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My Thoughts After Playing Alpha 17. Yes I said Alpha 17!


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Headshots while crouching at a sleeper never oneshot killed any of them. They all lived to start coming at me.


That fine line between a bug and a feature. If it's asleep and I headshot it I expect it to die.


Trying to argue the other side of that with RPG players has led me to the belief that if you stick something through the head of something that is sleeping the only roll you need to worry about is a 1, everything else is a killshot.

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What it boils down to is the game is way more thrilling if you can’t one-shot sleepers most of the time. They might not be done tuning in damage. I’m not claiming to be playing the finished intended version. But I hope they once again go for fun over realism because in this case if you feel that realism dictates you should be able to instakill the sleepers then you are voting for boring and easy room to room exploration.


In terms of fun factor for POI exploration I feel that A17 kills A16 and it is due to level designed interiors and sleepers that live to come after you when you’ve sucker punched them first. Instakilling sleepers is a hallmark of A16 and it’s good to have a new normal.

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Well I am only speaking for me in this thread which is how the title got it’s name. Do I really have to type “in my opinion” after each sentence? Obviously you’ve read me enough to know that I don’t expect everyone to play the same way.


I see it as a huge improvement but only for those who share my preferences and were frustrated that it was so easy to just kill everything in a house before they even woke up.


That being said I believe there is a perk for increasing damage dealt from a stealth position so maybe by buying that perk you will be able to instakill all the zombies in a POI before they wake up like in A16.

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Well I am only speaking for me in this thread which is how the title got it’s name. I see it as a huge improvement but only for those who share my preferences and were frustrated that it was so easy to just kill everything in a house before they even woke up.


That being said I believe there is a perk for increasing damage dealt from a stealth position so maybe by buying that perk you will be able to instakill all the zombies in a POI before they wake up like in A16.


So is there going to be a perk I can buy where I can push a key and kill every zombie in every game on every server and if so what level will I have to be.

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My only real concern is trying to get a cooking pot without having to fight to the death with a rock tied to a stick.


You won’t if you don’t wake them up in the first place. I never said you HAD to hit them in the first place. This session was specifically about doing a quest where I had to kill them all.


When you’re not doing a quest sneak in grab pot and sneak out. No fight.

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You won’t if you don’t wake them up in the first place. I never said you HAD to hit them in the first place. This session was specifically about doing a quest where I had to kill them all.


When you’re not doing a quest sneak in grab pot and sneak out. No fight.


That works on the assumption that stealth is working in A17, we have this so far...


Stealth System

+New Stealth related display bar with as of yet unknown functions.....

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there will be always the way to bypass zombie ai. we need more distant zombies like cop


Nope. The new Chess algorithms have proven you can make a near perfect AI if the options and sub options stay in the millions of choices or less. Some algorithms are rated 600 points over the highest rated grand master.

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Nope. The new Chess algorithms have proven you can make a near perfect AI if the options and sub options stay in the millions of choices or less. Some algorithms are rated 600 points over the highest rated grand master.


I've played computer chess and when you raise the difficulty you have to wait FOREVER for the AI to take its turn....

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I've played computer chess and when you raise the difficulty you have to wait FOREVER for the AI to take its turn....


I remember those days. :)

But it's the super computers are what I was talking about.


Relating that to 7D2D. The AI could email TFP a situation when its "stuck" and send the current state of the chuck in question. (Give people an option to participate)

Then TFP would play the "super computer" and decide if the AI needed any tweaking.


BTW: the Adam West batman was my favorite, never taking himself too serious.

Batman to Robin: "You owe your life to dental hygiene."

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I've played computer chess and when you raise the difficulty you have to wait FOREVER for the AI to take its turn....


Think about how long the computer had to wait on your turn. It probably gave you the nickname Slowland and cursed you once every nanosecond.


Seriously, when was the last time you played chess against an up-to-date chess program? Any computer capable of running 7days should be able to win comfortably against any amateur chess player under equal time constraints.


Thanks for the update Roland. Sounds to me, that they're still putting stuff in. Release in 3 weeks? I doubt it..


Why do you say that? Roland didn't mention a single bug or not working feature, he only mentioned he didn't know or test if any of the perks he took would actually do something.

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Why do you say that? Roland didn't mention a single bug or not working feature, he only mentioned he didn't know or test if any of the perks he took would actually do something.


Honestly? I doubt the release will be within three weeks for exactly the same reasons. If it is released within three weeks then the experimental will truly live up to its name.

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My only point about that computer chess comment was to echo what faatal has said himself. More complex AI decisions = more expensive demands and slows things down. Not as much as computer chess did back in the day but enough that they deem it too expensive.

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@Meganoth: there were bugs. I didn’t mention them. Rick said himself in the streamer announcement that at best it would be end of July. They are pushing it. They want it released sooner rather than later.

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Honestly? I doubt the release will be within three weeks for exactly the same reasons. If it is released within three weeks then the experimental will truly live up to its name.


I know it will not be released earlier than (mid?) August. Software development always takes longer as expected and when they give a date x days in the future I'll automatically add 30-50% and that will be the next date they'll announce as proposed release. To which I'll add 30%-50% again, ....


But DaVegaNL seems to have seen signs in Rolands update that points to delays. Is it just his pessimistic nature or does he really have evidence of something Roland said or didn't say which points to it?


EDIT: In Rolands reply to me I have seen the signs now too, well hidden between the lines where he mentioned bugs and "pushing it". :smile-new: Thank you Roland (EDIT EDIT: Really not meant sarcastically)

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Bat-Roland : thank you for the "quests" write up, which was fun to read. I wanted to know what was on the roof, but oh well. Sounds like more stuff to do mid-game. How do you redeem the reward - does it happen automagically or do you have to go back to the trader to get it?

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Bat-Roland : thank you for the "quests" write up, which was fun to read. I wanted to know what was on the roof, but oh well. Sounds like more stuff to do mid-game. How do you redeem the reward - does it happen automagically or do you have to go back to the trader to get it?


Gotta go back to report and claim your reward.

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