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A16 - Medieval Mod (SDX)


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I want to introduce the mod to many players and bring them closer.

From today we will stream the mod and introduce it to our community to make it more popular.

Im looking forward to it.


Greetings Asrac

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Can you please explain a bit on how the Blight works? I've spawned in the necromancers a couple times see they spread the blight that spreads pretty quickly. Some concerns are it takes over large areas of the map and keeps spreading.


1. Will this sooner or later lag a server?

2. How do you actually stop this from spreading?

3. If there is a way to stop it from spreading will it stay stopped or after a period amount of time start spreading again?


I spawned one in the town when I was testing and before I knew it the blight actually covered the ENTIRE Town.... Building crumbling and such so also wondering if this happens near a players base then their base is pretty much doomed then?


Just a few questions I had about it, as fast as it was spreading these are my concerns....

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I will explain how it will work in b15 since it's more relevant, since it's changing slightly.


Blight spreads, and any adjacent block gets damaged over time, so the town WILL crumble.


Purge crystals will not only remove the blight on their aoe, but prevent blight encroachment.


Yellow has a small radius, blue larger, red largest.


The idea is to chase you out of town... Let's face it, it's a lootfest and the entities can be cheesed like Vanilla ones can (nerd poles, roofs, etc). Blight can't be cheesed. =)


So, you get all comfortable in town, building your base, thinking you're hot ♥♥♥♥, then the blight comes and you end up running like a little girl with only the things you can fit in your backpack and saddlebag. Hopefully you have enough stuff, but in likelihood you won't. =)


Now you're out on the Frontier, blight chases you on a more regular basis because the game stage brings the specific entities, you know now that it's foolish to establish a base, and now you have a purpose. Defeat the blight.


Building yourself up strong enough along the way, so that you can travel to the crystal biome and get what you need.


Will it lag? No.


...hope this helps.


In theory you can recognize and target the specific entities that cause the blight, and actually prevent it from spreading far before you can contain it. But that is going to take playing the game differently than you're used too, as promised, and making different decisions.

Edited by Guppycur (see edit history)
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Oh, and shaman blight spreads slower than necro blight. You shouldn't see necros until later gamestages, so that does help.


These streamers are by far the farthest along in the game, and it will give you an idea of what the later game looks like.


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This is something I was trying to get Fun-Pimps to do after 7 Days was done. Not that they would listen to some random guy on the forum but I was trying. I don't know how I missed this mod for so long. I got up today, brought up YouTube and a play-through of it was in my recommended watch list. I kind of connect 7 Days to the Fallout series by Bethesda and was hoping for a Morrowind - Skyrim fantasy type version. From the video I watched, this mod seems to have a ways to go but it is definitely impressive work Guppy.

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Horse for b15 updated with bug fixes and some new stuff! Watch out :D



I left youtube at default size and as you moused over the horse reins my brain translated the words differently.

I was wondering what recipes needed horse ♥♥♥♥♥...



yeah you know what those hearts spell...

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I left youtube at default size and as you moused over the horse reins my brain translated the words differently.

I was wondering what recipes needed horse ♥♥♥♥♥...



yeah you know what those hearts spell...



ofc :D

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I read through this thread, didn't see any one else mention this but I may have missed it. I can't get a game to load, it just sits on "Creating player" forever. I'm using the mod launcher, set to "advanced" to DL a new copy of game, game loads up, used one of your prefabbed player profiles, turned off air drops, loads and hangs on "Creating Player" every single time. Any ideas?

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Where exactly would I find that log? I did a search in my files and found nothing by that name anywhere.


Never mind, found it. https://pastebin.com/WxApnYXS


Cheers and sorry about the problems!


Looks like you are trying to load into Navezgane and this mod only works with Random Gen so restart a new game and let us know if that fixes it for you. :)

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Cheers and sorry about the problems!


Looks like you are trying to load into Navezgane and this mod only works with Random Gen so restart a new game and let us know if that fixes it for you. :)


Just was logging in to say this lol. Thanks for quick response, somehow with loading, reloading, and redoing save multiple times I somehow got switched off RWG and didn't notice. Logged back in, deleted save, redid it and right in. lol Haven't played a Navezgane map in over a year, not used to checking for that lol

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