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Well This Was Frustrating


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Was making a video series and then this happened. I'm inclined to just restart back at Day 1...I generally play as permadeath. But that feels harder to do in A16 with some of the random stuff that can screw you.


Could I have avoided this? Technically, yes, but still feels like I got blind-sided...

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Was making a video series and then this happened. I'm inclined to just restart back at Day 1...I generally play as permadeath. But that feels harder to do in A16 with some of the random stuff that can screw you.


Could I have avoided this? Technically, yes, but still feels like I got blind-sided...


Well for one you didn't 'sneak into' the house! Two you can see exactly when the zed

- right as you start loading the arrow - the 'eye' starts to open but then closes since you're loading the arrow!

Another one is - you don't really need to 'stand up' after you shoot them! You can keep the 'sweet crosshairs' by sneaking until they start getting close - for this one I'd say just before they get half way to you.

So I'm pretty sure it wasn't one of the 'drop on your head spawns' we had a while ago.

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Two you can see exactly when the zed
- right as you start loading the arrow - the 'eye' starts to open but then closes since you're loading the arrow!


Yeah, I thought it was yet another one of the glitches with sleepers. I still didn't hear any noise from the zombie until less than a second being getting hit (nor was I hunted for more than that very very brief instant which then went UN-hunted). Like I said, I technically could have avoided it, just shouldn't have happened like that in my opinion.


Another one is - you don't really need to 'stand up' after you shoot them! You can keep the 'sweet crosshairs' by sneaking until they start getting close - for this one I'd say just before they get half way to you.


I'm aware. But since the businessman didn't die from a sneaked head shot, I was worried that he was a feral and was getting ready for that potential situation.


So I'm pretty sure it wasn't one of the 'drop on your head spawns' we had a while ago.


Never claimed it was. Just think it should have made noise or I should have gotten the hunted icon once the zombie was, y'know, hunting me.

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It is a bummer, and the reason I don't play perma-death. Had several clear the room or floor of a multi-story house, then re-enter the room and bingo multiple zeds are there, or the pack of wolves/dogs that came outta no where. There are just some times no matter how careful you are, the game will get you, doesn't happen very often but is frustrating.

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And btw. Decent Armor would have saved you.


Day 2. Hour 10.


And you was stunned, if you playing permadeath, beer/alcohol buffs is must have when exploring houses


Day 2. Hour 10.


But in this case the zombie simply came from a direction you did not check.


Again, I could have technically avoided it. I know exactly what happened -- he spawned in the bit under the stairs. He still didn't make any noise which I was expecting.

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Understand me right, i completly understand how frustrating such situations can be.

Specially because its not impossible that it was a ninja spawn (we will never know).

And yes they are sometimes really sneaky.


But finally annoying or not. If TFP would nerf this situations it would be harder to die at all. (What is very good balanced right now in my experience)


This moment i play fallout4 and must say that "Death is Death" is simply impossible. Traps and/like mines everywhere.

scripted events that end with playerdeaths

Mini Nukes that come out of nothing

and finally bugs you can only avoid by using console commands


7D2D as Early acess game is on the iron man Topic allready better than the AAA title Fallout 4

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But finally annoying or not. If TFP would nerf this situations it would be harder to die at all. (What is very good balanced right now in my experience)


I only have two complaints:


1, if I was Hunted, it should have stayed Hunted and not gone back to Undetected.


2, the zombie should have made at least some noise.

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Some suggestions/sollutions for People that suffer at such situations (not specially towards the op, sounds like he know how to do better)

(Hope i make no mistakes, didnt played since christmas)


1: Stay away from Dangers you cant stand. Means yes, if your equipment is to weak maybe dont loot houses the first days

2: Beer, Painkillers and Grain Alcohol make you immune against stunlocks

3: Block Doors with frames to get the few seconds you need to escape

4: Armor, armor is a real gamechanger, wear so soon as possible so good as possible armor

5: If you enter a room like in the video, at the moment you see that in the room to the right is no awake Zombie, dont start fight, first look in the room to the left (Specially if you dropped no frame in the door)

6: Why enter houses from the maindoor ? How about entering the houses from roof ? Most houses have wood floors. Destroy the floor and shot through the frame that stays (but be carefull NEVER jump down in a house you opened no way out, sometimes you end up in a 4x4m room with a dog that spawns after you jumped in)

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There was a zombie growl at 9 secs in when you momentarily had your torch in hand as you switched over to your bow- that you ignored or didn't hear in the heat of gameplay. I think the death could've been avoidable by sneaking around a bit first to make sure everything was sleeping in both directions before starting to kill the sleepers. Also instead of turning away after the first stunning hit, trying to shoot him with an arrow may have saved you if it stunned or knocked him back.


When I play dead is dead I immediately move away and look around whenever the eye even momentarily goes to hunted as it did--especially if it was accompanied by me fumbling a bit and revealing a light source. You need to own your mistake that you ignored those signs in your desire to clip that one sleeping zombie. This sort of stuff happens to me too. I think it was a legit death and probably more than just "technically avoidable" :). If it was me I would definitely start over again and take most of the blame on my self.


That being said, it will be nice if they can get sounds consistently working. You are correct that there were no footstep sounds which would have been an undeniable warning sign.

