quest temp allied you with trader so you could dig up in under his place and loot the safe from below lol.


That idea is the biggest can of worms I've ever laid eyes on

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I think that idea got put on the backburner, then subsequently fell off said backburner.


Madmole hasn't said anything about it since A 16, not that I recall. I wouldn't be surprised if it were canceled, but maybe it's just not relevant to A 17 and very low on the list (i.e. it might still be in the plans at a later point).

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What’s further back than the back burner? — because that’s where it is.


Unplugged George Foreman grill?

Coleman camping stove with empty propane canister attached?

Betty Crocker Easy Bake Oven with shattered lightbulb?


Getting warmer....er....colder. Whatevs.

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I really wish there was a way to make cracking into a gun cabinet easier than simply doing 2k of damage. Finding them when you first start out is such a tease. It takes you half a day just to break one open with a stone axe.

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I really wish there was a way to make cracking into a gun cabinet easier than simply doing 2k of damage. Finding them when you first start out is such a tease. It takes you half a day just to break one open with a stone axe.


Its almost as if its not meant for day 1 character, amirite?

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question then though...

The original idea behind landmines on roads and in the wasteland was, that you can lockpick them...

I don't suppose they are getting deleted again?

Since it was, and still is, one of the most retarded features in 7d2d... 0 counterplay and no ingame reason for them to be there.

I get the "booby trap" mines. and maybe even some in prefabs that wanted to defend themselves... and even military bases...

BUT on a crane/in the wasteland? just no! :D

Remove them or give us pickpocketing! You cant promise us cake and hit us with a stick, only to not deliver on the cake :D

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What’s further back than the back burner? — because that’s where it is.


Unplugged George Foreman grill?

Coleman camping stove with empty propane canister attached?

Betty Crocker Easy Bake Oven with shattered lightbulb?


Getting warmer....er....colder. Whatevs.


Well thats a shame. Sitting next to the Behemoth setting up his zipline eh?

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I really wish there was a way to make cracking into a gun cabinet easier than simply doing 2k of damage. Finding them when you first start out is such a tease. It takes you half a day just to break one open with a stone axe.


stick of dynamite will help a lot. And it not so hard to craft. Break down couple of stones, and little luck have the rest of the items for it.

2 sticks should do the job. Or rest will be lot easier to break with tools you have.


Lock picking or safe cracking must take longer than break down the safe's or equal time. Noise vs. silent has to have some benefits / disadvantages.


Some mods have lock picking in the game, and it annoyingly easy OP to open safes.

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stick of dynamite will help a lot. And it not so hard to craft.


Won't that destroy everything around it? I am not sure if this is the case, but I have found safes and gun safes in land fill/dumps and when I accidently broke the block below it, the entire thing disappeared from the fall of a single square. That is one thing that seriously needs to be fixed. A secured chest can take a significant amount of damaged before unlocking, but a fall of a single square obliterates the chest and it's contents.


Kinda like how in "The Forest" if you are holding a hunk of meat and accidently mouse click you swing it an destroy your entire campfire with a piece of moving meat. (Learned that the hard way)

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Won't that destroy everything around it? I am not sure if this is the case, but I have found safes and gun safes in land fill/dumps and when I accidently broke the block below it, the entire thing disappeared from the fall of a single square. That is one thing that seriously needs to be fixed. A secured chest can take a significant amount of damaged before unlocking, but a fall of a single square obliterates the chest and it's contents.


Kinda like how in "The Forest" if you are holding a hunk of meat and accidently mouse click you swing it an destroy your entire campfire with a piece of moving meat. (Learned that the hard way)


The problem is that the safes use the same type of block ID as regular blocks. I think that might be the right word for it so if it isn't please don't hate me lol. What I mean is the space it uses is used like regular blocks. So if you have a wood frame that drops when it hits it breaks and so on and so on. The safes use the same feature as those blocks. Not sure if they can change that and if they can not sure how much that would change in the program and if they would have to cut something out to make that change and so on.

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Won't that destroy everything around it? I am not sure if this is the case, but I have found safes and gun safes in land fill/dumps and when I accidently broke the block below it, the entire thing disappeared from the fall of a single square. That is one thing that seriously needs to be fixed. A secured chest can take a significant amount of damaged before unlocking, but a fall of a single square obliterates the chest and it's contents.


That's always the possibility, that surroundings gets destroyed when using explosives. So i try to drop the stick of dynamite to hay bale/wood frame. So the safe only catches the damage from its outer blast radius. Preventing it damaging the blocks under the safe.

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Wow, wouldn't that be awesome if one of the quests (from a bandit maybe?) is to hit one of the traders and loot their safe without getting caught and/or killed.


Lol, no. Skyrim was enough. I don't need any more nightmares about failed theft attempts and entire villages of people following me around, pointing at me and screaming like the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

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