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I play permadeath to... i love it, but as much as i do love challenges, i think zombie stuns are ridiculous so i disable them. It sometimes feels like im playing WoW gettin stunlocked to death by to rogues.


Apologies if I’m misremembering...but didn’t you post in the dev thread in the past two weeks complaining about the lack of difficulty, in your words a “snooze fest”? Um....okay.

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2: Beer, Painkillers and Grain Alcohol make you immune against stunlocks


I was under the impression only beer gave the stun immunity , but i could be

very wrong. Haven't checked to be honest. Only remember it from one of

joel's A16 dev videos.

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Apologies if I’m misremembering...but didn’t you post in the dev thread in the past two weeks complaining about the lack of difficulty, in your words a “snooze fest”? Um....okay.


Reread my post. "As much as i love challenges....."


Good memory by the way


The list of edits i made to make it harder FAR outweigh this tweak lol

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It very much looks like you activated a stealth zombie spawn. The glance to the left was quick, but there was definitely nothing there. No way it shambled in from another room and positioned itself behind your left shoulder before hitting you.


Entering doors like that I'll move quickly through the door, spin, and put my back to the far wall looking back toward the door I just came through before turning and trying to headshot the sitting zombie that was in the room to your right. Sure enough now and then a zombie poofs into existence doing a standing up animation right adjacent to the door from where you were hit. At least from that starting position you can choose to shoot the ninja zombie or scoot straight out the door and fight in the open.


"Doors and corners, kid. That's where they get you." - I think of that Expanse quote every time I run into 7D2D ninja zombies.

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I was under the impression only beer gave the stun immunity , but i could be

very wrong. Haven't checked to be honest. Only remember it from one of

joel's A16 dev videos.


Beer works well, but the grain alcohol lasts a LOT longer. Pain pills work but make you thirsty. Try them all, each has their own advantage (Gazz likes pain pills so he can drink more goldenrod tea).

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Beer works well, but the grain alcohol lasts a LOT longer. Pain pills work but make you thirsty. Try them all, each has their own advantage (Gazz likes pain pills so he can drink more goldenrod tea).


Pain pills and grain alcohol doesn't give stun immunity, do they?

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There was a zombie growl at 9 secs in when you momentarily had your torch in hand as you switched over to your bow- that you ignored or didn't hear in the heat of gameplay.


I've watched it another 10 times and I don't see (or rather hear) what you're referring to. The only sounds I'm referring at the 9 second mark are the bow being drawn and then the zombie making a growl upon being shot -- both were coming from in front of me. Then I hear the swinging sound from my left and a split second later I get hit.


I think the death could've been avoidable by sneaking around a bit first to make sure everything was sleeping in both directions before starting to kill the sleepers. Also instead of turning away after the first stunning hit, trying to shoot him with an arrow may have saved you if it stunned or knocked him back.


You need to own your mistake that you ignored those signs in your desire to clip that one sleeping zombie.


There are so many sleeper bugs that I assumed it was a glitch. After all, I WASN'T "Sensed." If I had alerted a zombie who was investigating, then presumably I should have been "Sensed" rather than "Undetected." They can sense me though walls at night in me fort (if a wandering horde is running past).


And then yeah, no footsteps either. I was expecting footsteps OR a growl OR at least "Sensed."


Can I avoid it in the future? Yeah, technically, just have to assume the game won't give me the warnings it should and take the appropriate precautions.


It very much looks like you activated a stealth zombie spawn. The glance to the left was quick, but there was definitely nothing there. No way it shambled in from another room and positioned itself behind your left shoulder before hitting you.


Pretty sure it was spawned around the corner in the alcove under the stairs.

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You glance left briefly

You switch to your bow landing momentarily on your torch

The eye starts to open due to your lightsource (this should have told you something could see you with the torch)

You draw back on the bow

The zombie from under the stairs growls (You hear it while the green bar is filling up and you are drawing the bow).


I agree that there was an element of inaccurate information as the stealth eye did go back to undetected and there were no movement noises by the zombie that killed you and the growl was not loud as from something close by. I still say that if you are playing dead is dead and you see that eye move at all it is always best to do a quick look around especially if you accidentally pulled out a light source. What killed you was your desire to kill that sleeper right then and there. As I said, I sometimes fall into the same trap. I ignore safety because I really want to complete whatever objective I set for myself in that moment. :)

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You glance left briefly

You switch to your bow landing momentarily on your torch

The eye starts to open due to your lightsource (this should have told you something could see you with the torch)

You draw back on the bow

The zombie from under the stairs growls (You hear it while the green bar is filling up and you are drawing the bow).


I agree that there was an element of inaccurate information as the stealth eye did go back to undetected and there were no movement noises by the zombie that killed you and the growl was not loud as from something close by. I still say that if you are playing dead is dead and you see that eye move at all it is always best to do a quick look around especially if you accidentally pulled out a light source. What killed you was your desire to kill that sleeper right then and there. As I said, I sometimes fall into the same trap. I ignore safety because I really want to complete whatever objective I set for myself in that moment. :)


Situational awareness is a big part of almost every game.

Dogs on the other hand seem to have a "Don't make Noise card" before you approach and attack.

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